Gensokyo 20XXIV: At Winter's Mercy and the World Without Sunshine

Part II

Sometimes, I found the days living in our newly rebuilt house to be depressing. I suppose that is normal, as winter is rather depressing, especially since there really is no sunshine. I want sunshine but it's winter and will be for an eternity. As once a princess on the moon, I found myself rather fond of the sunshine. Without it, it is rather boring at the least and depressing at the most. Oh well, I suppose things could be worse, like that one time with the broom and the 7-Eleven (No one told me that was going to happen), that one time we were imprisoned, that one time I told a lie, that one time I drank something and thought something apple juice, that one time I swallowed a thumbtack, that one time with bedwetting, that one time I read Garfield: His 9 Lives, that one time at the Sumo arena, that one time with bird, a couple of golf balls, and some tape, that one time with trycicle, that one time Yukari bit me, that one time with the beer, the one time with the gelding knife, some of this stuff called Axe, a toothpaste, some cola, and Mentos, that one time with the romper stompers, that one time when the bottom level of the apartment building almost flooded, and the time where the nukes were dropped, also the time where Keine died, which is just as depressing as this time.

That time, to Huzi, Keine was her sunshine and she was in a way my sunshine, too. Also, Keine liked the spring time, we all did, but spring is gone and things are as depressing as ever. Nothing seemed to pull me out of it. Huzi tried to but I just stared out of the window. As I spent awhile in melencholy, I was greeted by Reimu sitting in front of me. She wasn't doing much of anything, besides sitting there, looking at me with large red eyes. She blinked and sang a single note, "Laaa!" I blinked in surprise. She sang it again, only longer, "Laaaaaaaaaaa!" For some reason, I decided to sing it back, "Laaa!" For about an hour or thirty minutes, we sang a duet of the same note. After singing, I found myself to be cheered up. Maybe this winter isn't so bad after all! Apparently, Reimu was happy when she saw me smile and clapped her hands. I clapped hands, too, declaring Reimu even more so to be my very best friend.

She gave me hope and made me smile again.
"Ran, I can see light shining through my bandages!"
I have been blind for a long time but, one day, I opened my eyes and noticed light shining through my bandages. I have been living in a world of darkness, relying on nothing but sounds, smells, and feels, but, now it seems, I can see. The light seemed so beautiful and, without fear and after telling Ran, I took off my bandages, seeing all the new sights. Our new house was beautiful and I found myself taking in the new sights. For once, I could observe the world from a new view and once again I was in the light. When Ran took it in I could see, she attempted to cover her face but I pulled her hands away and said, "You're pretty. I'm just happy to see you." When I spotted her beloved, I turned to him and said, "Hello there, and I am happy to see you, too." I was happy to see everyone, the house, the snow, and even the poop and pee in the distance. At least, I won't squat directly in it anymore.
"Has anybody seen Reimu?"
It seems one of the kids are missin'? That's weird, really it is. There's Reimu, Ren, Mary, Chen, and the little pupster but one of them is missing. Oh yeah, Reimu's missin'! I looked everywhere but I cannot find her. Usually, she is upstairs but she isn't now and she ain't nowhere downstairs, either. Hmm, where did she go? As I was looking for her, I noticed the door was left open. Uh-oh, that ain't good! I peeked out and noticed tracks. Someone didn't do what Yukari said about closin' the doors and I think Yukari might've picked up on it, as that kitchen knife is gone and so is she and I think Reimu might've crawled into kitsune turf. Them other kitsune won't pass up the chance for a free meal, children or bunny included, then again that is pretty much why she said close the doors. No matter how crazy Yukari is, she is pretty much right on those things. I could hear her voice, "Remember to close the doors or else the other kitsune will get in or the children will get out."

As I thought about what Yukari said, I decided to go out and find 'em but that wasn't without telling Rannie. We followed their footprints and went looking for them. We looked for a long time but we didn't seem to find them. As we were looking, a blizzard hit and Ran and I were seperated from each other. I went back to look for her and called her name. As I was looking for her, I heard a yelping sound. I could barely hear it and the next thing I do hear is even louder than howling winds of a winter ice storm. It was Yukari's voice and she sounded pissed. I could hear the other kitsunes yelping, save one who was growling. Five minuts later, boom, he was yelping, Yukari screamin', "Let this be a lesson to the rest of you!" Dumbasses!

As for Rannie, poor Rannie. She never did get over it, actually, she seemed to be very upset and had gone into depression and attempted to commit suicide by slashing her wrists in the snow. That didn't work as the blood clotted and she didn't do it right but that didn't stop her from trying it,.....twice. Actually, she did that more than twice. Seeing her attempt suicide made me want to kill them kitsunes for that. No one as nice as she is should be turned into a suicidal wreck. She attempted suicide for over a week before ultimately giving up before trying again and again and then stoppin'. A curse upon them other kitsunes.
"I miss Ran."
According to Yuuka, Ran is sick. Ran is sick, however, it is not really her that is sick, it's her mind is. It's the pretty much the same thing that happened to Yukari, only, I don't know why or what happened. No one will tell me and Reimu, Mary, and Ren don't know. She's attempted suicide right in front of me and I don't know what to do. She doesn't even seem to hear my voice and she feels so lifeless and cold. It's almost like I'm not even there and she seems to see right through me. Why won't you talk to me, Mommy? I would scream her name but I wouldn't be acknowledged. Her beloved tried to comfort her to no result. I was fed up with this and would break down in tears right in front of her. Still, she seemed so apathetic. Why are you not taking care of us, Mommy?

I missed her and, as far as I knew, she wasn't going to come back to us and that she was gone. Maybe I shall do what she does and maybe that will get her attention. Why don't you love me anymore, Mommy? When Yukari was asleep, I managed to snag the only kitchen knife from under her matress. Slowly, I walked outside and did exactly what Ran did. I fainted and awoke in Yukari's bed, with Yukar standing over me. She was waving her finger in front of my face, like she would do if she was displeased with something I did. She kissed me on the forehead and went to wash off the knife. I also found my wrists to be bandaged. Sadly, I didn't get Ran's attention. I figured maybe that would wake up, bring her back to us, but it was all in vain. She didn't come back to us. I sure hope Yukari isn't mad at me. She doesn't seem to be but I cannot help but to feel she is.

As I was thinking, I closed my eyes only to open then when I discovered my hand being held. I turned and found Suika standing there, holding my hand along with Reimu. Reimu didn't seem to understand what just happened but Suika did and looked like her heart was a fine china plate that was dropped. With a trembling lip, she said, "Yukari ain't mad at ya'." I asked how, to which she answered, "She's confused and, as crazy as she is, she is as upset as you are. She's tryin' to understand what's goin' on and she'd never be mad at ya' for doin' what you did. I mean, look at it, Ran did the same thing you are doin' and she isn't mad but she was sad about it. She'd never be mad at you and probably would've did the same thing." I asked her if Ran will get better, to which she answered, " I can't answer that question, Kitten, no one can." I sighed and noticed Reimu pawing at my bandaged wrist, tears rolling down my cheeks.

What is happening to us?
"Alright, dear, how's Ducksie?"

"Apathetic and bedridden, same as usual, Miss Yuuka."
Ducksie, the poor dear, doesn't seem to be getting well. Then again, she may not, knowing her experience. Like Yukari, Ran has gone through something rather unpleasant and we'll be dealing with aftermath of it all but the only difference between the two is that Yukari has more or less bounced back but Ran, it seems, is terrifically destroyed. I fear for her, yes, as it is only but a matter of time before something disastrous happens. Naturally, we discussed it and came up with rather discomforting theories. Being that she isn't well and is far away from recovery, we worried that she may attempt suicide but, in attempting suicide, she may attempt to take one of the children with her but that left question as to who? We didn't know and, naturally, we didn't like to think of it.

Soon, after discussing it, we found our fears were soon to be realised. When it was close to bedtime, one night, Chen made note that Reimu was missing and Ran's beloved ("Winston" as I've called him) discovered Ducksie missing. It hadn't taken us long to put two and two together and decide on a proper course of action: Find Reimu and Ducksie. It was a dreadful set up, yes. Reimu cannot even sense danger and Ran has gone mad. Sweet little Reimu wouldn't have known someone she trusted trying to kill her, let alone said person being ill.

We went out to find her, leaving the rabbits alone with the children. We searched and searched but we didn't find either of them. We continued searching through the freezing cold, until Kaguya dear hit on a trail of footprints. We followed them and found Ran preparing to cut her wrist again but little Reimu wasn't with her. She was crying hysterically, saying, "I'll be with Reimu soon." Our hearts had broken and we had wished with absolute sincerity that we could get her some kind of help. Yukari had managed to arouse to reality, where she had briefly stated Reimu passed away and that she had liked to die, too. We knew, deep down, Reimu hadn't died but was alive, somewhere, and she needed to be found. Winston wrapped his arms around her, his beloved indigo flower, and cradled her as she screamed. We went out searching for Reimu, calling her name, but we've never found her. In being distraught, we opted to continue searching but still didn't find her and, sadly, we had to call off our search and search again the next day.

For that time being, we decided to tend to Ducksie. She was comepletely out of her mind and both Winston and Yukari dear tried their hardest to get her back to reality again. She was terrifically traumatized by what had happened to her some time ago and, now, she's convinced she's killed Reimu and wants nothing more than killed herself as well, so she can be with Reimu. We knew Reimu hasn't died but it was utmostly impossible to tell her otherwise.

"I found somethin'!"
We continued searching for Reimu, the next day until Suika spotted a clue. A red blanket. The only patch of color in a world of white. The same one Reimu was wrapped in on the night Ran attempted a murder suicide. It was the same red blanket Yukari normally wraps Reimu in before bed. Reimu couldn't have been far. I lightly dug through the snow and didn't turn up bones or hair, something that would point to signs of the worst. Reimu wasn't dead, she was still alive, just as we knew but we still had to find her. She couldn't have been very far and likely wouldn't made it on her own. Suika picked up the blanket and sniffed it, saying, "Go that way." She meant go southwest, which would mean that Reimu's location would be somewhere around there. Who knew Suika had a good sense of smell? Naturally, we followed that direction, coming across a shelter in the distance with a kitsune.

We observed this kitsune for awhile and noticed she was female and had three babies with her. Upon further observation, we noticed she had four babies as Reimu was with her. Reimu seemed to be unharmed and seemed not to have mind her situation. After observing her, she seems to have noticed us and started our way. She didn't seem to happy to see us but sensed what we were there for. We tried talking to her but she remained adament, saying, "If you truly loved her, then you will not have abandoned her." and she held Reimu tighter, who was saying only, "Nuh?" We explained the situation to her but that made her more unwilling to give Reimu back to us and this led to arguments and it seemed those two were going to start sending fists.

As the argument grew more heated, Yuuka, being fed up, got up and stepped between the two, saying, "Stop it the both of you, stop it! Listen, neither place will be its safest and what has happened with Ducksie has happened and it could very happen to any of of us, including yourself and would happen if the situation were to be reverse. Either way, neither home is safest, as this one is exposed and the home we have has our dear Ducksie gone mad." Seeing no other way around it, she said, "Alright, let Reimu pick." She placed Reimu between us and herself. Reimu glanced this way and that before saying, "I want both." It was agreed that Reimu would live with us but that kitsune and her babies were to visit. Before we left, Reimu kissed them each.

When we got home, the first thing she wished to see was Ran. Ran, it seems, didn't really want to interact with her but stopped screaming when she realized Reimu hadn't died. Naturally, Reimu seemed not to be deterred and was utterly oblivious as to why Ran wanted to avoid her. From Suika's observation, Ran was doing a final act of love and was avoiding her or interacting with her with hesitance to keep from attempting to kill her. After awhile, she finally allowed herself to get close to Reimu, allowing her crawl into her arms for an embrace. She cried, saying, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" Reimu it seems to have forgave her.

"Isn't it heartbreaking, Chen, isn't it?"