Don't You Ever Forget About Me

Chapter 6


"Kellin!" Vic called. I ran through the crowd of people; pushing some out of the way and tripping over some others. The bar was just across the street, but I wanted drag this out for as long as I possibly could. "Kellin, c'mon! Get back here!"

"Maybe later." I yelled, smiling. This was too fun to stop now. He kept chasing me down the street and back, stopping at one point to catch his breath. I ran to the bar and waited by the door for Vic. A minute or two later, he showed up at the door, looking around for me. I went up to him from his left and kissed his cheek. "That was fun." I said. He was out of breath.

"Don't you... that aga... again." He said between heavy breaths.

"O...kay." I mocked him and smiled. "Love you."

"Yeah, yeah." He said, grabbing me and pulling me into a hug.


Kellin had a few drinks.

"We're going home now. Come on." I grabbed his arm and tried to pull him from the seat.

"Nnnnnono!" He started squirming around like a baby until I let go of him.

"Kellin, it's 12:30. We're going home."

"Hmm. Kiss me first." He bit his lip. God, that was hot.

"N-no. We're going home." I grabbed his arm again and pulled him away from the table. He kept his balance pretty well for a drunk person.

"Kiss me." He said again. It was becoming more and more of a demand.

"Maybe when we get back into the room." We were just about to cross the street, when suddenly a car came, speeding around the corner. It left skid marks everywhere it went. I got across the street safely, but I turned around and realized that Kellin wasn't with me anymore.

He was in the middle of the road. The car was coming closer and closer every second. Kellin was frozen in fear. His eyes were wide and his mouth was open. I can't let him get hit. I ran back over to him, just when the car was a few feet away and pulled him out of the way. The car kept going, despite almost killing someone. Kellin still looked scared. "Kellin? Kellin, c'mon. Talk! Say something. Kellin, are you okay? Kels!" I kept trying to get him to talk, but it didn't work. I lifted him up and put my arm around his waist so he didn't fall. We slowly went to the room and I laid him down on the bed. "Kellin, come onn, talkk. Please." He started shaking. I bent down and kissed him, thinking that'd take him out of this trance.

"It was.. coming right... for me.." He said slowly and quietly. "The car... was coming right for me.."

"Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" I said, completely ignoring what he said. He shook his head.

"I could have.. died.." He looked up at me now.

"I know. I'm so sorry. I love you." I sat down on the bed next to him and hugged him, holding him and kissing him for as long as I could.

"I love you, too. More than anything. More than life." He buried his face in my shoulder and cried.