Status: So, you guys really like this story apparently, so I decided to pick it up again.

Being Human Again

Not Afraid

It had been about two weeks of Mike continuously going back to that restaurant. Tony wasn't always there, but when he was he usually noticed Mike right away. Sometimes they didn't speak at all when they saw each other, but they'd always acknowledge each other. Mike had definitely started making some progress with the other. There were times when Tony would speak to Mike when he saw him as opposed to the awkward eye contact he'd get whenever they met glances.

It was the first day of the third week when Tony finally called Mike out on his motives behind coming there everyday. He knew it was bound to happen eventually, he would have called it out some time ago beforehand though.

"Alright, what's your deal?" Tony asked, approaching Mike outside of the building. "I see you coming in here all the time. I've worked here for two years, I know the food is not that great, so what is it?" Mike merely shrugged his shoulders in response.

"I think the food is pretty alright, then again I guess I'm not all that picky when it comes to food." He decided it was best to play it cool rather than just admit was he was doing. From what he could remember, people didn't really dig that kind of thing.

"Cut the shit, dude. I've been asking around and I know you come here everyday, and I always see you watching me when you're around. Just tell what it is you want." Tony looked less than satisfied with Mike's coy behavior.

"Maybe I just think you're interesting." It was the truth to some degree, the other did interest him. It just wouldn't be for the reasons that some would believe. "Maybe I come around because I was hoping I'd get the chance to get to know you better, you seem shy and I wasn't trying to push it that's all. I figured if I was around more then you'd warm up to me."

There was a moment of silence that lapsed between the two, Tony just seemed to be eyeing Mike with an unreadable look in his eye. It was almost nerve wracking for Mike, this was one thing he didn't miss during his time as a ghost. He was pretty sure Tony was about to tell him to fuck off, and that he didn't want him coming around anymore.

"No one's ever really put in an effort like that for me before." Tony finally spoke up once more, his eyes shifting away from Mike and onto the sidewalk. "It's really- cool that you would do something like that. I did't mean to freak on you like that, I just wasn't expecting this to be why you were hanging around."

Mike offered the other a warm smile, even if he wasn't looking at him in that moment. "I can't really blame you, I'd think I was some kind of creep if I were you too. Especially after that first day we met. I'm glad you didn't write me off then."

This managed to get a laugh out of Tony, his attention leaving the ground to meet Mike's gaze. He had this look about him that just always made him seem so innocent and confused, like talking to someone wasn't something he did often. Mike was getting the impression that he didn't.

"So, now that I got all that out in the open and made myself look like a huge idiot," Mike started, a playful smirk crossing his lips as he did. "maybe you'd want to get together sometime and do something?"

Tony seemed to tense, like Mike had just asked him something outrageous. All he wanted was to do was hang out with the other and get to know him better. It'd been so long since he'd had a real friend, and it wasn't like he could go back to all the ones he had before. Technically, he wasn't supposed to be alive. He was dead, just showing up out of the blue would be a real source of confusion for everyone and pretty damn hard for him to explain.

"Y-yeah, that sounds like it'd be great." Tony agreed with a slight nod of his head. "I'm free on Saturday if that's cool with you." He suggested.

"Yeah, Saturday will be fine." It's not like he had much else going on, Tony was basically the only person he had more than a few sentences of interaction with. He'd probably have to change that soon if he really wanted to get his life back, but for now he was content with the idea of just having the male in his life for now.

"Great, here's my address." Tony murmured, reaching into his smock and pulling out his pad for taking orders. He quickly scribbled something on it before ripping it out and handing it to Mike. "Come meet me here and we'll go out." He explained, looking at a watch on his wrist. "I really have to get back inside. I'll see you Saturday?"

"Yeah, I'll definitely see you then." Mike agreed, pocketing the address with a wide smile on his face. He could feel his chest swelling with excitement and a slight bit of pride. He'd really managed to pull it off without scaring the other male off.

After leaving the restaurant, Mike figured it was about time that he started getting a life together for himself. He was still staying in that old abandoned house, which wouldn't cut it anymore, he needed something normal. To achieve this, he'd have to get a job.

"Ah fuck." Mike murmured, remembering how much he had hated working the first time around. He didn't want that to happen again, he promised himself that he was going to live a better and more fulfilling life. He was given a second chance and really didn't want to screw it up again.

He spent the afternoon going through town, looking for an interesting place that might hire him. There was a skate shop that had really manged to capture his attention, but he was put off by it when the manager refused to stop flirting with him even after he had shut her down several times. He had just about given up hope when he stumbled across an old school record shop. That's when he decided it was the job for him.

After going in and talking to the manger about filling a position, he walked out a with a new job, and the start to his new life as a human again.