Crime Lords

Chapter 3

The sea breeze hit me as soon as I stepped out my white Honda Civic. It felt nice on my skin, refreshing even.

Click. Click. Click. Click.

My strap heels moved across the pavement. I had to suppress an eye roll as cars passed with boys giving wolf whistles. Annoying. Putting my hands down my waist smoothing out the grey fabric. It was some what form fitting and the only skin showing was through the broad straps that criss cross at the back. Looking down at my phone I was running a little late, obviously from the change of clothes. As quickly as I could in heels I rushed to my favorite Italian restaurant, The Stinking Rose. Contrary to the name its a pretty nice place.

Almost immediately after I go through the double door I see Chelse waving her hand around frantically bleached blond hair bouncing as she did. Sighing slightly I watched as the two brunettes, also at the table, practically yanked her down for her to stop.

"Hey" I say putting the phone in my small black purse, giving a smile.

"Hello, slow poke" Chelse said sing song, beaming.

"We ordered for you" Nichole said across from me.

"Your pretty late" Anna, the other brunette, chided tapping her nails on the table. She wanted an explanation.

"I just needed to change clothes" I replied giving her the most innocent smile I could. It was normal for me to be late, for stupid things like hat, so she bought it and the small tapping from her nails soon stopped.

"What exactly have you been up to since our graduation we only see you what? Once a week maybe? Normally not even that" Nichole smiled, it didn't meet her eyes.

"Nothing" I reply. It was completely normal for them to start grilling me on the spot. They have no filter, I think, when it concerns my personal life. My palms stopped getting sweaty and my heartbeat remains normal, I haven't felt my pulse raise from lying to them for a long time now. I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing that it's gotten easy, too easy, to hide the truths from my friends.

"Nothing makes you bored" Anna said raising an eyebrow "Makes you want to hang out".

I shrugged slightly "I've been tied up".

"Tied up with what" they pressed on.

Chelse wrapped a defensive arm around my own. "You shouldn't question her so much! We haven't seen her in forever! We don't need to scare her off!"

I'm not that easy to scare off.

Chelse's arm tightened from the corner of my eye I saw a sly smile spread across her face "It's a boy isn't it. Keeping you busy?"

That wasn't a question I was expecting blood rushed to my cheeks, my thoughts went to Jason. "I- It's nothing like that at all" I stammered out as the waitress set our food on the table.

"Liar" Nichole smile was devilish. "Who is he?"

"No one" I say focusing on my food. Chicken Alfredo. I start digging my fork in. "Just some guy" I mumble putting the fork in my mouth.

"Is he cute?" Anna asked while Chelse squealed. Why the hell was it easier to shoot a guy than talking to these girls.

"Yeah" I sigh. I needed the subject to change. "So then what about you guys what have you been up to?" They started chattering, my personal life off their mind for a moment.

An hour after just small talk and me being able to avoid any more personal questions. I felt my phone vibrate, slowly I slipped it under the table. A text message, business.

At the WH ASAP.

I sighed. It was almost eight. "Anyway I've got to go. I'll call you guys when I can hang out" I say getting up.

"What? why?" Chelse practically whined.

"Boyfriend" I say hoping that would suffice. As I walked towards the door I heard high pitched squeal behind me.

I dial on the work phone it picked up immediately "I'm on my way" I say quickly before hanging up.