‹ Prequel: I Can Save You

Glass Hearts.

Chapter Seventeen.


​Vic and I had spent most of the night just cuddling and talking. As cheesy as it sounds, tonight was perfect and I am never letting him go ever again.

​It was getting late and both of us were pretty tired, Vic couldn't go back to his and sleep because of the party so I told him it would be fine if he crashed here for tonight. I'm sure my band mates really wouldn't mind, especially since they would probably be passed out in the Pierce bus somewhere, anyway.

​Vic had mumbled something about needing to get clean clothes and his toothbrush. I just nodded as he kissed my cheek affectionately and watched him leave.

​Now that I was alone, I couldn't help but think about what was going to happen between Vic and I. Are we dating again? Does he really love me, I mean he's just split up with Tony. That was another thing, how would Tony and the rest of his band react to us dating again? Why do relationships have to be so complicated?

​I shifted my gaze to the old clock that sat high up on the wall of thr lounge area and thats when I realised i had been sitting there longer than I'd thought. About an hour and a half had past since Vic had left.

​I tried phoning him but of course his phone went straight to his voicemail. Typical Vic.
​So instead I phoned Mike, I was thankful that he was at least sober enough to answer his phone.

​"Hey Kells?"
​"Hi, uh, is Vic still there?"
​"What? Nah dude, he left like an hour ago. Is he not with you?"
​"Nope, hes not.. I'm getting a little worried Mikey."
​"Leave it to me dude, I'll get the guys and we'll go find him. Don't worry about it okay? See y-"

​I never got the chance to say bye because Mike had hung up before he even finished speaking. Although hebhad assured me that he would go and find him, I couldn't just sit in here and do nothing. So i pulled on my shoes, found my keys and a random hoodie and left the bus.

​As I walked about in search for Vic, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was really wrong.


​The temperature had changed dramatically since I first left my bus to go and see Kellin. I was now on my way back to my own bus to get some clean clothes and stuff for staying on the Sleeping with Sirens bus, I really hoped the guys wouldn't mind. Even if they did I would make it up to them somehow.
​I could of just borrowed some things off of Kellin to wear for tonight but I needed some fresh air anyway.

​It wasn't hard to finding our bus, i think the whole place could spot it. The music and drunken bodies were just a small giveaway.

​I stepped inside the door and made my way to mine and Tony's bunk, carefully climbing over the sea of drunk, passed out bodies that littered the floor. Man, Mikey sure knows how to ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​party hard!

​I packed a few things for my night in with Kellin and went to go find Mike, just to tell him I wouldn't be back tonight. (I might be the older brother, but he worries about me. A lot.)​​​​

​I passed Jaime who was failing to chat up some girl I'd never seen and probably never will see again, I laughed and continued walking to the front of the bus were all the drink is stored. Where there is alcohol, there will be a Mikey!

​I found him standing over someone kissing them. I felt extremely happy for him, hopefully he will hold onto this one. As I got closer i realised it wasn't a girl he was kissing or even some drunken stranger. No, my little brother was making out with my recent ex.

​I tapped him on the shoulder and in all my life I have never seen him look so scared, Mikey has never been scared of me. Even as kids I was probably more scared of him. But I could see genuine fear in his eyes. I looked from Mike to Tony for a couple of seconds before I smiled a huge smile. I could visibly see Mike relax and i even heard Tony exhale a breath I wasn't even sure he knew he was holding in.

​"Hey, look after him will you, he's special." I said to Tony with a warm smile. Tony just nodded whilst his face changed from its normal colour to a bright pink shade.

​Mike pulled me into a hug and whispered a 'thank you' into my ear, I wasn't sure why he was thanking me but i nodded in response anyway.
​"Oh, eh I won't be back tonight. Have fun you two." I said as I winked and walked out of the bus into the cool, crisp night air.

​There weren't a lot of people around anymore or should I sag concious people.

​I flung my bag around my shoulderand began the five minute walk back to Kellin. It was peaceful and quiet, i just couldn't keep the massive smile from spreading onto my face.

​For the first time in a long time I was going to spend the night with the boy I'm crazy in love with. Nothing could ruin this.

​But just as quickly as I thought that perfect thought, I felt arms grab my waste and face. Hands covering my mouth so I couldn't scream out for help ( not that it would matter much, everyone was blind drunk!) I was scared, I didn't know who this was or what was going to happen to me.

​I tired kicking and punching my way free but that only resulted in my arms getting tied behind my back and a blindfold getting placed over my face so I couldn't see where i was being taken.

​I didn't stop trying to wriggle my way free, although my feeble attempts to escape were just no good.

​After tripping over some things that lay on the ground, I heard the sound of a metal door or shutter open and close behind me. Then i was getting dragged to who knows where.

​I was tied to what felt like a chair but my blindfold never got lifted, so I couldn't be sure.
​I sat there in silence waiting for my fate, waiting for the worst. I didn't know if I would ever see Kellins bright blue sparkling eyes, or hear Mikeys goofy laugh. I didn't know if I would ever hear Jaime moan about how someone at his last cereal bar or hear Tony tell a ridiculiously unfunny joke.

​I felt two hands curling around my shoulder bladrs in an attempt to hurt me but not once did I let any sound escape my lips. I was going to make sure that whoever this was, wasn't getting any satisfaction in knowing I was in pain.

​Time escapes you when you're tied to a chair, blindfolded, beaten black and blue for no apparent reason and left for dead.

​My attacker was still here with me though, over the sound of my heart thudding in my chest I could hear him breathing​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​.

​If I was going to die here tonight, I at least want some answers. I took in a sharp, painful breath and began shouting.

​"Who the fuck are you?" I screamed.

​Silence filled the room.

​"What do you want and don't ignore me, I know you're still here you bastard!"

​Again, there was nothing but silence.

​"and why are you doing this to me?" My voicr cracked and I knew it wouldn't be long until I was full on sobbing.

​I heard footsteps coming towards me and I braced myself for another beating. But my blindfold was being lifted off, there was a light pointing straight at my face so no matter how hard I tried to squint my eyes I couldn't see a thing.

​"You wanna' know why?" The stranger began, "because Kellin should have picked me."

​I felt something cold and hard hit my head and just like that, I was out cold.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so Mike and Tony are a thing now. Yeah that's probably a little weird but deal with it.