‹ Prequel: I Can Save You

Glass Hearts.

Chapter Six.


I woke up around 11am. I'm getting tired of these early mornings. I forgot where I was for a moment and rolled over on the bed apparently I rolled a little too far and within seconds my body hit the cold hard floor of the tour bus.
"Ouch." I mumbled sleepily.
I stumbled into the small sitting area where Mike and Jaime were already sitting, I'm actually surprised that they are awake at this time.
"Morning guys." I said cheerily.
"Uh, morning.. Tone." Mike replied.
Jaime just nodded. Well that was weird. "Where's Vic?" I asked curiously.
"Yeah you'd love to know." Mike shot back.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, oh fuck. Do they know?
"All you done last night was say 'Vic' in your sleep, is there something you aren't telling us?" Jaime asked.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
"Uh, actually there is.. I began, "I've been seeing this girl called Victoria for a little bit, she gets called Vic or Vicky for short. I didn't want to say anything until I knew that we were serious.." I finished, and flashed a small smile.
"OH THANK FUCK FOR THAT, DUDE WE TOTALLY THOUGHT YOU WERE CRUSHING ON VIC!" Jaime screamed and pulled me into a hug. Him and Mikey seemed to believe my story, I don't know why I didn't tell them the truth, I shouldn't of lied to my best friends.
"We're going out to get breakfast, wanna' join?" Mike asked.
"Nah, I'm not hungry" I said truthfully.
"Okaydoke. See ya dude." Jaime said, waving goodbye and with that him and Mike where out the door, leaving me alone with nothing but guilt and my thoughts.


I was awake all night, I'm not exactly sure why I couldn't get to sleep and I knew I would be shattered later on today and we have a big show on tonight. Ugh, I sighed and got out my bunk, Vic was fast asleep so I tried being quiet as I tiptoed out into the small corridor that separates our 'room' from Jaime and Tony's. As I walking past I heard someone talking inside the room, I thought the other guys were awake so I stuck my head round the door and that's when I seen Jaime trying to not laugh, and I heard Tony sleep talk about "Vic". I've got to admit, I was a little bit annoyed, if Tony was dreaming about Vic that must mean he has feelings for him, and if he has feelings for Vic, he's probably gay. Why wouldn't he tell us if he was? We're all supposed to be best friends. I looked back at Jaime who was now climbing off his bed and coming towards where I was standing.
"You okay Mikey."? He asked, genuinely concerned
"Nah not really."
"Wanna talk about it?" I just nodded, "alright, lets go have a chat in the lounge. You sit and I'll get us a few beers." Jaime said, patting my shoulder.


I explained to Jaime that I thought Tony might be gay, and the reason I was getting angry was because he hadn't told us. Of course we wouldn't mind if he was, my big brothers gay for crying out loud!
Jaime sat up all night with me, there are going to be two very tired band members tonight.


Vic got up around 8am, he was wanting to phone Kellin before he left for work and I think Vic was going to go visit Lexi's grave again today. He left pretty quickly, asking if we were okay before he left. I didn't want to tell Vic about our Tony suspicions. I didn't want to say anything just yet, until I knew for sure.
After Vic had left, me and Jaime sat watching some daytime T.V whilst demolishing a whole 12 pack of energy juice between us.
Tony woke up a little while later, he looked happy for a change, morning's aren't usually his thing.
"Where's Vic?" Tony asked.
And for the life of me, I couldn't keep the annoyed tone from escaping my lips "yeah, you'd love to know." I felt bad for being so dry with him.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Tony asked, looking a little embarrassed.
"All you done last night was say 'Vic' in your sleep, is there something you aren't telling us?" Jaime spoke this time.
Tony's expression changed and I thought for sure he was going to tell us that he's gay. He looked terrified. He sucked in a breath and he began to speak " uh, actually there is." He breathed in heavily and started talking again "I've been seeing this girl called Victoria for a little bit, she gets called Vic or Vicky for short. I didn't want to say anything until I knew that we were serious." He said with a small smile.
Wow, I can't say I was expecting that. I felt a little better knowing he wasn't hiding anything serious from us, I understood about keeping his relationship quiet, we've all done it. We asked Tony if he wanted to come get breakfast with us, but as usual he wasn't hungry. So me and Jaime got our stuff and headed out the door.


I had only been away from Kellin for a day and I was already feeling really lonely. I know I had the guys to spend time with but it just isn't the same. I had gotten up early to phone Kells and then I spent most of the morning at Lexi's grave.
It was now nearing one o'clock and I had to get back to the bus to get some things ready for tonight's show.
I walked through the door expecting to be greeted by the guys, but by the looks of things no-one was here.
I walked past the empty rooms until I heard the sound of sobbing and half hearted attempts to throw up. I quickly ran into the toilet and seen Tony lying in a pool of blood, doubled over the toilet bowl trying to make himself sick.
"Tony, what's happened?" I asked, trying to stay calm.
"I-I can't do this anymore Vic." He sobbed, he didn't look very stable. I carefully picked up him up off the floor and took him into the lounge, I locked the bus door so the guys wouldn't walk in and I went and got the first aid kit from the front of the bus.
I sat and cleaned up all the fresh cuts that littered Tony's perfect skin and I carefully bandaged them up.
I had a feeling he had a lot to talk about and I would be here to listen.


I sat on the cold floor of the bus bathroom, I can't believe I just lied to two of my best friend's. I knew they would probably never trust me again if I decided to tell them now and I couldn't handle that. What if Mike or Jaime tells Vic about me having a 'girlfriend' or that I was saying "Vic" in my sleep. Oh god, what if he finds out, that would destroy our friendship. I didn't even realise I was holding the blade in my hand until it was too late. I had cut through my skin. It felt good though, the stress of everything that had built up was slowly slipping away and it felt good and soon enough there a few more cuts, I felt dizzy and hot and I could feel the tears escaping from my eyes. I felt like I needed to be sick, but nothing was happening and I definitely wasn't a stranger to making myself sick, I used to do I all the time in highschool. I was trying to make myself throw up when who else but Vic should walk through the door.
I couldn't contain myself anymore and I just broke down.
Vic managed to get me up and onto my feet and into the seating area, he cleaned me up and we sat down.
I decided I would speak first
"Uh, I'm sorry about that. You know, tour makes me crazy." I said trying to laugh it off.
"This isn't funny Tone, you could have really injured yourself" Vic said, completely serious.
"I know, I'm not sure what happened. But I'm fine now, I promise." I sighed.
"Don't you dare lie to me Tony, I know you better than that." Vic said, sounding a little bit annoyed.
"Uh, I lied to Jaime and Mike. They heard me saying a guys name in my sleep and I said I had a girlfriend back home, I hated lying to them Vic." I started crying again.
"Hey, its okay. Don't be daft, they will understand in time." He said reassuringly, "so who's the lucky guy?" Vic added with a wink.
"Uh, apparently.. I was.. Saying V-vic." I spoke so quietly.
"Aw, wee tones got a crush on me, don't blame you. I'm hot stuff." Vic chuckled and chucked a pillow at me. Well, that went better than expected.
He told me he had to go get some things ready for tonight's show and that he would see me later, he hugged me and left.


Okay, so I knew Tony was gay but I never thought he would like me.
I'm with Kellin, I'm in love with Kellin and we're going to get married, but I love Tony as well, he's my best friend. So obviously nothing can never happen between me and Tony, right?