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Be Still

| two |

caiden ;

Man – man oh man he was completely screwed, today just wasn't his day. He woke up a little too late, tripped on his floor that was sadly riddled with his clothes that should have been in his dresser but he couldn't be bothered with such trivial things then he opted out on breakfast because he had to run Caitlyn's damned notebook to her. So not only was he late for school but he ended up running into a girl who was so terrified by his presence that she slapped at him like he was some kind of diseased animal. She was more crazy than he had ever seen and he's seen his fare share of them.

Here he thought if he cut through his sisters' school to get to his then he'd be better off but he should have just stuck to his normal route.

He exited the building through an emergency entrance, it cut through the courtyard and small little forest that separated the two gendered schools. Who's stupid idea was it to put an all girls school across from an all boys school without installing an electric fence? Surely somewhere along the way they must have thought it was a bad idea, no guy can ever resist the temptation of a woman. He passed the last tree of the mini forest and saw the rustic school come into sight. It was an all boys school, less fancier then the girls and probably less clean and well kept. This place made his stomach churn with distaste, Caiden even thought about skipping out all together and hitting up one of his girls over text but if he was late again then the school would most likely call his parents – not an option.


“That guy is out to get me.”

“He's an old geezer, he's out to get anyone who doesn't need Viagra.”

The blonde slung his arm over the shoulder of Lillian? – Marian? – or was her name Amanda? With the way she was sucking up to him and practically mauling the side of his face with her tongue, he knew she was one that he had slept with before. Damn mind, he needed to learn to retain more than just sex and sleep or he'd get bitched slapped to hell and back. He'll probably just avoid the name problem all together and just call her 'babe', 'love' or 'honey' – no scratch that, if he called her honey then she'd become attached.

“Have I mentioned how smart you are, love?” A lie, of course it was a lie. The guy had no idea if she was the top student in her class or the dumb blonde that sat up front chewing her gum like a cow. She giggled like a fool and flicked her hair back with her free hand as if she knew it was the truth – yeah, she was the dumb blonde that sat up front chewing her gum like a cow. As she started to talk about her personal drama that happened today he fell short in being interested in their conversation anymore. If he didn't have to wait for his sister then he surely wouldn't be here nodding his head as if he was interested. He kept his blue hues focused on the red metal doors of Caitlyn's school and watched as every other person exited the school except for the one person he needed.

It would have been wiser of him if he took her around behind the bushes and had a quickie, it would pass the time a hell of a lot faster and she wouldn't be talking as much. He titled his head to the left as his fingers found the bridge of his nose. He attempted to listen to her but everything eventually started coming out as 'blah, blah, blah' – not worth it. Orbs quickly diverted over to crazy woman who virtually pranced down the steps in her dirty white skirt that could be seen even from where he was. “Hey who's that?” He changed the topic without a care and let his finger drift to the woman he was talking about.

“Who? The red head? That's Marian.”

Ah so that was Marian. He needed to remind himself next time he was at the mall to invest in a Hallmark card for her. “No, no, the one with the white skirt and matching bag.” She redirected her attention and nodded her head, now knowing who he was asking about. “That's the dance teacher Miss Ambrose.” He pursed his lips. “And what's her problem?” He should apologize to her again but then again she was the one who slapped at him, maybe she should apologize to him. “Which problem?”

“You mean she has more than one?”

“Mmm, yeah. She's a clean freak and has a thing about men.”

“What kind of thing?”

“Um –” She drug out the word as if she was singing. Talking to her was like talking to the brick wall and her personality was just as thick. “Not really sure, she doesn't talk about it but it's called anacondaphobia – men scare her, she can't be more than ten feet from one.” He immediately dropped his arm from her shoulder, her stupid was becoming contagious. “Yeah, okay, I'm sure there is no such thing as anacondaphobia,” He looked over just in time to see Caitlyn strolling outside arm in arm with her girlfriend. “and I have to go.” He gave her a nod of the head and walked away as fast as he could.

Caiden moved across the parking lot to his sister who was now breaking apart from a kiss and walking towards him with a smile on her face. “Why was Brenna sucking off your face just two seconds ago?” He hissed. “Damnit, I knew that was her name.” She eyed him then shook her head. “How come you can remember the most unimportant things but when it comes to people you can't even remember the first letter of their name?” He shrugged as they walked side by side. “People don't interest me unless they have something that I want.” He kissed his sister's cheek with a wide laugh, teasing her was possibly the highlight of his day.


The house was usually quiet at this time of night except for the constant high pitched dog yelping at him to move his feet aka Caitlyn. “Just sit on the floor, Cait. I need to stretch my legs out since they're sore.” He pouted out his bottom lip like a puppy. “Oh god, what did you do today, drama queen? Snore too loud in class? Use your thumbs too fast in sexting another whore of yours?” She knocked his feet off anyways which caused him to jerk to the side. “Ha, ha. I had to run through your school just to give you a notebook that you actually didn't need.” He scowled. “I told you that I was sorry.” He finally sat up and crossed his arms over his black t-shirt.

“Yeah, so I should actually blame you for getting slapped by that dance teacher.” She burst out laughing, almost doubling over onto the floor. “So it was you that got hit? Everyone was talking about that today.” She eased her laughter into a shake of her head. “Poor Miss Ambrose, she has it rough.” He pursed his lips once more like he did when he saw the teacher leaving the parking lot. “You should have been nicer to her, people said that you yelled at her.” Caiden ground his teeth together then scoffed loudly. “I didn't yell, I apologized to her, even tried to help her up but she's the one that slapped me away.” She smacked him on the shoulder. “She has a phobia you dumbass, she slapped you away because men terrify her.”

This conversation wasn't making him feel any better. “Thanks for making me feel like shit.” He mocked. “You're welcome because you should.” He scrunched his nose and stood up lifting his arms in the air to show his midriff. “What should I do then? Tie a basket of goodies to a bunch of balloons and fly them to her?” He looked back at her to realize that she wasn't even laughing about this. “I'm serious,” She found the remote and started to flick through the channels. “find a way to apologize to her again, she has a hard time as it is.” She waved her hand out in front of her to get him to move away from the television so she could see the reality show she had turned to. “I really hate you sometimes.” He grimaced.

He walked upstairs quietly with his hand on the back of his neck. Why did he have to apologize? It wasn't his fault – okay maybe it was his fault just a tad but she was the one that slapped him away and yelled at him. She could have just told him a 'it's okay' or a 'don't worry about it' but no. He groaned loudly and shut the door to his room and flung himself on the messy unmade bed. With his right foot he kicked his uniform onto the floor and slunk back into the cushion. Apologizing wasn't his thing in the first place so how was he supposed to do it when the person feared his gender? He groaned once again and reached for the knob on the lamp to turn it off.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I have a few chapters already written up in my drafts so within the next few days I'll be posting hopefully three to four more chapters.

Thanks to iirigirl14 for commenting and recommending!

Updated: 5/22/14