Status: Regular updates every week

Be Still

| three |

indy ;

After spending exactly 42 minutes and 3 seconds on cooking her mother's infamous mushroom chicken dish that was passed down from generation to generation, she realized that she couldn't cook with rotten food. The chicken had already expired just a few days earlier and the mushrooms tasted like sponges so the only thing that she could eat off of her dinner plate was the sauce. She should have read the expiration date but all she wanted to do was relax and eat but by time she got done with sipping up the salty soup she wasn't even hungry anymore.

Indy dumped the food into the trash can and continued to clean off the plate with hot water and soap. Ever since this events of this morning she had been thrown off her game, it was like a spring of unfortunate events and it all started with that one kid; one of her students ended up spraining their ankle in warm ups, she, herself couldn't even land a single twirl, her salad at lunch wasn't very filling and the carrots were soggy and now her dinner was bad. She let one kid who was probably fifteen or sixteen knock her over and scare the living daylights out of her. Just thinking about it made her sick to her stomach.

She slumped around her apartment, her baggy polka dotted pajama pants dragging behind her. She didn't even have an appetite anyways, all she wanted to do was crawl and bed and forget that this day ever happened. She started her nightly routine off by brushing her hair exactly thirty times on both sides then brushed her teeth with a mint flavoring paste and swished a flavorless mouthwash around until the burning sensation no longer resided there. The routine was something that kept her grounded since it reminded her of home and though memories of home weren't always peaceful, it was strict with tight schedules and she now missed that sort of thing. Her fingertip flicked off the light to the bathroom and her feet dragged her into th room where a dim light stretched overhead and illuminated the the white walls in a soft glow.

She climbed onto the bed slowly, stretching her body like a cat then finally crawling under the covers where she let them pool around her knees. She pulled her phone from her left pocket and unlocked the screen. Eyes stared at the time long and hard then she finally just set the phone onto the nightstand and tugged the covers up and over her head. Darkness surrounded her and it made it feel like she was wrapped inside a cocoon, waiting to bloom into a butterfly.


“And one – two – three – four – one –”

Indy walked around the class room, snapping her fingers to the beat of her counting. Eyes examined all of her students doing a twirl into two simple plies. Some of them nailed it and others just couldn't do a twirl without falling over. “Keep your toes stiff and your knees flexible, Anna.” She tapped on her knee gently with an offering smile. Her students were good and sometimes great if they practiced hard which seemed to be a rarity among them. They had a recital coming up in just little over a month and the only ones that seemed to work at it were a few of her advanced students who had been there for three years.

A little over a week had passed since anything major happened and it was like breathing in fresh spring air. The kid that had ran into her tried apologizing the next day and the day after that but all she did was run in the other direction every time. Didn't he get that she didn't want anything to do with him or was he just dense? She wanted to request a brain scan for him in fears that he may have a mental problem but that would probably be over stepping her bounds. Hopefully someone would eventually tell him that he shouldn't come near her or maybe she should write a letter on her door directed to him – then again she didn't even know his name.

As the bell rang for the end of class, she made her way back to the front where all the girls finished their end stretches. “Alright girls, make sure to do your homework over this weekend and I still need to see two performance tests from Mandy Horrow and Lisa Michaels on Monday, the rest of you have a good weekend.” She clapped her hands and excused the students. There was nothing like the weekend, it was a chance for her to relax and freshen up before the carefully planned out week had to start all over again.

She wiped at her sweaty forehead with the back of her hand, the brunette was far more tired then she usually was but still had to finish up some papers to drop off at the office by the end of today. Being a dance teacher meant only teaching dance but unfortunately this school's definition of dance meant grading someone for how bad or good they were. She sat down at the desk in the back of the classroom and swiveled around in it for minutes. Her head titled against the cushion and eyes focused on the little dots on the ceiling. She attempted to count the dots like stars until she became sick from all of the spinning. If she kept procrastinating then she'd never get anything done and would be here until late at night.

Still stuck in her black tights and white tank top, she decided that there was no point in changing when she was just heading straight home after this. Indy stood up with her arms reaching over her head to stretch out the pain in her back that had formed. She paused with horror – there was no food in her fridge except for strawberry frosting and pickles. “Crap.” She spoke to herself with her bag slung over her shoulder as she exited the classroom. Leaving her apartment wasn't really an option for her today, she couldn't even muster up a single shred of energy to even think about wanting to do anything else but throwing herself on the couch and watching movies. Instead she could just call take out and request for a female to deliver the food – problem solved.

Tilting her head to the right then to left then back to the right until she heard a small pop, it caused her to exhale in relief. Indy pushed the familiar red metal doors open and stared out into the empty parking lot. Thankfully it wasn't dark or she'd be running to the car like some monster was chasing after her. Being in the dark at home was one thing but being outside where someone could kill her was a whole new thing. The brunette laughed and pulled her keys from her bag. It was silly, pure silly and if anyone could read her mind then she was sure they'd think she was paranoid. She unlocked her car and stopped, her head snapping to the side of the building that was partially hidden by bushes. It sounded like faint muffled voices but it stopped as soon as she called out.

Continuing on what she was going to do she placed her bag in the back seat and shut the door and propped open the drivers side when she heard the noises again. Though her conscious told her not to go investigate – she went anyways. In those horror movies she'd be the first person to die. In one hand was her high heel shoe from the bag and in the other were keys. If it came down to it she'd just throw the shoe at the person and run but that was only if they came after her. As she approached the side of the building, she had stopped again to make sure that the noises she was hearing weren't just in her head – god did she wish they were all in her head.

Muffled cries and whimpers echoed through her ears which surprisingly gave her the strength to step around the corner. Indy had her should lifted up in the air then mindlessly began to lower it as she stared a couple seconds at what was happening. A crimson shade of red ran over her cheeks, she was stunned to the point where she couldn't move except watch. The scene before her wasn't that of someone getting attacked but it was two teenagers having sex just ten feet from her. Now she was a creep, she was just standing there like some pervert watching two kids get it on. Blue orbs flashed over to her and she noticed that the guy was none other than the kid who threw her for a loop just last week. “Oh my god!” She stumbled back and attempted to cover her eyes. “Gross!” She screeched like a five year old kid. Yeah, she's had sex but that was well over four years ago and it wasn't in public where germs could attach to her skin.

“Ah fuck.” His voice was thick and coarse but utterly amused. “Hey teach.” She pointed to herself as if there was someone else behind her. What was she supposed to say, she couldn't go up and push them apart – first of all that would just be unsanitary and touching the guy was out of the question. “If you like watching so much then you should come over here,” He smirked. “I'm done with her anyways and it looks like you could use some real fun.” She shook her head ferociously then spun around and set a steady course back to her car. Nope, nope, nope. She should have just drove away like she was meant to.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahh so this chapter was going to go completely different but I still liked how it turned out anyways.

Special thanks to prayers. and pervntique. for the recommendations!

Updated: 5/24/14