‹ Prequel: Masked Love
Status: Will try to update as fast as a perfectionist can :)

Veiled Love

Letter from Adelie - 1

Dearest Nicola,

I hope you receive this letter in time. Luca is returning to Italy, determined to find you. He left only telling Noé of his true intentions. Korine seems convinced that he is on important political business concerning the alliance. She is always angry. Every time I am with her, she is complaining about Luca and how she cannot understand how he could choose you over her.

She told her parents about the incident at the ball. If she hadn’t mentioned that the engagement is still on, war would have been declared. Everything seemed calm for a while but now that Luca is suddenly gone, it will be even longer until the alliance is finalized. I don’t know how much longer the king can wait.

I know Luca’s intentions may seem to be very romantic, but we both know how French court will respond if anything comes between them and Italy. I am scared for you Nicola. He loves you very much. I don’t know if anything will stop him. He isn’t thinking clearly. But I know you will know what to do, and you can get through this difficult time.

Noé sends his love. I love you too.

Your friend,
♠ ♠ ♠
This is how Nicola and the readers will hear about what's going on in France. Comment what you think, just trying the idea out :)