Status: Update when I can

Red Is for Traitor

Let Go of Your Fear

The week leading up to the Harvest moon was rough for the wolf pack. My visitors never told me specifically, but I could tell by their faces. Even Zane looked more tired than excited. Whenever they came to visit, we ended up relaxing in the sun or inside the cottage where more often than not one of them would fall asleep. It was not until Sindri, Ivy, and Zane came three days before that I really started questioning what was happening in the Den. The moment the trio walked in, Ivy (in her wolf form) curled up in a corner and fell asleep. My eyes moved from the unconscious wolf to the near tired father and son.
"Come you two, the bed is open for you to use." I started ushering them to the other side of the room.
"It's your bed though." Sindri weakly protested.
"And I have another in the loft if I decide to take a nap, now get in." With no further protests, Zane climbed up and curled into his father's side. Similar to Ivy, the two males fell instantly asleep curled into each other. Shaking my head, I went back to making salves for the winter. I was preparing to start on a paste when I heard groans from the bed. I looked over to see Sindri stretching awake. "Welcome back to the world of the living." I whispered. The wolf cracked one eye open before rumbling. Once making sure Zane was comfortable, Sindri swung his legs off the bed and walked over to sit opposite me.
"Thank you." He nodded and watched as I mashed different leaves and berries together.
"No problem, although I would like to know why everyone is tired. Today may have been the first time I have seen more thane one pack member fall asleep on me, do not think I have not noticed." I looked up from the crushed ingredients and asked, "Is everything okay?"
I watched as Sindri weighed his reply before answering, "It's been a rough week with the Harvest moon approaching... Arawn's still having trouble shifting which is making the approaching full moon hard for him and the pack. Everyone's on edge."
"Is this not his second moon? What is different about this one than the last?"
"The Harvest moon holds the second most pull out of the other full moons. It is the moon that prepares us for the winter which is our mating season. Some wolves start to become more aggressive because it is the race to fatten up for the winter, provide for the pack, and they are looking for a mate if they don't already have one."
"What if a wolf already has a mate?"
Sindri shrugs, "They are less likely to become aggressive unless they feel threatened. For those mated, it begins the cycle of reestablishing bonds with your mate. What's with that face?"
I raised a brow, "What face?"
"Your 'I want to ask a question, but feel like I'm going to upset you' face."
"I do not have one of those." I protested. Sindri looked at me unimpressed until I sighed. "I was merely wondering about... you and Trista."
"What about me and my mama?"
I hesitated and though over how to phrase what I wanted to say. "I have not seen Trista's mate since I have returned and I have never met Zane's mother." I watched Sindri stiffen. "You do not have to explain anything, I just am curious about how you and Trista will act, if in fact..." I trailed off not wanting to rub salt in healing wounds. "Will you become more aggressive or because you have Zane will you be your normal charming self." I smirked as he narrowed his eyes.
"You're a brat. And no, I won't become more aggressive not that I really was before. My paternal instincts override my need to procreate."
"Interesting." I drummed my fingers against my lips as I stared off. "What of Trista?"
"Mama has no desire to find another mate and females are less likely to get aggressive in that aspect. When it comes to being pregnant however, stay away."
"Pregnant females are quite scary. I once walked by a fox den and nearly got my ankle torn off. I stayed away from that Den for quite some time." My eyes returned to Sindri and cocked my head. "Do you believe my brother will start acting different now that he is a werewolf? He was never particularly interested in finding a wife or mate. He dated and courted a few young woman, but he was never in need of that sort of companionship."
Sindri leaned back and thought, "I don't know. We won't really know until he finally is able to shift properly."
"Hopefully he will soon."
The day before the full moon brought a surprise visitor. When I opened my door, Corbin stood before me looking haggard. "Good afternoon, Macha. May I come in?"
"Please." I stepped aside and let the exhausted wolf come in. "Is everything alright?" I gave him a cup of water as he sat in a chair with his head hanging.
"I fear I need your help. Thank you." He took a sip of water before looking at me with pleading eyes. Arawn, you moron. "I need you to come and try to talk your brother down. He is acting as though he is going rabid, but I know he isn't. I can feel he isn't, but he has too much turmoil going on inside to easily shift."
"How would I be of help?"
"I don't know. You're his sister, maybe your presence will sooth him or something. I don't know what else to do. I don't want to have to resort to commanding him unless there is no other option."
"Take me to him." I said with determination as I retrieved my cloak.
"Thank you, Macha."
"I finally am able to see Arawn, there is no need to thank me." I smiled. We walked to the Den in silence. The only noise we heard the was crunching of our feet and the songs of the forest. It was not until we were only half a mile from the Den that we started hearing fierce noises. I looked at Corbin startled to which he sadly nodded. We picked up our pace until we entered the Den and walked to where Sindri was trying to keep Arawn under control. The other wolves were nowhere to be seen, but I knew they were around.
"Sindri." Corbin called to his Beta. Sindri backed away, still facing the creature that was a strange amalgamation of human and animal. Once he was near us, I started walking towards my deranged brother. "Macha." Corbin warned but I waved him away.
"Arawn." I called softly, but in a firm voice. Arawn's face whipped towards me as he snarled. I took him in before doing anything more. His face was more elongated (trying to form a snout) with spots of fur here and there. He had a human nose, but whiskers were beginning to spout on either side of it. His teeth were a mix between pointed and blunt; he was unable to comfortably close his mouth. His ears were stretching, trying to form points at the top of his head. He only had pants on so I was able to see how his body was in a half state of wanting to be bipedal and on all fours. Like his face, he had patches of fur growing in, while human skin tried to predominate his body. One hand had turned into claws while the other remained human but twitched as if it wanted to be like its twin. What really drew my attention was his eyes. The color closest to the iris burned silver while the outer rim was his green gem coloration.
Done examining him, I stood up straight and looked at him. "Arawn." It was not a challenge per say, but it was a tone that demanded his attention. Attention I had, for the next thing I knew he belted out a gargled howl and charged. I was knocked to the ground with an oof and in the process heard one of the other wolves being held back. When I opened my eyes again I found myself being sniffed. Arawn's head started going near by chest and I stopped him, "Inappropriate." I place my hand below his chin and gently pulled his head up to look at me. "I am here, Arawn." He made a pained sound before hiding his deformed face in my neck. I hummed to him and slowly started sitting up. He tried climbing into my lap like a pup or kit seeking comfort. With only a little hesitation I brought my arms around him. I felt his body rumble at the contact. "Arawn," I began in a soothing voice. "You need to complete the shift or you'll stay in this pain." He made a panicked cry and tried to burrow deeper in my embrace. "I know, but you have me and the pack. You can do this, dearest brother. Do not resist and let it happen, I am right here." I continued talking to him in a low calm voice unsure if he was going to follow my instructions. Slowly however, I felt his body morph and fur replace skin.
A beautiful wolf stood over me instead of the half creature. He whined a little, tired at exerting so much energy. I stroked behind his ears trying to calm him down. "Awesome job, Arawn. You did wonderfully. You have a handsome wolf." He could not help but preen at the praise. "Do you have the energy to shift back? Or do you care to stay as your wolf for a while?" He looked at me in panic with his muscle locking up. I rolled my eyes and complained, "Do not be melodramatic, you will not be stuck as a wolf. That would be me if it was going to happen to either of us. You are too connected to your humanity to be stuck as a wolf forever. Now shift if you want to, but do not be scared that you will never return to human. I am not going anywhere until you are back." Put at ease by my little rant, Arawn leaned forward and inhaled my scent. After a little while of me sitting and him standing in that position, he arched his back and began the slow process of returning to his human form. Oh, you are shifting!
Not breaking contact with my twin, I pulled my cloak off. As he finished the return shift, I draped the red fabric over his naked form. He soon collapsed with his arms tiredly hugging my waist, face burrowed into my hip, and most of his right side firmly pressed to my right leg. My left arm went back to keep my propped up, while my right hand combed through his soaked hair. "How are you feeling?"
After a moment Arawn replied in a raspy voice, "Better." I heard him take in a deep breath. "Much better."
"What is going on, Ar? What is making shifting hard for you?"
He gave a shallow huff of a laugh, "You do not beat around the bush."
"When have I ever?"
"True." He tightened his grip around me and pressed in closer. "I do not want to be stuck as a wolf. I fear losing myself."
He barely spoke above a whisper, but I heard him. "Have you talked to the others?" I felt him shake his head. "Why not?"
"I do not know..." I did not speak, knowing he was lying to me. "I am embarrassed. I am a grown man and yet here I am having trouble shifting while a five year old can do it without thinking."
"Zane is also a born wolf. This life is all he has ever known while you have lived 26 years as a human. Changing would be difficult for anyone who is not a born wolf, or so I would presume."
Arawn snorted, "You would have mastered it within three tries."
"Perhaps." I mused. "But I would not make a good werewolf."
"That is a lie and you know it. You would be a far better werewolf than I will ever be."
"I do not know, you will grow to like being both man and wolf."
"And you would not?" He lightly challenged.
I was quiet as I actually thought about what it would be like to be a werewolf. Finally in a soft voice I replied, "I would probably never shift back. The human world is yours Arawn, you belong in it. I never did. Even now my only friends are werewolves and the forest. What reason would I have to return to this body?"
"What of me?" Arawn finally sat up a bit to look at me. "If you were only a wolf we would not be able to speak."
"Then you would be the only reason, brother." I gave him a smile and leaned my forehead against his. "Any other reason you are having trouble? You no longer have to worry about not returning to human because you have proven you are capable of doing so."
He looked down with tight lips. "I missed you. We have never been away from each other for more than a night or two. I think it was adding to my stress."
I gave a small smile, pulled back, and kissed his forehead. "I have missed you too. Now master this shift so you can visit me."
"Yes, Max." He pulled me into a hug and rubbed his cheek to mine.
"You should apologize for causing everyone such trouble. This past week almost everyone has come over and fallen asleep. Be good my unruly brother." I bopped his nose with my finger as I teased him.
Of course he rolled his eyes with a smile, "Of course."
"Alright, up with you. You may run warmer now, but I am still a human who becomes cold when sitting on the ground." With a snicker, Arawn stood up and offered his very human hand. "Thank you." We walked over to where Corbin and Sindri stood off to the side. "I present to you one semi tamed werewolf." I grinned.
"Sorry for causing trouble, I did not mean to." Arawn looked down in submission.
"Try not to make it a habit please. I'm glad Macha was able to help but you need to be able to do this on your own." Corbin gave Arawn a tired nod.
"And ah, sorry for scaring you when I pounced on Max. That was out of line even for the state I was in." His face lit up red from shame.
"We will have a talk about that later." Corbin warned. "But for now, I'm glad you have a handle on yourself. Will you be able to keep your head when the moon rises tomorrow?"
"I think so."
"I hope so." Corbin's eyes shifted to me, "I don't want to seem rude, but-"
"You wish for me to leave. Pack bonding and everything we discussed before, I understand." I turned to my brother with a small smile. "Be good, I cannot always come to your rescue."
"I know. Thank you Max, and I am sorry for jumping on you." He unwrapped the cloak and handed it back to me. "It was great seeing you."
"You too Ar." I looked at Corbin and Sindri. "Please continue to look after my brother and I will see you the next time either of you drop by."
"We will. Sindri, please walk Macha back to the cottage." Corbin looked to his second. Sindri nodded without saying a word.
"I can walk home myself. I am quite capable." I folded my arms.
"Macha, it's the least we can do. Besides, I believe a certain pup would like to see you. Be safe."
"Thank you, Alpha Corbin." I smiled and then followed Sindri to where Zane and Trista were just outside the Den.
"Mak!" Zane shouted gleefully as he ran up to meet us. "Poppa!" Sindri picked up his son and nuzzled him.
"Hello Zane, how are you doing?" I smiled as Zane leaned over to pet my cheek.
"Bettah now Ar, feelin bettah."
"I am glad. I hope you are able to sleep well tonight."
"Me too!" As Trista took my attention away, Zane buried himself in his father's neck.
"How are you doing Trista?" I asked seeing the tired bags under her eyes.
"Same as Zane, better now that Arawn is in less pain. How are you?" She smiled as she placed a hand on my cheek in greeting.
"Glorious compared to the pack." I gave a chuckle before replying honestly, "I feel... happier now that I was able to see Arawn. Almost two months is an eternity for two people who have never gone more than a day without seeing each other."
Trista looked at me surprised, "I'm surprised."
"We are a rare commodity." We began walking with Zane and Sindri a head of us. "Some think our relationship is unhealthy, but that is how we have grown up."
"You two sound like your very own pack. It is not strange to those who live in one."
"I will take comfort in that. He is all I have, I am not going to let him go so easily."
"What will you do when he finds a mate?"
"Scare her away." I deadpanned before laughing. "I will be happy for him and if she is not cruel I will give the relationship my blessing. As long as we are able to see each other, I do not mind him having a family. He has always wanted one."
"What about you? Do you want a family?"
"I never planned on becoming a spinster, it was the hand life dealt me." Trista looked at me pointedly with raised brows. "I suppose I would like a family, but I do not believe any man would want a woman like me."
"Anyone would be lucky to have you." Trista protested.
"Tell that to all the suitors who have run away once I started talking to them. Perhaps I am not meant for that life."
"Everyone is meant to have a mate, Macha. Even an independent woman such as yourself."
"I am glad one of us believes so. I hope you prove me wrong, Trista." I smiled at her. "Is everything okay with Sin?"
Trista furrowed her brow, "What do you mean?"
"He has not spoken a word since I went to help Arawn. Did something happen?"
Realization crossed over her face and she gave a soft smile, "It's been a rough week. I believe his patience has reached its limit. You may want to tell him that you are okay though."
"Why?" I asked baffled.
"We all felt Arawn atta- jump on you."
"Oh. I am alright. It startled me more than hurt."
"I am glad to hear, but you may want to tell my son that. He was the one who had to witness his friend being jumped on my a werewolf."
"I will. Thank you, I would not have thought of easing the fear if you had not told me."
"Anytime." We arrived at the cottage soon after. The trio stayed for a little while to wind down from the hectic week and day. As the sun was encroaching on the horizon, we finally said good night.
Before Sindri could leave, I grabbed his forearm. He looked back at me a little startled, "I wanted to tell that I am alright. Arawn did not hurt me.
He stared at me a moment before letting out a sigh. "Thank you. Good night, Macha."
"Good night Sin, have a restful night." He let out a snort before joining his family. It was not until later, when the nocturnal animals were out and only the fire lit the house did I realize perhaps Sindri was the one Corbin held back when Arawn had jumped on me.
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As GoT Keeps saying... Winter is Coming >:3