Status: Update when I can

Red Is for Traitor

Life Doesn't Ask Permission

I have learned in the 26 years of living that life does not ask you permission to change. It just happens whether you are ready for it or not. Take my earlier years for example. My grandfather grew sick and within a couple of months he died. My grandmother was devastated and would not see anyone for another three months. She locked herself away until she had come to terms with being a window. All was right for a while. I had a freedom that many did not and my world was innocent, and then a tree fell and killed my Papa. My life was thrown to the wind as my mother became depressed and grew distant from me and my brother. Then without asking me or Arawn, my mother married a bastard of a man and whisked us away from our home, family, and friends. I never asked for the sadness my grandmother experienced, I never asked for my Papa to be taken from me, and I sure as hell did not ask to become a touch phobic spinster whose mother denied my existence. But you have to accepted change for it will happen even if you do not agree with it. And change did come, in the form of hunters, ropes, chains, wolves, and fear...
It did not happen fast, but once the hidden war was brought to the surface it spread like wildfire. One day the woods and village was safe to walk, and the next everyone was walking on blades. My first hint of something not being right was when I was stalking a lone deer through the snow covered woods. It was early December and the first snow fall had already come; it was going to be a long winter. I drew my string back and silently aimed at the poor defenseless deer. I was about the let my arrow fly when I heard a crunch behind me. I instantly spun, aiming my arrow at the thing stalking me. I immediately dropped the bow and relieved the string of tension.
"Sindri!" I whispered in annoyance. I looked over my shoulder to see the deer had run off. "Look wha-" I was cut off by his hand covering my mouth. He brought a finger to his lips and motioned for me to follow. Together we crept through the white almost silently. He bent down and waited for me to crouch next to him before moving branches from a bush. I leaned into his space to look through he opening. In surprise I looked at him with wide eyes. I could see his nostrils flared and his jaw clenched. Trying to calm down, I looked back at the sight. Five men were camped out just inside the tree line of the woods and village. They all wore the uniformed dark green or because of winter, white clothes usually associated with hunters. I could see a pile of weapons off to the side, mostly arrows that needed to be finished, along with ones they had strapped to them. They milled about preparing the camp for a long term stay it seemed.
I felt a tug on my sleeve and I looked to see Sindri waving for me to leave. Picking up my skirt, I hurried after him and we did not speak until we knew we were far enough away. "What is going on? Why are there hunters in our woods?"
Sindri shook his head in frustration. "I don't know. I was walking back from some work in the village when I saw them. Then I smelled you and thought I should probably warn you." He crossed his arms and looked at me seriously. "You shouldn't walk around alone until they're gone."
I snorted and I looked right back at him, "Then how am I going to do anything? It is not like I have another who will escort me places."
"You do have the pack you know." He huffed, unhappy with my answer.
"I do when they have time to spare. Since it is winter, I see everyone far less than I did before. Besides we are entering mating season, you have other things on your mind than a lowly medical woman such as I."
"You're hardly lowly."
"None the less. You and the pack are busy with pack things while I have people to treat in the village, plants to pick that only grow in the snow, and hunting so I do not starve. I am fine, Sin, you do not need to worry about me." Sindri opened his mouth, but I was too in my head to realize. "Which reminds me!" I narrowed my eyes. "You owe me a deer."
Sindri rolled his eyes, "I don't owe you anything."
"My meal for the next two days got away because of you!" I cried, throwing my hands up.
"You'll find another."
"It is winter Sindri, deer are quite rare."
I watched as he lifted his head and scented the air. "There is a small herd two miles west from here." He looked at me with a smirk. "I'm sure you can hunt one of them."
"Smart ass." I scowled.
"Language, Macha." He teased, dodging my swipe at him. "You'll have to be faster than that, human." Then he yelped when I threw snow at him.
"You will have to be faster than that, Sindri." I mocked before running seeing him making a ball of snow. I barely dodged his throw as I weaved through the trees I knew well. I slid to a pause when I heard something strange. Shit! Without thinking I pushed Sindri into the closest bush and walked around a bit to hide the different foot sizes. I then knelt down near Sindri's bush and waited for my unwelcomed guests. Once I heard the telltale crunch, I looked behind me startled and stood up.
"Sorry, my lady for startling you." A tall young man smiled at me. He was one of the five hunters from the campsite.
"It is fine sir, are you lost?" Sindri, you better stay quiet.
"No, I was wondering if you were though."
I gave a kind smile and replied, "No, I live in these woods. I am far from lost."
He looked at me in mild surprise. "Is it safe for a lone woman to be out here. Is there anyone who lives with you?"
"My brother, but he was bedridden months ago."
"You should be careful, there are monsters in these woods."
I heard a low rumble behind be and I tried to cover it with a polite laugh as I kicked backwards. "Thank you for your concern, but I have never met such a creature. But if it will ease your mind I will be more careful."
"Thank you...?"
I looked him over before replying, "Macha Lightwood. And you are?"
"Philip Cornell. A pleasure to meet you." He bowed in greeting.
"I hope it continues to be." I curtsied like the city girl I pretended to be.
"You speak... well for a villager. No offense, Miss Macha. Or is it Mrs.? I do not want to offend." I saw his cheeks redden.
I gave a chuckle before replying, "Miss, I am not wed and never have been. A glorified spinster if you will. I spent time in the city and was taught how to properly speak or so my teachers said."
"Ah yes the city. I spent half my life in the city learning math and science, and then the other half in the woods learning to survive."
"A well rounded man."
"I like to think so. Should I walk you back to your house?"
"You do not need to, I am quite capable."
"Please, Miss Macha, I will worry less knowing you are safe."
I weighed my options before nodding, "If you must." I smiled knowing Sindri would not be happy. "Let me collect my basket and we shall head to my cottage." I turned and bent down to retrieve my things. I could see Sindri's silver eyes staring at me. 'Meet me at the cottage, but do not be seen.' I mouthed before standing up and shouldering my bow. "Shall we?" Phillip nodded and offered his hand. I hesitantly took it so I could get up the slope covered in snow and ice. We walked to the cottage speaking a little. He asked me questions about the city and I asked him the same in return. Once I was safely home, I turned to bid him a farewell, "Thank you, Master Phillip for bringing me home."
"It was no trouble. Until we meet again, Miss Macha." He gave a bow, turned, and walked back towards his campsite.
Not a minute after he left, Sindri emerged from behind a tree looking grumpy. I rolled my eyes as I walked into the cottage. "Why are you mad?" He opened his mouth, but I quickly added, "Other than he was a hunter, which I was aware of."
"Then why did you go with him?" He crowded me near the fire place where I was trying to dry my cloak.
"To protect you, idiot." I turned to face him with my hands on my hips. "What was I supposed to say? No thank you my wolf friend with keep me safe? I do not think that would have worked."
Sindri growled in agitation. "I will do my best to stay away from them, but I cannot guarantee anything, especially if they are going to be staying in the woods instead of the village."
"He touched you."
"Next time I will chance falling down."
"Good." I cried out in annoyance as I pushed passed him to the table.
"Isn't this a happy cottage to be in." Trista walked in surprised by the atmosphere.
"Tell your son that me falling down a slope will do no one any good." I huffed bending down to greet Zane.
Before Sindri could reply, Zane screwed up his face in confusion, "Mak, you smell funny."
"Gods and goddesses." I muttered bringing my palm to my forehead.
"We have hunters in the woods and one of them escorted Macha home." Sindri stated with his arms folded.
"You let hunter scent you?" Zane's eyes filled with tears. "Why do hunter get to scent you? Poppa said I not to!" He started crying much to everyone's surprise. I did not know what to do. I was not pack and technically was not allowed to try to comfort him.
"Zane." Sindri called his name unhappy. He bent down next to me and went to touch his son.
Zane pulled away angry, "No! You no let me scent Mak while bad men can! It not fair! I hate you!" Without a second thought, Zane ran out the door sobbing.
Sindri let out a pained whine, and went to go after him, but Trista stopped him. "Give him a minute Sin. He has apparently had that pent up for sometime. I will go make sure he doesn't wander too far." She kissed her son's cheek before walking back out the door.
After a moment a placed a hand on Sindri's shoulder. "He did not mean that."
"I know." He whispered. "Doesn't make it hurt less."
"Did you really tell him he could not touch me?"
"I told him he wasn't supposed to scent you."
"And he took that as very little touching. No wonder he never gives me hugs."
"I didn't think..." He growled as he pulled at his hair. "I didn't think he'd stop touching you altogether."
"Explain it to him when he comes back."
"Because that went well the first time." He muttered.
"No one is perfect, keep trying. It shows you love someone." I patted his arm before seeing movement. "Here is your chance."
Sindri looked over to the door where Zane danced uncertain. The moment their eyes met, Zane dashed over, "Poppa!" Sindri was on his knees as Zane held on to his father for dear life. "I sorry. I didn mean it."
"I know pup." Sindri whispered back. I crept out so the pair could have their moment and met up with Trista.
My breath puffed out and I hugged myself as I asked, "So, Hunters?"
"And you let one touch you." She looked down with a quirked eyebrow.
I huffed, "I was protecting Sin."
"Were you?"
"The hunter caught us off guard so I shoved him into a nearby bush, pretended I was collecting something from said bush, talked to the hunter, and then he wanted to escort me home since I am a lone woman in the woods housing 'monsters.' He helped me up a slope and then walked me here where Sin met us. What was I supposed to do, awkwardly stay in the little clearing?"
"No, I suppose not. Why were the two of you caught off guard?"
"We may have ended up in a snow fight." I looked up to see it start snowing again. "He was being mean so I threw snow at him and then ran away."
Trista laughed as she shook her head. "Sometimes I wonder if any of my children will grow up."
"Sin does have a pup, I think that is quite grown up. I also remember you and your mate frolicking through the forest on more than one occasion."
"That is very true." Trista smiled sadly.
I cringed, "I am sorry, I did not-"
"Don't worry, it saddens me that he is no longer with us but I do treasure our memories together." I nodded unsure what else to say. She cocked her head and turned towards the door. "I believe we can enter again." She ushered me in where I sighed in relief of no longer being cold. "Are you feeling better?" She asked both males. Zane sniffed a yes while Sindri nodded
I walked over and knelt down to be Zane's height. "Do I get hugs again?" I asked with a smile. Zane nearly knocked me over when he collided with me.
"You still smell funny." He murmured into my chest.
I looked up at Sindri who rolled his eyes. "Fine, just this once." Zane purred as he took my hand and rubbed it to his face.
"You cold." He said a moment later, holding my hand.
"I was standing outside when it began to snow." I replied.
"No go outside anymore." I chuckled, but agreed to his request. The family only stayed for a little while longer and then left for the night. I did not have visitors until five days later...
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Enjoy, two in one day