Status: Update when I can

Red Is for Traitor

Save a Life, Price Be Paid

We stopped on the second day to give the horses a rest and so the Hunters could eat quickly. A young hunter walked by making sure we were all tied up and not causing trouble. His eyes scanned the wagon and with a sigh passed water skin to me. I took a few sips before passing it to Zane. He took two gulps, passed it off to the next person, and curled back up in my lap. My eyes met the hunter's and I quietly whispered, "You are in more danger with Zane here."
The hunter pursed his lips, "I know, but they won't listen. I don't think they've met an angry parent wolf before."
"They are terrifying. They have the mind of a sane wolf, but the selfless abandonment of a rabid."
"A dangerous combination..." He tapped his leg nervously. "I have an idea, but it'll only work to get Zane out. Everyone else will most likely be caught and," He bit his lip. "Miss Macha, you'll most likely either get hurt or die."
"Always my options." I sighed. "What is it?"
"Tonight when we stop, knock me and try to escape. Can Zane shift?" I nodded. "He'll be able to get away as long as he doesn't freeze. Even as a pup he'll be faster than us. He just needs to be able to dodge projectiles and hide until we give up."
"He'll be fine. I'll talk to him. We'll do it." Phillip nodded and took back the water skin. He didn't say anything else as he walked on to check the other wagon. When I knew the other hunters could not hear me, I leaned down to wake Zane. "Zane." He mumbled that he was awake and waited. "Do you remember how to orient yourself while a wolf?" He nodded. " I am going to need you to be strong, okay?" He looked up at me with some fear in his eyes. "You are going to escape and run back to your Poppa and pack."
"What about you? I don't wanna go without you." I could see some tears in his eyes.
"I am sorry Zane, but I cannot go with you. You must shift and run as fast as you can and not look back." I stroked his cheek. "You need to keep heading North no matter what. With you here, your Poppa will not be able to think clearly. He needs you home and safe. Do you understand?" He nodded unhappily. "I will be fine. Tonight I will cause a distraction and the moment all eyes are on me you must shift and run. Run and do not stop until you cannot run anymore. Remember everything I have taught you Zane and you will be fine. The pack will come for the rest of us and I will see you again. Okay?"
With a watery voice he replied, "Yes."
"You can do this Zane. Do not doubt yourself." He cuddled closer to me quietly crying into my bustier. Soon after we began the journey again. When night began to fall the wagon stopped and the hunters began the routine of setting up camp. Two hunters guarded our wagon but did not really pay attention to us. Silently, I untied Zane's wrists and managed to pull off the collar he still wore. I stroked his neck where a bruise formed from how tight it was. He looked up sadly at me knowing it was almost time. I shifted him behind me and turned. The other kidnapped looked over at me knowing I was up to something. I shook me head at them before facing forward and sliding my legs in front of me. When a Hunter passed by, I kicked him and sprang into action. Bolting towards the woods, I knew Zane was right behind me. I heard shouts behind me as I ran as fast as I could with a medium sized dog next to and then passing me. I watched as Zane flew across the distance and disappear into the nearby forest. I said a silent farewell before I was tackled to the ground. I struggled as a muscular man bear hugged and dragged me back to the camp. I looked defiantly at the hunters, receiving a star inducing smack.
The leader of the hunters looked at me in disgust. "Tie 'er up." I kicked and continued to struggled as I was dragged to a nearby tree. I began to panic as memories from my hanging surfaced. I struggled harder trying my damnedest to stay away from the tree. I was no match for the hunter however and my wrists were once again bound and then pulled up above my head. The rope was so taut that my feet barely touched the ground. "Can't get away now." The leader crossed his arms. "Pat 'er down." My eyes widened as three hunters gave me lustful smirks.
"You already did!" I cried.
"Gotta make sure." He shrugged. "Make sure she can't hide anything anywhere."
"Yessa." A hunter with yellow teeth gleeful replied. I tried not to shake as they skimmed my body with their hands, sometimes lingering over my breasts, thighs, buttocks, and stomach. When they were finished I was only in my light green shift and cloak.
One yellow teeth hunter looked at me with a cruel smile. "McCoy did say we should make sure she can't hide things anywhere." He slide a dull looking knife from his belt look. I started struggling knowing full well I could go nowhere as he approached. "Cobb, hold her." The muscular man nodded and held me still as yellow teeth grabbed a chunk of my hair and started sawing. I cried as he pulled hair from their roots. By the end my hair had jagged uneven layers and was short like a boys. "Can't hide anything now." He dropped the last chunk of my hair on the ground. He cackled as he left, leaving me with my head hanging. I was never one to really care about hair and such, but I hated when someone took options out of my hands and purposefully did things without my permission. I also had liked my long hair. It took me years to regrow it after I cut it to just above my shoulders. The bastard.
Later that night, the leader and a group of hunters walked over to me with a purpose. I looked up and glared. "I like the look on you." His eyes raked over my body and snickered when it came to my short hair. I did not grace him with an answer or reaction. "This hunter here wants to talk to you." He placed a hand on a young hunter's shoulder. My eyes looked over to see Phillip.
I did not speak and only stared. He was the one to break the silence. "You made me look like a fool..." His eyes looked over me. His face showed disgust, but his eyes told me he was sorry for what happened and was going to happen. "Wolfwhore." It stung hearing him say that but I tried not to let it get to me. "Not only did you get the jump on me," He walked over to me and grabbed my face. "But you made me lose a stupid pup."
I snorted, I had to play the part. "I guess you cannot perform when the time calls for it."
His face transformed into anger while his eyes were surprised. Yeah I went there. "Shut up wolfwhore." He smacked me across the cheek and mouth drawing some blood.
I spat the metallic liquid on the ground and quipped, "That all you have?" With sorrowful eyes, he punched me in the stomach. I gasped for air as I slightly swung.
Grabbing hold of me more for my sake than so we could continue this fight, he continued, "You think the monsters will save you?" He gave a dark laugh, but this times his eyes were sad. "They won't be coming after you much longer. We've traveled too far for them to come. Do you really think they will risk everything they've worked for for one woman. You may be a supporter of those monsters, but even you are expendable." He paused knowing what he said next would hurt me. "You aren't worth it. Now that they have their pup, who cares about you?" My face tried to stay indifferent but I knew my eyes showed my true feelings. I was virtually alone. Me and the other kidnapped were soon going to be on our own in a place littered with hunters. Our fate was not looking good.
I was hit a few more times from Phillip and a few hunters before I was left alone for the rest of the night. The next day I was forced to walk, a werewolf collar securely around my neck, and a leach attached to it. The hunters sneered, spat, and tripped me as we walked the miles. A routine was developed over the next week. I was walked liked an animal, every time we stopped I was strung up so I could not move, and at night beaten a little but not bad enough that I could not walk. Each day I became weaker and uncaring. I felt my mind fog with lack of sleep and food. I was a mess. My body black, blue, and red. My clothes were dirty with mud, blood, and body fluids (some not mine, spit is gross). Some men tried to sexually assault me, but the leader never let that happen. I did not know why he cared, but at least I was protected a little. Whenever Phillip was my guardian (trying to 'redeem' himself for letting Zane go) he tried his best to be a little gentler with me. He never demanded me to walk faster than I could walk, he gave me some food and water under the guise that they needed me able to move, and when he 'punished' me it was only hard enough to either cause me to move or bruise a little. I knew this pained him as much as it did me. I stopped talking after day four, it demanded too much energy that I did not have.
We were a week from the city I grew up and as usual I was hanging from a tree. The hunters were lounging and laughing. They were so close to their home base that their guard was down and by the time they were surrounded it was too late. I looked up with tired eyes when the chorus of howls echoed around us. The hunters jumped up startled, but it was too late as a sea of werewolves (both humanoid and shifted) surrounded them. I watched helplessly as hunters and wolves fought. Using the distraction as a cover, Phillip ran to me. "I got you, Macha." He whispered while cutting through the rope. Like a rag-doll, I fell into his arms. Just then a wolf growled at us, well more specifically Phillip.
"It is fine." I breathed out. "He is a friend."
The wolf's silver eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation. "Then give her here friend."
Phillip looked down at me. "Do it. I cannot stay with you or I will die. Go, pretend like usual."
"As you wish. I'm sorry." He easily picked me up and placed me in the wolf's arms. "Take care of her." He looked right into the wolf's eyes to convey his message. "Be safe." He turned and ran to 'help' his fellow hunters. Not saying anything, the wolf turned and ran to safety. Sometime between him turning and returning to the pack meeting area, I fell asleep. The next time I woke a woman was next to me trying to wash some of the grime I had accumulated.
"Finally awake I see." The woman had greying hair and laugh lines around her eyes and mouth. She was different than most wolves I had seen. She had paint on her face, arms, and shoulders with braids and beads in her long hair.
"I guess so. Where am I?" I looked around the small tent I was in. It was made of light leather with what looked like designs on the outside but I was unsure. I was on a raised cot like bed with a light blanket over me.
"You are in the Bear Brook pack territory. I am Caretaker Gwen Steady Back and this is my daughter Hunter Soinnach (Shoon-ah) Steady Back." I shifted my eyes to a woman with ice white hair and gold eyes. Like her mother she had long hair with braids, beads, and ribbons, tattoos on her neck, arm, stomach, back, and one on the side of her face. She looked fierce like you did not want to mess with her or risk getting your throat ripped out. "Somewhere around here is my mate Theta Deklyn Steady Back. How are you feeling?"
"Terrible, but better than before." I tried to get up but groaned and flinched at the pain that shot through me.
"Be careful lassie, you have many bruises and cuts all over your body." Gwen helped me sit up and handed me something cold to put on my ribs. "How's your breathing?"
"A little labored, but not surprising."
"Sionnach, go fetch the Alpha. He wants to speak with our guest." The Hunter nodded and disappeared only to return a minute later with a woman whose bright red hair reminded me of Ferguson's.
"Hello lassie, I am Alpha Deidra Rough Neck, welcome to Bear Brook Territory. May I inquire your name?" The Alpha was petite, with a height of about 5'4" but her body was solid and I did not fear her snapping in battle.
"Greetings Alpha Rough Neck, I am Mach Lightwood. Thank you for helping us." I nodded my head and looked at her cheek bones.
"It was no problem, we don't appreciate hunter who kidnap." She chuckled, "Hell we don't like hunters at all."
"A common feeling among packs."
"Yes." She looked me over and shook her head. "I'm sorry for the way those monsters treated you."
"I help wolves, it is expected."
"Still, they should have more respect. They beat you, starved you, and stripped you down, no one should have to experience that." I shrugged, I have experienced worse. "The other kidnapped will not talk without you. Are you their leader?"
I made a face that was mixed between a yes and a no. "Sort of. I tend to be the liaison between the pack and village we are from."
"What pack is that if you don't mind me asking?"
"The Moonshadow pack."
The tent's eyes widened. "By the gods! It's a good thing we helped you. I am planning on sending some of my pack to help. We are a large pack and have the ability to send some of our own to help while protecting our territory. Do you think the Alpha will accept our help?"
"Yes, we have been working mainly with packs who have lost their territories. Having some of yours will give hope that not all is lost."
"Excellent. I shall let you rest Miss Lightwood and we will talk more on this later. Until next." She nodded at me, turned, and left the tent.
"That was unexpected." Gwen smiled. "Now, let's get you some clothes and fix your hair. May I ask what happened?" While Sionnah looked for clothes, Gwen helped me to a stool.
As she started cutting my hair so it was presentable, I replied, "When we were kidnapped, a pup was also taken." Gwen froze behind me and gasped. Sionnah spun around as her eyes lit up silver. "Couple days into the journey to the city, a hunter and I planned an escape for him."
"A hunter?" Sionnach looked at me like I was crazy while she placed a pile of clothes on a nearby table for me.
"Yes, he is a friend. Together we came up with a plan and that night we set it into motion. While on guard of my wagon, I," I chuckled at the memory. "I kicked him down and the pup and I ran. The pup shifted into his wolf and darted into the forest and hopefully kept going. I was tackled to the ground and tied up to a tree. I retrieved a... thorough pat down and was stripped down to only shift so I could not hide anything. Then they cut my hair so I could not slip a tool into it. That night and almost every night I was beaten for being a 'wolfwhore' and traitor."
"They called you that?" Gwen roared.
"Yes. I wear a red cloak, of course they call me that." Gwen and her daughter shook their head in disgust.
"Well, I'm all done lassie. I hope you like it." She handed me a small mirror. My hair was so short. I ran my fingers through it a few times before placing the mirror down.
"Thank you, it does look better than before."
"My pleasure lassie. Get dress and then sleep, you'll need it." The pair left me to change in private. I united the front and let the shift drop to the ground. Before picking up me new set of clothes I looked down at my multicolored body. I flinched as I ran my fingers over my chest and stomach. Unable to take it anymore, I limped over to the clothes. The first piece I put on was like a large shirt that went a little above mid thigh. It was soft, light, and forest green in color. After tying the front so my cleavage would not show, I slipped on the second layer. It went over only one shoulder and ended about mid thigh. It allowed for free movement and the ability to run without having to worry about a skirt getting int he way. I looked around for something to prevent it from falling off; it bellowed out and threatened to fall to the ground. Then I noticed a leather belt. Wincing a little, I wrapped the piece around my waist and tied it in place. In too much pain to pick up my discarded shift, I shuffled back to the bed and fell asleep.

Sindri was going crazy. Nothing could calm him down or stop him from pacing. Fifteen minutes ago the pack Alphas agreed to stop hunting down the Hunters. Corbin had to actually use his Alpha command on him to stop before a fight broke out. How could they stop? Logically he knew they had to. They were small in number and a day's run from their territory. They could not continue on even if a pup and eight villagers had been taken. The packs looked at the father sadly knowing that he could not help the way he was feeling.
Trista watched her youngest son pace as anger and sadness rolled off of him. She wished she could help, but knew that there was nothing she could do. The only thing that would stop his madness was for Zane and Macha to return. The old Alpha was not going to lie to herself. She knew part of his restlessness was the young woman also being absent. It was bad enough that Sindri's pup was missing but to add insult to injury they also took the woman that could be his mate. She sometimes wanted to smack her son for not admitting that he had feelings for the young woman, but also knew that he feared finding another mate. Hell she was the same way, well sort of. Mica had been her true mate, no other wolf could ever compare to him. Selena was wonderful for Sindri, but he could move on when he accept his grief at her lost and opened himself to the possibility of having another mate. Life was complicated sometimes.
The small search party was starting to pack up and head back when Sindri froze. There was a familiar heartbeat. He frantically looked around and let out a howl. The rest of the wolves looked at him with mouths ajar. Could he really be that stupid? He just let every hunter in the area know there were wolves nearby. But before they could get mad at him, there was a return howl. Everyone froze except for Sindri who started running in the direction of the howl. He skidded to a stop and fell to his knees as a pup barreled into him and went limp.
"Zane." Sindri cried into his son's fur. Zane whimpered back and tried to get closer to the familiar scent of his father. The rest of the Moonshadow pack ran over and dropped next to the pair. Slowly Zane shifted back to his human form and cried. Finally calming down for the first time in about a week, Sindri looked up and found no one coming towards them. "Zane?" He called gently. "Where is everyone else?"
Zane looked up and began crying harder. He clung to his father's shirt with claws that pricked Sindri's skin. "They no come! I run alone." The wolves looked at each other startled. He ran by himself? "Mak, kicked hunter and we ran. I wolf, but she not fast enough. She told me to keep running. I did and found you." His sobbing escalated to almost a panic attack. "We save her! Hunter hurt her like momma!" Sindri flinched and could not tell his son that they were unable to go after the woman that saved him.
Corbin took on the task as he lowered his voice. "Zane." He stroked his nephews cheek as he broke the bad news. "We can't go after Macha or the other villagers. We can't."
"Have to!" He pup cried desperately. "They going hurt her!"
"I'm sorry, Zane."
"No!" He cried and growled. "Noooo!"
"Sindri." Corbin sadly commanded. "Let's go." The Beta looked up at his Alpha lost before doing as he was commanded. Zane thrashed in his arms and screamed at the top of his lungs my name.
♠ ♠ ♠
The first hairstyle isn't as nice as the one in the first picture, but close to. Shout out to Bear Brook where I used to go camping.

I'm a terrible person to Macha. She's is forever going to be fucked up. -Similar to what Macha is now wearing