Status: Update when I can

Red Is for Traitor

Painted Blue for Protecting and Arriving Home

The day was hot as our group of twenty-three traveled back home. It took a while for the scarred villagers to open up and talk to the Bear Brook wolves, but eventually the journey was passed with talking and laughing. I floated in order to get to know as many of the wolves as possible and found out I was the first red cloak they had met. I listened as they talk about traditions and how each one became part of the pack. Interestingly, most were not born into the pack, rather wandered into the territory and never left. They tended to be wolves that were rejected, sole survivors, or loners that somehow found a place in the large pack to call their own.
"I was adopted by my parents." Sionnah informed me when I asked her about her time in the pack. "I was abandoned by my real ones when I was about four and wandered around. Pa found me crying, well more whimpering since I was a wolf. He picked me up, brought me to his Den, and I haven't left. We were a pack of three until I was about," She paused to think back. "Eleven. We were running away from some hunters when we crossed into the Bear Brook territory. Suddenly dozens of howls echoed through the air. It was scary but cool at the same time. We and the hunters froze at the sound and then we were surrounded by just as many wolves. To say the hunters ran away with piss in their pants would not be a lie. Alpha Diedra took us in and we've been a part of the pack ever since. My Ma became one of the three Caretakers, Pa a Theta, and when I was old enough to have a job, I was a Hunter."
"How is it decided what you are in a pack?" I asked. I had never understood and never remembered to ask.
She tilted her head, "Well, part of it is personality. Ma would never make a good Theta or Hunter because she doesn't like hurting other creatures. She'd rather look after the young and old and take care of those who are sick or hurt. Pa doesn't mind fighting or hunting as long as it isn't mindless or cold blooded. I'm more on the quiet side, work well with others, and okay with fighting. But other than personality it also depends on talents. Pa is an excellent fighter but can't be stealthy to save his life so Scouting and to some degree Huntering aren't really his forte so he's a Theta. His job is to protect the pack and do different jobs around the territory. I'm stealthy, fast, work well in groups, and can take down other creatures with ease. Being a Hunter was where I fit best within the pack dynamic."
"How does one become an Alpha or Beta then?"
"Aside from winning the title of Alpha through a fight, they're groomed by the previous Alpha. It can be a child of their own or if they either do not have one or the pups don't have the personality for it, the Alpha can groom a wolf within the pack to succeed them."
"Are there not often hard feelings if one child is chosen over another or if a wolf not related to the Alpha is chosen?"
Sionnah shrugged, "I guess sometimes, but not normally."
"Then how does one become the Beta?"
"That position is an interesting one because it has to go to someone trustworthy. They are the Alpha's confidant and go to. They have to have the quality of leader but also be able to take orders. I would say being the Beta has the most fluidity because they must be able to command the pack when the Alpha is busy, but fall into line when the Alpha returns. They have to be able to step up and become the Alpha if anything ever happens to them."
"That is a lot of pressure and responsibility for a person."
"It is, but usually they're groomed to be a Beta. It's not like hey you're the Beta now." She shook her head. "It's usually someone close to the Alpha's age who compliments the them."
I thought back to Corbin and Sindri's relationship. "Best friends or non-rival siblings?"
"Usually. Sometimes mates will hold those two positions, but that duo is rare because if the Alpha died, the mate would not be in the right of mind to fill the spot."
"I can understand that." For the rest of the day Sionnah and I talked about what it was liking being in a large pack such as hers and having so much territory.
The journey was quiet for the next week. We ran into very few and only hid a couple of times until either travelers or hunters passed by. It was not until the second week some action occurred. We were walking as usual when the wolves froze and simultaneously circled around the humans. Easily stringing my walking stick turned bow, I notched an arrow ready to use it. Four breaths later hunters ran at us. I tracked the wolves movement with my bow waiting in case one of them needed my help. The other villagers clutched a dagger in their hands knowing how to use it for protection of themselves not to attack with purpose. At some point, I let my arrow fly and it stuck in the back of a hunter's shoulder. He yelled in pain and turned to face me. He raised his other arm to throw a knife at me, only to drop it when another arrow went through his hand. No longer caring about him (he was useless without his dominant hand), I went back to tracking danger. My slow circling froze when I spotted three hunter dragging a wolf away. Fuck you. I snapped in my head before letting an arrow free. I started running towards the hunters and wolf while preparing another arrow. My first one hit the hunter carrying the wolf's feet in the side. He let out a cry and dropped to a knee while swearing. With freed legs, the wolf started fighting back harder. I let one more arrow free (aimed still at the first hunter) and then quickly unstrung me bow. Using it as a staff, I helped the wolf fight off the hunters. Once they fled from the area, I bent down to asses the wolf's wounds. He had a rope woven with purple flowers around one arm and his wrists. I made a face feeling bad for the pain he was probably in. I quickly cut the rope and freed him of his poisonous binds and poured some of my water on his arm and wrists. "Use this, it should help." I handed him a small vile filled with ice purple lotion.
"Thanks." He winces. We stood up and made our way back to the group. The wolf's mate ran over and hugged him.
"Impressive." Beta Mordred nodded. "You have mighty skills in archery."
"I was raised hunting." I nodded. That night I was honored with marks of my own for saving a fellow wolf. I found out that night that each person's tattoos were symbolic of something they had accomplished or an act of heroics. When a wolf came of age and passed a test they received their first tattoo. When they were inducted into their place in the pack (hunter, scout, caretaker, etc) they received another tattoo. When they excelled in their field, when they accomplished a feat that few previous had, when they selflessly protect another wolf or the pack they received another tattoo. For my selfless act to help a wolf and leave the safety of the circle, I was given marks that symbolized my ties and alliance with the pack. Instead of being a tattoo since I was neither a wolf or part of their pack, they used a blue paint.
"You are forever bound to our pack." Beta Mordred smiled. "An ally when needed and a friend to visit. Unlike us you do not have to wear it everyday, but marks are not given freely especially to humans. We request that on celebrations or fights where the Bear Brook pack is present you wear this as a symbol of alliance."
"Of course. Thank you, helping you was something I did not think about but knew to be right."
"Exactly why you deserve these." His fingers gently ran over the dry blue paint. "Stand as an ally and more importantly a friend to our pack." When I stood with red tainting my cheeks, the Bear Brook pack howled joyously.
"Am I going to get news one every time I save a wolf?" I leaned over to the Beta. "Because it is what I do. That is how I met the Moonshadow pack."
With a chuckle he replied, "We shall see. It will either earn you a few more where a mark will encompass that you are a selfless protector of wolves or you will be decorated. We shall see."
I looked up at him with a smile and raised brows. "I hope the former for painting every mark for every celebration may take half the night." He let out a bark of a laugh and with a smile to each other we joined the pack and villagers.
The third and finally week I was walking beside the wolf I had save. At first we were talking about his role and how he became part of the pack when suddenly he asked, "How are you doing?"
Confused, I asked, "What do you mean?"
"When you first arrived in our territory, you were in terrible shape. You are looking better, but bruises and cuts both physical and mental still remain. How are you doing?"
"Still hurts a little. Some bruises are taking longer to heal especially around my ribs, but I am getting better. As for mental scars, I have good nights and bad. All my traumas are blurring together." I shrugged.
"How many traumas have you come across?" He looked at me as if the thought of having more than two was an oddity. Perhaps it was.
I cocked my head to think. "Too many. I was raised in the city you live near. I was to learn to be a proper lady of society but fell quite short for my step father's liking. The city dwellers did not like me and then the war between wolves and hunters started. You cannot live through all that and not come out with a few traumas that haunt your dreams."
"True. I am sorry."
"I like to think it makes me stronger."
"You are definitely a strong woman, never stop." He patted my shoulder and then switched to a lighter topic.
Entering the fourth week, we saw the first signs of the village. The entire group stopped to look; some in longing while others in wonder. We were half a days walk away. We started back up and this time there was a restlessness that did not exist before. Nearing the last half mile some villagers started running, more eager than anything to make it back home. With the wolves, I did not rush knowing it would be better to be with them and introduce them than rush on and leave them alone. By early evening we made it to the edge of the village where the elders and four Alphas stood waiting. I stepped up with Mordred to my left.
Elder Hawthorn was the first to speak and with a surprised voice asked, "Macha?"
I gave a small smile, "Elder Hawthorn." My eyes scanned the other Elders and Alphas. "Elders. Alphas. I would like to introduce you to Beta Mordred of the Bear Brook Pack. They are here to assist us."
Mordred nodded at the surprised greeters. "Hello, Alpha Diedra has heard and wishes to assist in the fight for wolves. She has lent out this small group of Hunters, Theta, and Scouts to help you."
"We are honored to have your help." Corbin shook out of his shock and smiled. "How did you come across our villagers?"
"The hunters that captured them were walking through our territory towards the nearby city. Generally we do not like Hunters on our land, but when we saw Miss Macha we knew we could not stand by idly and we attacked. We got your people and took them in and then headed here." Mordred replied.
Corbin frowned, "What was wrong with Macha?"
Mordred opened his mouth to reply, but was stopped when a small voice cried, "Mak!" Zane pushed through Corbin and Alpha David's legs and launched himself at me. I had just enough time to crouch down before toppling over with the pup in my arms.
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