Status: Update when I can

Red Is for Traitor

Making Deeper Connections

That night I stayed at the Den. I did not leave his side much for the rest of the day; the fight effected me more than I care to admit. Zane ended up finding us near the river and followed us where ever we went. Sindri and I did not mind as we decided to make it a day about us three instead of the packs and villagers. It had been a while since we could get away from everything and we really needed the solitude. We walked the woods with Sindri and Zane shifting to romp around. They chased each other, some animals, and on occasion ganged up on me. Zane was always the one to pounce and carefully knock me down when I was cornered. With a yip of happiness, he would nuzzle and lick me before jumping off to nip at his poppa. Sindri always rumbled proudly at his son before playfully snapping at him. The pup would yelp in surprise and dash off barking in glee. I laughed as Sindri's silver eyes rolled at me and then he would dash off to chase his pup. Not feeling rushed, I leisurely followed after them knowing that they would find me or stay close. Once in a while we would stop to relax before Zane demanded to run again and play.
By the time we returned to the Den, Zane was struggling to stay awake on his feet. Snorting to himself, Sindri ushered his son to his room and put him to bed. I watched the routine play out before me as I leaned on the door jam. with deft hands, Sindri stripped Zane out of his clothes and into pajamas to sleep in. Zane's head had not hit the pillow and he was already quietly snoring. I covered my mouth trying not to laugh to loud. Sindri smirked while he stalked over and pulled me into his arms. While I laughed into his chest, he rubbed his nose along the tendon of my neck. My laughing quickly turned into a hum that if he continued would morph into a moan.
"We should get to bed." Sindri whispered, not stopping.
"We should." I breathed. "I have a meeting with the Red Cloaks and the Elders."
"I have an early morning training session with the new pack." Neither of us moved, instead just stayed as we were. He hugged me tighter as I slipped my arms around his torso and settled my ear on his pec. After an unknown amount of time later, he kissed the top of my head. "We really need to get to bed."
I looked up into his eyes with a small pout. "I know. Will I see you at all tomorrow?"
"Afternoon or late evening. It'll depend on the wolves I'm training."
"Okay, I will save a plate for you if you are not back."
"Thank you." He dipped down and pecked me on the lips. I hummed as my pout turned into a smile. "Alright Miss Red, let's get you to bed."
"Walking me to my room?" I opened my mouth in mock surprise. "You are a gentleman, Mr. Wolf."
"Don't let anyone tell you differently." Sindri chuckled, kissing me one more time before pulling away. I missed the contact immediately (What was happening to me?), but soon felt his hand slip into mine. We walked quietly to the room I occupied whenever I stayed the night and paused when we were outside the door. "I will see you tomorrow. Sleep well, Macha."
"I will try. Sleep well, Sindri." I smiled as I leaned up to kiss him. It was meant to be an innocent good-night kiss, but it quickly turned into much more. I felt my back press up against the door as Sindri placed his hands on my hips and invade my space. Being on board, I trapped his face between my hands and stroked his stubbled cheek. He purred as the sensation causing me to smile. When we finally broke apart we were both breathless.
"Good-night." He whispered, pressing a quick kiss at the corner of my eye, and then started towards his bed. I watched until he turned down his hallway and then headed inside the room.
Sleeping started out fine. The dream was nice. I do not remember much, but it was sunny and everything was peaceful. I believe the pack was there, but I cannot fully recall. But as usual everything turned dark. There was fighting and blood. Lashings and ropes. The world turned grey and red as screams filled the air. I watched helplessly from where I hung as everyone I cared about was beaten and slaughtered. I tried to call to them but the rope prevented me from doing anything. I jolted awake when I was cut down only to fall into an endless pit. I wiped a hand across my mouth as a silent scream still lingered in my throat. Frustrated at yet another interrupted night, I slipped on my cloak and went outside. The night's air felt nice on my clammy skin and cleared the images that still remained in my head. Not long after I walked outside to stare at the moon, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist.
"Are you alright?" Sindri asked, resting his chin lightly on my shoulder and pressing the side of his forehead to mine.
I pressed back, reveling at the reassuring contact. "Another nightmare. I would say I am becoming used to them, but they still make me frustrated."
Picking his head up he kissed my temple. "I'm not surprised. Will you be falling back to sleep tonight?"
"I do not know. I am still tired but I do not want to wake from another nightmare."
Like many other times, the two of us stood where we were without talking. I do not know where he was looking but my eyes watched the moon. After my third yawn, Sindri quietly said, "Let's go." With laced fingers we walked back inside. Instead of turning towards my room we continued down the hallway to his. For a brief moment I thought about bringing up that my room was in the other direction however my mouth stayed shut. I did not want to go back to that room where I would be alone. I was tired of it in all honesty. Growing up I always had Arawn to sleep near for nights I did not want to be alone. Now with him being part of the pack and courting Sionnach I did not have that person anymore.
After entering his room, he stripped off his shirt while I untied my cloak and placed it over his chair. I turned to find him staring at me from the bed with an expression I was not quite sure of. I silently walked over and stood before him. It was strange looking down at him while he was human. "What side is yours?"
He cocked his head as if he had never thought of it before. "Usually the side farthest from the wall."
I smiled shyly, "Then I shall take the wall." Sindri scoot up so I could crawl into bed and settle down. After he laid down we stared at each other both feeling the tension that comes with something so new and intimate. We shared his pillow but there was a space between us, a line that we were both hesitant to cross.
Finally the awkward silence was broken when Sindri let out a chuckle. "I feel like a pup." I could not help but let out a giggle. "Come here." His left arm shot out and pulled me in. I let out a surprise yelp and curled into him. "Better?"
I looked up with reddened cheek. With a smile and a kiss to his nose I replied, "Much."
"Good." I felt his content rumble through his body as he shifted a little to get comfortable. With a final yawn, I snuggled up as close as I could to him and drifted off to sleep. I did not wake again until Corbin barged in to wake up his Beta.
"Sin, time to-" Corbin paused mid-sentence as his eyebrows raised in surprise. "Sorry, for ah disturbing you."
Barely registering what was happening, Sindri turned towards his brother with only one eye peeking over his shoulder. "I'll be up in five." He sounded like he was drunk with how his words were slurred. I of course managed to sit up just enough to see who it was before dropping back into my curled position. It was too early to be embarrassed that someone walked in on us sleeping together.
"Right. Ah, you better or I'll come back in. Yeah, I'll see you in five." Corbin made a hasty retreat, quietly shutting the door.
A couple minutes later I mumbled, "Sindri, you need to get up."
"It's too early." He muttered back into my hair.
"Pups need training."
"They'll be fine."
"Your brother will be back in if you do not get up. Or another family member."
"He'd send Mia in." He groaned unhappily. "She's the worse."
"Best get up then."
"When do you need to?"
"Depends, has the sun risen?"
"Most likely not."
"Then few more hours."
"On occasion. Up with you so I can have this bed to myself." I grinned when he growled at me.
"I see how it is." Sindri leaned over and kissed my nose. I chuckled as he rolled over and gracefully landed on his feet.
"Show off." I murmured to which he grinned down at me before striding over to his clean clothes. It would have been lady like of me to close my eyes or roll over as he changed, instead I blatantly stared.
Feeling my eyes on his, he looked over his shoulder with a raised brow. "Aren't you supposed look away when a male changes or something?"
I shrugged, propping myself up on my fist. "I am enjoying the view, besides it is not like I have not seen you naked dozens of times."
"What am I going to do with you?" He rolled his eyes with a smile. "I'll see you later." He gave me a peck on my lips and then left to find his brother. I watched the door for a few minutes before flopping back on the bed. I was not alone for more than five minutes when the door creaked open.
"Poppa?" I sat up to see a blurry eyed Zane standing in the door way.
"He left a little while ago, Zane."
"Oh." I could see the pout forming on his lips. "I wanted to say bye."
"I do not think he is in the Den anymore, but you can probably be part of the greeting party when he returns with the other wolves." He nodded and shifted in place. Trying not to laugh, I turned down the blanket and asked, "Want to sleep with me?"
His face instantly lit up and he ran over, "Sure." I laughed as he climbed into the bed and snuggled up to me.

I was sitting listening to the meeting drone on. It was more arguing than discussion making me want to pull my short hair out of my head. I wandered briefly if Sindri would mind, but then the thought was gone as a tall tan Beta shouted. I did not catch what he was saying but his voice broke through my bored haze. Everyone was looking at me as if expecting me to reply in someway to whatever the wolf had just said.
With my arms still folded and leaning back in my chair my eyes scanned the attending red cloaks, Elders, and werewolves. "I do not know why everyone is looking at me. I was not listening." The Beta growled in frustration while a few joined him, others shook their head, but the majority chuckled. "I am sorry if I offended you Beta Hornwood, but honestly for the past ten minutes I have not been paying attention. We are getting nowhere with all the fighting we are doing among ourselves. This meeting started out as what to do with the Red Cloaks now that we are trained but now it is back to being what we should do with hunters we fight. If everyone else wishes to keep discussing the matter you may, but I am leaving until the original purpose of my meeting returns to the forefront." I stared everyone in the eye with a neutral expression.
"Miss Macha, Red Cloaks, if you wish to continue speaking about what your purpose in all this is let us meet at my house. It will be more cozy anyway." Elder Hawthorn smiled, standing up.
"I will gladly join you." I stood and looked at the werewolves and villagers. "Until next time." I looked at the Red Cloaks whom also stood. The Beta from before sputtered at the sudden change. I forced myself not to roll my eyes before they landed on Corbin. He merely shook his head with a small smile on his lips. Once outside I turned to the Elder, "Thank you."
"No problem dear, you were the one who voiced what everyone else but the remaining where doing." The old woman chuckled while walking to our new meeting place.
"I may have made a few wolves mad or broken some sort of etiquette of being in a meeting."
"It happens." Once we settled in her house with Red Cloaks everywhere, she sat and addressed us. "What would you like to do in this war?"
Rami and I looked at each other and nodded. "We would like to go around to different hunter camps or cities and release werewolf and human prisoners." Rami replied. "We were thinking of working in small groups to make it harder for the hunters and their allies to track us and we would be able to cover more land."
The Elder leaned back and stroked her chin. "That would be a great idea. Humans are easier to hide in cities than werewolves."
"We may have to forgo our signature red cloaks, but we are willing to do what is necessary depending on the mission to save as many as possible."
"Including yourselves?" Taking off our cloaks was still punishable by imprisonment or death. A chill ran down my spine at the memory.
"We will take ourselves into consideration before any rescue attempt."
"We were also thinking of sewing a neutral color on the underside of our cloaks to make them reversible." Ranya grinned mischievously. "Nowhere does it say we cannot alter the cloak and we are still wearing it." The elder smiled gleefully at the bright young woman.
"Some have decided to stay and act as scouts or runners if you need them, but a majority of us wish to go on rescue missions." Rami hesitated a moment. "Rescue would also entail hunters if they are being mistreated by werewolves within our alliance. We would ask any non-allies to treat the hunters fairly, but ultimately we are aware we cannot make them."
"You will have to put this before the werewolves, you are aware right?" She looked straight at me knowing two certain wolves would not want me to go on these missions.
"That is why we wanted to run it by you first. If you believe it is worth doing, we have no problems putting it before the packs." I replied.
"Why me?" She looked surprised.
"The packs technically have no say over us... most of us," I was complicated. "But you and the other Elders are the ones we default to. You are like our Alphas." I smirked.
"That is true." She replied ruefully. "I think your purposed mission is brilliant. We want to get as many supporters and werewolves free as possible. Morally and politically rescuing them is advantageous for our conglomeration. Helping mistreated hunters when we can will also show them that we are respectful and do want peace. You are able to do things werewolves would not especially where silver and wolfsbane is involved." She nodded. "I approve of what you wish and I believe you should put it before the packs. We will have to go into more details, but I like where your goals are."
The whole room visibly relaxed with her acceptance. I smiled, "Thank you for listening to us and giving us your blessing."
"It is no problem, I like what you are thinking of over the fights the packs are having." She rolled her eyes at the childishness that was exhibited today. We all nodded and stayed a few minutes more. Before I left, she called, "Miss Macha please stay for a moment. I would like to speak with you."
"Yes?" I asked once everyone left.
"What are you planning on doing?" She looked at me with a knowing smirk.
I sighed, "I wish to join them."
"How will Master Arawn and Beta Moonshadow feel about that?"
"They will be against it most likely."
"Is it a smart idea then?"
"Probably not, but there is something in me urging me to go out and rescue those who are captured... no matter if they are werewolf, supporters, or hunters. There needs to be hope that not everything is fight and hurt... That there is a way to solve this without fighting. I am tired of watching those I love or care about get hurt. If saving a dozen hunters from mistreatment and a few take it to heart then that is a few more than before... Maybe... Maybe they will question what they thought and it will spread. I mean my informant is a hunter and he is helping us. How do we know there are not more out there like him! That are willing to see that not all werewolves are mindless creatures?"
"You are passionate about this."
"I am." My eyes dropped to my hands. "All life is important, no matter what they believe."
"Your grandmother would be proud." She touched my cheek.
"I hope so."
"Will Beta Moonshadow be okay with you gone? Will he be able to concentrate?"
"I hope so."
"Would you stay behind if he couldn't?"
I was quiet as I thought it out. "Yes, but I would want to try one mission before we vetoed me doing missions. Not far away, but long enough to know if we could handle the distance."
"It will be hard on him."
I looked up tiredly, "It is hard for me when my brother goes on scouting parties or Sindri is leading a raid, but I manage."
"You aren't a wolf."
"I am still a being who feels connections to others. I feel the anxiety, fear, and loneliness when they are gone. I have lost so much already, if I lost either of them I would be devastated just as they would be if something happened to me."
"Make sure you stay strong when you face you brother and... mate about this matter."
"He is courting me, we are not mates." I muttered.
She gave me a look, "Semantics dear." My cheeks lit up. "He is committed to you in ways that a select few will ever experience. Is your relationship with him not going to end with him being your husband... mate?"
"No..." I whispered. "I care about him in ways I have never for another."
"Good, make sure you tell him. Now out with you, I am getting old and wish to take a nap."
I chuckled, "Okay, thank you Elder Hawthorn."
"Anytime dear." She shut the door behind me, leaving me to find the other Red Cloaks to discuss when we were to bring our idea before the werewolf packs. I wanted to wait until I talked to Sindri since he would be my biggest obstacle.
That night after supper was eaten and Zane was put to bed, I followed Sindri to his room. He looked at me a little surprised but soon a small smile replaced it. Once inside I stripped off my cloak and everything but my shift while Sindri changed into a pair of sleeping pants. While he folded and placed his clothes on a chair, I walked up behind him, wrapped my arms around him, and placed my cheek on his broad back. He tensed in surprise and then placed his hands over mine while turning his head a little to look over his left shoulder. "Are you okay?"
I did not reply right away, too many emotions churning inside. "I will be. Our meeting today became deep and I did not expect it."
"Do you want to talk about it?" He turned around encircling me with his arms.
"Not tonight. Tomorrow if you do not have to be anywhere urgent."
"I have to attend a meeting in the afternoon, but nothing before then."
"Then tomorrow after we wake?"
"Okay. Let's go to bed, you look exhausted."
"Right back at you." I cracked a smile as he pulled me to the bed. I easily crawled into it and waited for him to settle before laying my head on his chest. For the first time in a while I did not dream all night.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter will be the end(ish) of what I like to call 'The Honeymoon' phase of their relationship. They'll still be adorable, but I will be returning to the war being a main focus instead of their relationship

So I was rereading this and realized that Mia was still alive... my bad. She makes an appearance!