Status: Update when I can

Red Is for Traitor

Equivalent Exchange Is Not Always Fair

Over the course of two months we managed to capture six more hunters. Through those captures, the anger in the village increased. Many wanted them dead, wanted them to feel the pain they had felt every time a pack mate died or was tortured. We would not allow it those. A small minority protected these men, women, and teenagers who opposed us but were not so different. I made more... I should not say enemies for we were still on the same side, but we were not exactly friends. Like part of my child and teenagehood, I was isolated from many. It was like de ja vu as some humans and many werewolves ignored my presence, glared, or growled at me. In all honesty I did feel bad that by keeping the hunters I was basically forcing everyone to remember the terror of this war, but it was necessary. The only time I really felt like my resolve was crumbling was when Zane snapped at me. Ever since the day I did not let him kill the hunter he has been hostile towards me. Worse than any one else even his grandmother. Corbin usually intervened whenever the pup went too far. Sometimes I questioned why I even bothered protecting the enemy.
In the fourth month of our people being captured, a visitor shook the villagers. I was helping Dr. Pent with some patients when there was a commotion outside. We looked at each other before stepping out to see what was happening. Villagers and pack members a like ran by towards the outskirts of the east side of the village. "You should go see what is happening. They may need you." Dr Pent nudged me gently.
I gave a hollow laugh, "Yeah, if they will allow me. I will come by when I find out what is happening." I headed out among the other people running to find out what is happening. By the time I arrived there was a large crowd already gathered, it was too thick to see through. Unlike any other time, I did not bother trying to see what was happening. I waited patiently knowing I would eventually be called forth to greet the being causing the scene. My wait did not last long. A tall female wolf weaved through the people until she was able to take my wrist. "Come before there is a murder." She easily pulled me through. I felt like I was swimming through molasses with how many people packed together. I finally was let free and stumbled to find no one. I frowned in bewilderment.
"I thought there would be someone." I commented to the she wolf that had dragged me to the front.
She jerked her head towards a small group of trees. "He's hiding." She bared her teeth.
"I wonder why." I mumbled before stepping towards the trees, my eyes searching for movement. There, behind the second tree. "You said it was a he?" I asked without looking back.
"Yes, it smells like a he and has the built of a young man or older teen."
I nodded and kept watching. "It would probably be best to clear the crowd."
"I hardly think I can clear them, the boy smells of a hunter."
I whipped my head around in surprise. The hell was a hunter doing here? I let go the breath I held and nodded again. Okay, let us see what he wants. "At the very least try to push them back a little. It will be easier to talk with him that way."
"I will try." The wolf turned and tried to push the crowd back without anyone getting hurt.
I took a few more steps forward and addressed the man/boy. "Sir, you do not have to be afraid we will not hurt you."
It took a moment but a teen no older than perhaps 17 peeked out from behind the tree. Even from where I stood I could see how frightened he was. "I-I w-will only s-s-speak to a w-woman named Mis-s-ss Macha Lightw-wood."
I should not be surprised... "I am Macha."
His eyes scanned me to see if I was lying. Slowly and with some hesitation he slipped out from behind the tree. Shouts from behind me called him a murderer and nearly startled him back to his hiding spot. I looked behind and glared them into a whispered murmur. "My b-ffriend t-told me t-to f-find you."
"Why?" My brows knitted together.
"Th-The oth-ther Hunt-ters-s-s f-found out-t I-I w-was..." He looked down uncomfortable. "I-I w-was being lenient-t t-to w-wolves-s-s."
I stood there deciding what to do. His friend was most likely Phillip and if he had that meant the young man was a friend. Phillip would not have sent him if he was not to be trusted. "What is you name?"
The boy's face lit up in embarrassment, "Quin W-Whit-tt-taker, ma'am."
"Master Whittaker, why do you not follow me and we shall talk in private? I have a cottage a few miles from here that will be quiet. How does that sound?" I gave him a warm smile.
"Th-Thank you, Mis-s-ss Lightw-wood."
"Please call me Macha. This way." I walked a little distance off and waited for him to follow. He quickly hurried to my side and kept his head down. The she wolf from before gave me a disapproving look, but I merely shook my head. If we wanted to know the boy's true agenda he needed to feel comfortable. Besides I knew how to protect my self if tried anything. Once we were in the woods I looked over at my silent companion. "I must forewarn you Master Whittaker, there is a chance we will be greeted by the Alpha of this territory." The young man's head shot up in fear. "Do not fear, he is a just man. If you are not here to harm anyone he will welcome you."
"W-Who is-s-s th-the... Alph-pha of th-thi-s-s-s land? I th-thought-t it-t w-was-s-s ow-wned by many."
"His name is Alpha Corbin Moonshadow. Although many packs reside here at the moment this land is technically Moonshadow Territory. We have been hosting displaced packs since the beginning of this war." As true as my prediction was, Corbin waited patiently by my door. His posture was lazy as he leaned against my house with both his legs and arms crossed. "Hello Corbin."
"Macha." He nodded with a smile before his eyes shifted to Quin's. "Hello young hunter." Quin froze in fear barely able to nod his head in greeting. "As long as you are not here to harm anyone you are welcome on these lands." Corbin raised a brow not moving any other part of his body. "Are you here to hurt anyone." Quin shook his head furiously. "I need to hear you say it please."
"No! I-I mean no harm!" He squeaked.
"Very good. I will leave you in Macha's care, but know that if anything happens to her..." Corbin did not finish his sentence letting the hunter's imagination run wild with terrible consequences. I rolled my eyes at his tactic. "I will see both of you later."
"Bye Corbin." I waved. He waved back before disappearing back into the woods. "Are you okay?"
"Get-tting th-there." He breathed out with a humorless laugh.
"Come, you will feel better in the cottage." I escorted him in and let him sit while I started some tea. While we waited I sat across from him. "Would you mind telling me everything?" And so the young hunter told me of his life. He grew up in a prominent hunter family where he learned everything necessary to eventually become his brother's second in command. When the war broke out he was forced to stop his schooling and take up arms against the enemy. However (he admitted), he didn't see the werewolves like the other hunters. One had actually saved him once from dying in a literal ditch. The wolf had jumped down, set his broken leg, made a sling for his hurt arm, and then got him out of said ditch. The wolf got him back to the hunter camp before disappearing into woods. His whole perception on werewolves changed that day and from then on he would help them when he could. Quine paused before confessing he had killed a few wolves, but that was only out of defending someone or if the thing was truly mad in the head.
Quin proceeded to tell me more about helping werewolves and the danger of almost being caught. Then one night not too long ago another hunter saw him feeding a wolf prisoner more than the rations they were usually given. Apparently the hunter watched him for a while before bringing Quin before the team. He was going to be triad for treason where he would be sentenced to death. That was the hunter's code. His friend found out and told him about a woman (me) who would help him thus he ran to this village for the past week.
I sat back and watched Quin finish the story swirling his finger around the cup's rim. "You have found me, what do you wish to do?"
He did not look up from his nearly empty cup of tea. "I-I don't-t know-w. I-I didn't-t th-think th-that-t f-far."
"You are welcome to stay here in Lobeira, but know that many of the wolves will not treat you kindly. They will either growl when you are near or ignore you all together. I suggest staying near either me, Dr. Pent who is the village doctor, or the Red Cloaks. They are also human-"
"I-I know-w wh-who th-they are."
I nodded. "We have a few hunters as our prisoners. If you wish to see them I can let you visit but you will be supervised."
"I-I don't-t th-thi-ink th-that-t w-will be a good i-idea."
"Then you do not have to." I stroked my lips thinking where he should sleep for the night. "You may sleep here for the night until we find you a more permanent place to stay."
"W-What-t about-t you?" He asked in alarm.
"I will be staying at the Moonshadow Den tonight."
"That is my other home." He gave me a baffled look. "My mate, my husband is a Moonshadow wolf."
I could not help but laugh, his face was priceless. "He is actually the Beta of the pack."
"W-where i-is-s-s he?" His eyes scanned the place for fear Sindri would be hiding somewhere in the shadows.
"You can relax, he will not barge in here." Sadness spread through my body at the thought of Sindri. "He is a prisoner."
Quin's mouth dropped a little as his eyes widened in surprise. "He i-is?"
"Yes. Has been for over three months."
"W-what i-is his-s-s name?"
"Beta Sindri Moonshadow."
"S-s-sindri..." He mumbled and racked his brain. "Th-that-t name s-s-sounds-s-s f-familiar." I sat up and leaned towards him praying he knew something about the taken wolves. "I-I can't-t remember right-t now-w, but-t I-I w-will keep t-trying."
"Thank you." I held his hand tight. "It means a lot to all of us even if you only remember a small detail." He nodded as a blush spread across his cheeks. We spent the rest of the night talking about trivial things. I only left when Corbin knocked on the door to walk me to the Den. I wished Quin a good night and on the way home I told my friend what Quin and I had discussed.
A couple weeks later with Quin's help we found where the wolves were being kept. Apparently the hunters and high level supports were gathering werewolves for a mass execution. Assembling quickly, a group of us (Red Cloaks and a few wolves) started towards Liberty City where the mass murder was to take place. We brought our hunters along, guarded menacingly (which they did not need to be) by the wolves so we could trade them. Along the way we managed to capture seven more hunters, two of them being well known leaders. With each mile conquered my anxiety raised, eagerly waiting to see our lost wolves; my lost mate. In under two weeks we saw the city we had longed for. The next day my self, a wolf guard, and one of the lead hunters walked slowly towards the gate while everyone else hid in the surrounding forest.
Upon being seen the gatekeeper shouted for someone to go get the Mayor of the city and the leader of the hunters. We only had to wait minutes before the two people stood on top looking down at us. It was simple, we would hand over the hunters if they gave us the wolves. The wolf listened to the two human's hearts informing me if they were planning something deceiving. Since they needed all the skilled hunters they could get (majority of the ones lost were the succeeding generation) they agreed to the hand off. At supper the trade would take place.
The agreement seemed too simple... too easy. I was not usually one to be pessimistic, but I was a realist. Nothing ever goes that easy. We chose a place of neutral territory with each side only allowing five people and the prisoners to meet. With me were Rami, Luka, Hunter Jasper, and my brother. The wolves kept their ears to the area making sure only those agreed on coming came. Surprisingly the hunters only came with the agreed upon number and yet I still felt like something was off.
My eyes scanned the captured wolves for Sindri. I cringed at the poor shape they were in; they would never be able to escape if they tried. Unintentionally I let out a nearly silent sob causing my mate to look up with a soft whine. I held his tired, glossy eyes as he walked to where the hunters wanted them to herd together. Finally the Mayor stepped forward with faux pleasantry. "So glad you could make it. Who should I address?"
With a nod from everyone, I stepped forward. "Me. I am Macha Moonshadow, healer and liaison of the Moonshadow territory and Lobeira Village. And you are, sir?"
"Mayor Valentine Borenstein of Liberty City. A Pleasure to meet you." I honestly wanted to puke. "Now that we are all here shall we swap our... friends."
"Lets. As we discussed it." The prisoners would walked at an arc instead of straight to keep them away from their enemy's people.
Before the prisoners could start the leader from earlier spoke, "Hold on, it seems we have a problem." Everyone froze except the Mayor and the leader who spoke. You could feel the confusion and anxiety fill the air.
"Problem sir?" I asked trying to keep my voice from shaking thus in the process raising it an octave.
"Yes, it seems you have one less captive than we do." I could feel the blood drain from my face. "The trade off would not be fair if you were to return one less."
We had been tricked...

"We do not tend to capture hunters though and this morning you had the same numbers as us.." I tried to reason, but we both knew that was not entirely true. Hunters tended to get away making it so we were unable to capture.
"Nonetheless, if you want to keep the peace at this trade we must be fair. A life for a life." He grinned in triumph. "What would people think if they heard that the other side wasn't keeping their part of the deal?" It would negate everything we had done so far to show them werewolves were trustworthy. "As for our extra wolf, she was wandering through our city and we saved her from the city folk
"You could hand over everyone you have captured... as a sign of good faith to our side." I smiled, playing pleasantries as he was. "Show them hunters and humans are not as bad as myth and legends tell."
"That would go against equivalent exchange and we do not want to cause an imbalance would we?" I tried to continue bartering with this man, but to no avail.
"What do you propose then since you so graciously saved a wolf since last we talked?" Since I did not hear any low growling I knew the leader was at least partially telling the truth. They probably did find the scared wolf running through the streets but captured it for a different reason than what he was insinuating.
"One must stay with us." A gasp and some rumbles rolled over the area. I watched as the hunters hands automatically rested on their weapons just in case a wolf decided to charge. I looked behind and raised my hand to sooth them. Once they quieted the hunter leader continued. "Since we are here on peaceful terms," His lips once again pulled into a malicious smile, "I shall let you choose who will stay."
I quietly stared at the man in horror. I was supposed to choose who has to stay behind?! This was why I hated politics. This was why I left it to those more suited for making the hard ass decisions no one wanted. Selfish of me I know, but I was not a leader. All I wanted was peace and to work as a healer like my Grandmother with Sindri, Zane, and the Moonshadow pack by my side. My eyes scanned the weak wolves as the hunters pushed them out to be presented.
How was I supposed to choose?
I felt Arawn step closer to me giving me the comfort and support I needed to make a decision. I knew he would stand behind me no matter the choice I made. If I decided to flee with our captors, he would stand with me. If I told my group to attack, he would be the first to charge. If I turned to him and asked him to choose, he would do it. I could not make him though. I was not that cruel to my brother. I had done so much to him already. I had him disowned, I took away our mother from him, hell I even made him a wolf. I was not going to add this to his already burdened shoulders.
Once my eyes landed on Sindri we stared at each other. Relief, longing, and hope shown in his eyes taking away some of the haze that once eclipsed them. I gave him a small reassuring smile before moving on to the next the wolf. How am I supposed to choose? My eyes kept moving over the wolves as more pain and dread filled me. I could not make this choice! To make someone stay was the cruelest thing I could do to them. They had a glimmer of hope, a taste of almost freedom and I was to rip it away from one of them. My jaw clenched once I looked at the last captive.
"Choose Ms. Moonshadow or I will make the choice for you." The leader's voice cut through me thoughts. My eyes once more landed on Sindri silently communicating through this dilemma. Who would he choose if we were swapped places? Who would be his sacrifice? "Who is your choice?!" The hunter yelled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Quin has a stutter, he's not in a continuous state of shyness.

Aaand I leave you with that. I'll try to make another update but I have a cert test next Sunday that I really need to study for. Sorry it took so long, but my vacation was packed!