Status: Update when I can

Red Is for Traitor

A Long Time Coming

I was fed a lie. Usually I would have seen through it or questioned what I was being told, however I was in no state of mind to bother. When Luka informed me that Jasper, Arawn, and Mina had gone ahead to scout I easily accepted it. Looking back I should have realized that none should have been doing that job. We have two Scouts with us thus they should have been the ones to venture forth to make sure the path was clear. The explanation for their absence was fishy but as I said I was not questioning. I went along with the rest of the group barely registering that it was queer the trio had not returned to us with an update.
If I was a werewolf I would have been tipped off long before I saw anyone that instead of three heartbeats there were four. Not only four, but a very familiar fourth that I would have been able to pick out of a crowd of thousands perhaps millions of heart beats. On top of the sound I would have picked up Sindri scent probably a mile ago if not farther back. However, I am but a poor human with senses far inferior than that of a werewolf. Therefore as our group of tired, hungry travelers crossed into the meadow I was taken by surprise to find that the trio had turned into a quartet. I did not even realize right away that the number was off. I was halfway through the grass before my eyes raised above ground level and I froze. My brain realized something was off but not what was. With a cocked head I stared at Mina who smiled tiredly but excited, Jasper who gave me a quiet smile, and lastly my brother who stood protectively over the last person. Then it clicked. The rush I felt at the realization that Sindri was no longer a prisoner was like a dam that finally broke and water gushed forth with a devastating force.
With a body operating all on its own, I bolted to my mate. The moment I was close enough I skidded next to him, but hesitated to touch. I longed to feel him, my body craved it yet I was afraid to wake him. He dozed against the tree with cuts, bruises, and hollowed cheeks. His once strong muscular body was now wasted away close to half it used to be. Biting my lip, my fingers stroked his cheek making sure he was not only really here but was okay (in the sense that he was not in too much pain). He hummed at the contact, stirring a little before slowly opening his eyes. I let out a sob as I leaned forward to rest my forehead gently against his. "Red." He breathed softly, his breath hitting my lips like an unhurried wave against a shore.
I let out a broken laugh knowing he was probably being bombarded with all of my crazy emotions. "Hey, Wolf." He smiled back in the lazy way only those who were beyond tired knew how to smile. While we were in our own little world, everyone else turned away to give us privacy... not that we really paid attention to anyone else. This moment was too important to worry about others watching us.
"You can... stop wo... worrying... now." Sin labored out as his arms wrapped around me, barely putting any pressure on my lower back.
"Not a chance Sin, not a chance." I removed my forehead to rub my nose and lips against his cheek. "You are free."
He let out a deep pleased rumble. "I am." We remained in each other's brace until Arawn cleared his throat some time later.
"I hate to break up this reunion, truly I do, but we need to continue on." He looked uncomfortable, shifting from one foot to the other. "We are not sure how angry the hunters and mayor are since they no longer have anymore prisoners."
I looked over at Sindri for he was the one hurt most of all. He nodded however with determination in his eyes. "I can probably walk for a few hours as long as I have some assistance."
"I will let you also lean on me." Arawn volunteered knowing I would help no matter what. Sindri nodded and with some aid, he stood and leaned heavily on me. Arawn easily slipped his pack mate's arm around his shoulder and helped distribute the weight. By the time we stopped Sindri along with many of the other captured wolves were nearly walking in their sleep.
Those who were not half passed out quickly set up camp and assigned shifts. I was going to help hunt or keep watch, but my friends had other plans. Before I could do anything, Mina gently but firmly pushed be down so I was sitting up against a tree while Arawn guided Sindri next to me. "Make sure he eats and drinks a little before he goes to sleep." Mina passed me some left over stew and a water skin and then left to do chores. With a pat on the head, Arawn followed after her having been assigned patrol duty.
I shrugged knowing my new assignment was to take care of my mate, not that I was going to complain. Realistically I would have self appointed myself the task because there was no way in hell I was going to stay more than a minute away from him. "You heard them." I spoke softly. "Eat, drink, and then sleep."
"Too tired." He mumbled out, his lips barely parting to speak the words.
"I know, but you need to or you will get sick and remain weak." Grumbling he let me feed him without opening his eyes. I snickered causing him to playfully bare his teeth at me. "I am shaking in my boots." I teased, shoving another half a spoonful into his mouth.
After swallowing he replied, "You would be if I wasn't so tired. You'll get it later."
"Better build your strength then or I'll out run you."
"Never." He ate two more bites, took a few more sips of water, and then curled up on my lap. I ran my fingers through his matted, dirty hair soothing away any fear and insecurities he may have had. I was guarding him, hopefully that would be enough for him to sleep through the night.

One night Sindri woke with a start and kept going. The Red Cloaks and werewolves on watch looked at him started, but did not follow knowing I was not far behind. I found him panting a few yards away from the camp, bent over with one clawed hand using a tree to brace himself. Not wanting to scare him, I slowly walked over. "I think I understand you a little better."
Cocking my head I asked, "How do you mean?" I stopped in front of him but still did not touch knowing his skin probably still felt like live wires.
"All the times you couldn't sleep or would disappear in the night, I think I get it now." He leaned against the tree for support before sliding down. "How long will this take to get over?"
I gave him a sad look, "Honestly it never does truly go away." I knelt down to his height. "It gets a little easier with time, but every once and a while there are nightmares. I do not think they ever will stop, but they do not mock you as often."
He sighed as he held out his hand to me. With a soft smile I placed my hand in his only to be pulled into him. His warm breath slowly pulsed against my neck as he deeply inhaled my scent and then released it back onto me. It was probably a good thing I was not claustrophobic for he enclosed me with his body. Sindri's arms were firmly locked around me, his face buried in my neck, and his ankles locked together keeping me as close to him as physically possible. We remained quiet listening to the sounds of the nocturnal animals, the plants swaying in the light breeze, and our friends on watch. The silence was only broken when a few minutes later he whispered, "I knew you'd come, but-" He shuttered and inhaled deeply again.
"I will always come for you." I muttered back rubbing my cheek to the side of his head. "Would you like to talk about it?"
"Not yet. Soon, but not yet." I understood and nodded. A traumatic event such as the ones we each experienced would need to be processed before being talked about. "How are the others?"
"I believe they are in denial. None have woken up from a nightmare, they sleep and get up only to walk like zombies. Have you not noticed?"
"I'm in my own head most of the time."
I nodded, "They will wake up soon and it will not be pleasant. I hope we are back before they do. To be surrounded by friends, family, and pack will help them and they will have more people to talk to other than the few here."
"It's good you're here though." I hummed in question. "You know a little of what it is like to be captured and abused." I shuttered as a few memories resurfaced. "I'm sorry." He made a small whine for having caused me some pain.
"Do not be, Sindri." I pulled away to capture him face in my hands. He looked ragged. "As you have said I can understand what all of you have gone through. It is a bit of a consolation knowing you are not alone and being able to see that this event does not have to control you. I mean look at me, I am mostly my old self." I grinned.
He let out a small laugh, "That you are. Thank you." He leaned his head on my and closed his eyes. "I missed you."
"And I you, my love. We have a few more hours before we need to be up, let us try to sleep a little more." He did not say anything at first. He stayed still until he was ready to move again. With a nod we got up and reentered the camp. We found our mat and curled up for the rest of the night. I fell asleep easily, but I do not think Sindri slept again that night.

A week later we had to halt our journey when we came across a small family pack (consisting of two adults and a pup) being attacked by hunters. We pushed back the frozen ex-prisoners so they could not see what was happen and then skulked down. I felt a presence next to me and turned to find Sindri nearly pressing into my left side. At first I was tempted to urge him back with the others but knew better; he would not leave. Being in sync was useful sometimes, as I looked at him I knew he understood to stay near me and not to mortally harm any of the hunters... unless there was no other option. His reply of course was rolling his eyes at me. My Mate....
We ambushed the hunters trying to kill this isolated pack. The small skirmish did not take long, but it did not end how we hoped. Honestly, it crushed most of us because werewolves died. Before we even managed to startle them, the male werewolf was stabbed through the neck with a hunter's blade killing him almost instantly. The pup ran inside while the female werewolf roared in anger and tried to avenge her fallen mate. Our group did cause the hunters to retreat but not before more damage was done. Two hunters lit the house on fire while five more roped the crazed she wolf and dragged her off. I turned just in time to watch as a sixth hunter ran us and sliced the she wolf's stomach open. She cried out in pain withering from the silver and slowly spreading wolfsbane. The hunters jeered as they continued to run with her still dragging behind them; her entrails slowly spilling out. Biting my lip, I knocked an arrow and let it fly. After I released it I watched in defeat the arrow fly high in an arc and land in its resting place; the wolf's heart. She let out a small yelp before going limp. Now bored with the dead wolf, the hunters dropped the rope and retreated from the area.
"There was nothing you could've done. She couldn't have recovered from that wound." Sindri's voice calmed a little of the turmoil I felt at killing an ally.
"I know... Does not mean I liked that it happened." I turned to find him covered in soot and a small bundle curled into his shoulder hiding its face in his neck. "Who is this?"
"I am assuming the mated pair's pup. She ran inside to be safe, but the hunters lit the house on fire."
"You went in to save her." I completed. "We cannot leave her here."
"We can't." He began to chuckle, "I don't think I could pry her off if I tried."
"Another wolf to our merry band. Should we-" I cut myself off and pointed to the deceased mother.
"I think she knows." Just them a whimper escaped her lips. Sindri tilted his head to see her the best he could. "Would you like to say good-bye?" She shook her head and began crying.
"I will try to salvage something from her parents so she can remember them. Go back to the camp, get her away from here." I wrapped my hand around Sindri's wrist, gave it a squeeze, and then turned to retrieve whatever I could from both wolves.
Before we returned to camp, we placed the wolve's bodies in the fire so they could have some sort of burial. I managed to obtain a necklace from the father and a ring from her mother. When we returned I found Sindri and the girl missing.
"Beta Sindri went to wash the pup. They aren't far off." Jasper pointed in the direction and patted my should as I passed. I smiled up at him before weaving my way to the stream. I watched from the tree line as Sindri carefully washed the soot and dirt off the young girl's face, neck, hands, arms, and legs.
"You can come closer." He smiled without looking up at me.
I took one step and heard the girl growl at me. "I do not think she likes me much." I listened to Sindri make soothing sounds to try and calm the frightened girl. I stopped about a foot away and knelt so I would not intimidate her. "I have something for you." I held out my hand to show her the necklace and ring. Still feeling threatened apparently, she took a swipe at my hand, spilling the objects and some blood on to the ground. Sindri's eyes flashed silver at the attack towards me. "I am okay Sindri. Relax." My eyes went to her. She was a beautiful young thing with long braided mocha brown hair, warm (yet frightened) chocolate brown eyes, and tanned skin. "I am a friend, young one." I slowly held out my hand for her to scent.
"Shanendowa, this is my mate Macha. She will not hurt you." Sindri's voice was low and soothing, trying to relieve any suspicion she had of me.
The little girl cocked her head as her eyes looked me over. Her nose flared trying to pick out every scent that layered my skin, I watched her relax as Sindri's familiar scent was sorted out from the mess I apparently carried throughout mine. Suddenly her eyes dipped down, "Soorry."
I smiled kindly, "It is forgiven, but please try not to do that again. Your claws are sharp and my skin rather fragile." She nodded before slowly reaching over to pick up the jewelry.
"Momma. Poppa." She stroked the strange colored gems as tears dripped down her face. "What happens to me now?" She looked up desperately at Sindri.
He looked at me before replying, "You'll come with us back to Lobiera Village, unless you have family elsewhere." She shook her head indicating she did not. "You'll come back with us and we can decided further there."
"You must know Shanendowa, there are many wolves living at Lobiera along with humans. Are you going to be okay with that?" I asked so she knew what to expect.
"Why humans?" She pouted clearly upset with the idea.
"Some of them live there as villagers, others are allies with the werewolves and wish to help any way they can. Some of the humans wearing the red cloaks in our group are those who wish to help werewolves."
"What about you?"
"I am an ally and a villager. Usually I either act as healer to those who are hurt in the village or I go out with the Red Cloaks and rescue werewolves who have been captured."
"Why? Why are you helping my kind?"
I tilted my head and thought, "Because I believe you are as much of a person being as I or any other human. I do not believe they should be hunted down... unless they have become truly feral."
She narrowed her eyes, "How do I know I can trust you? Humans burned down my home and killed my parents." She snarled the last part, anger replacing despair.
"Do you trust Sindri?" I nodded at my mate that sat centimeters from her.
"If you cannot trust my word, trust him. He has kept me around these past few years and many of the other humans."
"I can trust them?" She looked up into the turquoise eyes that were tired yet still strong. "I can trust her and the other humans of this village?"
"Yes. I wouldn't have let her near my son or taken her as my mate if I thought she meant my pack or any pack harm. I wouldn't have let any of the humans that live and sleep in Lobiera stay if I did not trust their intent." Shanendowa's tense body once again relaxed at the reassurance the village and its inhabitants were safe. "Come pup, we have a long journey ahead of us." He stood and took the little girl's hand.
For the rest of the journey she never strayed far from Sindri and on occasion myself if he had to go do something. She never wanted to part from him, but knew that if he was on hunting duty she had to stay behind. Along the way she asked questions about the town, its people, the packs that lived there, and of course about the Moonshadow pack. We told her everything we knew and on the third week traveling back we stopped and took in the sight... we were finally home.
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Wish me luck, I'm taking my certification test for the technique club I'm apart of!