Status: Update when I can

Red Is for Traitor

Tides Turning

Everything was silent except for the crackling of the fire in the middle of the clearing. Devastation and the acrid scent of burning flesh and hair permeated the air. Wolves and humans alike silently cried as they watched their loved ones released into the spirit world. Many watched the flames engulf the fallen while others hid their faces into a loved one unable to see through tears. I tore away my eyes to look at Zane who quietly sobbed into my shoulder. Pulling him closer I began rocking him gently before looking over at my brother. On one side he had Shanendowa propped on his hip who was staring with glazed eyes at the red and yellow flames. On his other Trista sobbed into his shoulder similar to how Zane was with me. My eyes moved to me mate who stood off with the other Betas and Alphas. Sindri's eyes shifted to look at me, the haunting look made me wonder if it was all worth it...

It was the final battle, the battle that would determine everything. Unlike what you would see in movies or read in books, the day was clear. There was no terrible storm to personify the meaning behind this battle, no lightening to correspond with hunters and wolves clashing, no thunder to echo the battle cries, and no mud to symbolizes the struggle each side was experiencing. It was a beautiful day. A day that was deceiving to what was to come; no foreshadowing involved. There was no symbolism of being reborn; no sunshine breaking through after a terrible storm.
I watched at first from behind the main lines. Sindri did not want me to participate knowing he would not be able to concentrate with me running around possibly being mortally wounded. I wanted to fight him, but held my tongue knowing it was safer if he could focus on the fight rather than on me. Besides I was a healer not a fighter and I was okay with that. Watching the terrible final fight was horrible. From where I stood I could see the all of it. I could see men and wolves fall never to stand again, never to breathe. My eyes tracked my pack more than anyone else to make sure they were not mortally wounded in any way. Although I was on the field as a healer, I had my bow ready in case of a surprise attack on one of my allies.
Blood painted the once bright green grass. It dripped from one leaf to another until it nourished the ground with all the nutrients it held within. Standing there with a few of the other Red Cloaks, humans, and werewolves was like watching a nightmare play out. I was a third person observer unable to change the course of the dream even if I wanted to. I had to watch friends and allied die... it felt as though I was covering my hands in their blood. Realistically I knew it was not my fault. The wolves and humans knew what it meant to step out onto the battle field and they were willing to take that risk if it meant the future was a better place. Nonetheless, I still felt guilt at not being able to keep them safe and alive.
Time was a strange thing standing off to the side only to care for those who needed immediate attention. At some points it felt as though the minutes were sluggishly ticking by, never getting closer to the end where everything was determined. While at other times I would look up from the fight to find the sun had moved hours since the last I checked. The moment to moment lasted forever, but overall the battle was quickly coming to the close as more fell wounded beyond fighting or dead.
After so many lives had been sacrifices on both sides, the final moment had come to end the five year long war between werewolves, hunters, and humans. I had the fortunate misfortune of watching the killing blows that ended it all. "NO!" I cried out with tears streaming down my face. I lunged forwards only to be stopped my two pairs of strong arms. I struggled against them, but was unable to free myself and run to the wolf that I cared for.
The hunter that lead the witch hunt against all werewolves laughed manically as blood trickled down the side of his mouth. "I may be finished..." He coughed with a crazed look in his eyes. "But I... But get to... take you... with... me..." He pushed his wolfs bane soaked blade deeper into the werewolf that was akin to him in status. The wolf did not grace him with any words before crushing the hunter's heart between his clawed fingers. Wolf and hunter fell to their knees before collapsing dead; brown eyes dulling to glass like doll eyes and bright shining silver fading to their natural glassy irises.
For a moment the war seemed to stop. Werewolves felt the crushing weight of having a comrade fall, while the hunters were unsure of what to do. Their main leader, the one who started the propaganda against wolves was dead what were they supposed to do now? Granted there were others in lead positions that supported his ideals, who thought werewolves should be hunted down to extinction, but were they ready to lead? The moment was broken by the broken howl of Trista. It reverberated through the air, passing through everyone werewolf and human alike. Her pain at the loss of her son was contagious causing many to shed a tear. Within seconds Mia and Arawn were by her side catching her as her legs gave out in shear desolation. She had only recently recovered from almost losing Sindri now she had to go through the motions of mourning yet another member of her pack. Life was not fair sometimes...
While Trista sobbed uncontrollably, Sindri made his way to his fallen brother. I watched his movements that seemed forced and a little uncoordinated. The moment Corbin died Sindri was passed the power and connection every Alpha felt. It was disorienting with the strong emotions coming from his mother and pack, but also the heightened senses that came with the elevated status. The blood and decay that saturated the air made him want to vomit yet he had to hold it down so as not to appear weak. By the time he dropped down next to his fallen Alpha, best friend, and brother, another human knelt down near the fallen hunter. "What do we do now?" The voice was near inaudible over the sounds of wailing.
He looked up into the familiar face of Phillip. "Are you able to make any decisions?" As Corbin's Beta and now successor Sindri held power that most would listen to, but the same could not be said for the once lowly status hunter.
"I was groomed to take over." The man replied looking down at the man who had taught him so much and treated him like a son. He felt guilty at his deceit but knew it was necessary.
"What do you want to happen? You know what we want, but now it's up to you. Continue this fight until everyone has been decimated or try to come to a peace agreement?"
"Why must it be my choice..." Phillip muttered before sighing. He looked up into eyes that were tired, in pain, and still held the fire of a warrior. "You've known my stance since I started corresponding with Macha. Shall we try to end this?" Sindri nodded some tension released from his shoulders. Standing up Phillip called, "We are finished here." Gasps and angry faces greeted him when he looked out over the meadow of death. "Help the wounded back to the camp, we shall return for our dead this evening."
"Who died and made you head leader!" An unknown voice called out angrily.
"Peppin. If you want to fight me for the title then we'll do it back at camp, but right now help the wounded so we don't have anymore friends dead." His voice took on a commanding acidic tone near the end leaving no questions or room for refutes. When he knew his men and women were going to follow his orders he turned to Sindri. "We shall negotiate after the dead have been buried or burned. Is that okay with you?"
"How long is your mourning period?"
Phillip looked at the wolf in surprise, "Five days. First to prepare the body, Second to bury, Third and fourth to mourn properly, and the Fifth for the final prayer and to move forward."
"I'll have Macha send a bird in a week for details then." Sindri looked at his brother. "I'm sorry for your losses." Then he picked up his deceased Alpha with some strain but managed to not falter. Then he addressed the remaining wolves. "Help the wounded and get back to camp, we'll collect our fallen once everyone has been looked at." He nodded a farewell to the hunter before walking towards his mother. Doing as they were told, the wolves started helping their wounded brethren off the field and back to safety. No one complained about bring back those who had died for it would be a solemn occasion that was not meant for enemy eyes. I waited for my pack to walk up the hill to me knowing I would soon be needed. Mia and Arawn passed me while half carrying/half dragging Trista back to the camp. Sindri stopped before me looking helpless. "Macha, can you-" He cut himself off as he stared at the knife in his brother's chest.
With a gentle smile I replied, "I can." I placed my hand on his cheek before moving it over his eyes and then with my other hand I grasped the hunter's knife and pulled it out of its once living sheath. Before removing my hand from Sindri's eyes, I placed my cloak over Corbin's body so the gaping hole was not visible. "Let us take him back to the sanctuary." With a nod we walked quietly back to the camp where everyone else was gathering. With very little noise aside from the weeping, everyone went to work either patching up a friend, being patched up, or preparing for the mass burning that would take place. It was heartbreaking to watch everyone move around the area. Some wore how broken they were while others pushed aside all emotions and worked like machines.
When enough wolves and humans were ready, groups started moving out to the field to bring the fallen back home to their packs. One by one they were laid out in groups of ten, two rows with five in each. We did the best we could to keep pack members together so the living could stay close without having to move from pyre to pyre to say farewell. It took the rest of the afternoon to bring every last fallen in and when it was finished we had ten pyres waiting. Since each pack had their own way of burying their dead, the bodies were not burned until the next day. The night was filled with sorrowful howls that could have made even the coldest man or woman weep in sadness.

After the last of the embers died out, I walked over to Sindri who still stood before the ashes of his brother. Arawn and Mia had taken Shen and Zane to bed leaving the task of bring our new Alpha back to the temporary Den. Still not having said a word, I wrapped my arms around his torso and rested my head on his chest while staring at the burnt ground. I could feel the new raw power beating inside him trying to settle but being forced to scatter like leaves in a wind tunnel.
"What are we to do?" Sindri whispered biting back tears he still had yet to let fall.
"Mourn." I replied.
Sindri shook his head, "No, what are we supposed to do now? The shock will wear off and vengeance will be what they want." I did not have to ask who they were.
"We continue on what Corbin and all the others who have sacrificed their lives wanted... Peace. We will talk with the hunters as long as they are willing to listen and find a way to coexist with them."
"Many will not want that after yesterday."
"Then you and the other Alphas will have to remind them that this," I swept my hand over the ashened pyres. "Was not done to continue this stupid war, it was to bring about peace. If we return to war because of our fallen it would be like spitting on their graves, saying their deaths were for nothing." I heard Sindri suck in a harsh breath nearly letting a growl out. I turned and gently captured his face between my hands. "Their deaths mean something. If we have a chance to finally live in peace, to finally not have to worry about our packs being killed then we must meet with them and find a way to negotiate. We have talked about this for years, now is the time to set our plans in motions." I stroked his cheek with my thumb. "They will not be forgotten. They fought bravely and for something that is now within reach. It is our turn to take up the flame and forge a better future."
"You should be Alpha not I." Sindri muzzled my palm letting tears finally slide from his eyes.
"Hardly." I chuckled. "I will help with negotiations, but when this is over I am returning to being a simple medicine woman who happens to be mated to the local Alpha."
"There is nothing simple about you, Red." He commented while pulling me in close to him and ghosting his lips over mine. "You are fierce as much as you are kind. A strange and dangerous combination. I hope the hunters know what they are getting into when they talk with you my lovely liaison." He kissed me with all the emotions coursing through his body making me want to laugh and cry all at once.
I lead him back to our makeshift Den where Shen and Zane were already asleep but everyone else were mournfully awake. Squeezing my hand, Sindri moved to where his mother sat motionless, glazed eye, and mute. Barely having touched her, Trista curled into his side and once again began quietly crying. After her Mia shifted to her wolf and laid with her head on Sindri's legs. Next Ivy, Sage, and Arawn crowded in to touch either their new Alpha, their distraught pack mate, or both. Before I joined I picked up Zane and guided a blurry eyed Shen to where the pack was sleeping for the night. She easily found a space between Sindri's legs and rested her head on Sage's side. I curled up on my mate's other side with Zane between us, leg touching Shen, Sage, and Arawn. None of us spoke as we relied on and gave support to each other.

Seven days later I found myself on neutral land with Rami, Ranya, Sindri, Alpha Triton, Beta Mordred, and Alpha Leena by my side. Before us stood Phillip and seven other humans and hunters representing their side. We watched each other for a little while making sure there was no deceit waiting to crush us. With a nod Phillip asked, "Who shall I be mainly addressing through this meeting?" He was clearly the one in charge for their side.
"Me." I replied beginning the slow walk towards the hunters. Once before them with Sindri to my Right and Rami to my left I greeted, "I am Macha Moonshadow, healer and liaison of the Moonshadow pack. To my right out is B-Alpha Sindri Moonshadow, Alpha Leena of the Long Horn Valley, and Ranya Nagi. To my left out is Rami Nagi, Alpha Torrin Triton, and Beta Mordred of the Bear Brook Pack."
"Greetings." Phillip nodded. "I am Phillip Cornell, to my right is Druin McCoy, Silver Watcher, and Camden Whittermore. To my left is Charlotte Mayor, Morgan Fry, and Frank Pike. Shall we begin this negotiation?" For five hours we stood (and then sat) in the middle of the blood soaked meadow talking about the world's future. Some may say our meeting in the meadow where so many had died was probably disrespectful, but I do not believe that. It was a reminder constantly of what had happened and what they wanted to prevent. There were arguments at time where one of the Alphas, Phillip, or I had to tell one of our own to go cool off. Around the fifth hour I knew I needed to leave for a little while before I vomited, fell asleep, or passed out from hunger.
"We have been here for a while." I began causing the small argument between Leena, Mordred, Silver, and Charlotte to silence. "Let us take a break until tomorrow morning when our heads are clear and stomachs fed."
"Excellent idea." Phillip stood and waited for me to get up before sticking out his hand. "Thank you for meeting with us."
I took his hand and shook it. "Thank you, it means a lot. Be safe." I thanked the other hunters and then turned to return to the camp.
Sindri saddled up next to me having us fall behind a little. "You okay?"
I rubbed my nose and nodded, "The smell of rotting blood made me a little nauseated." He placed a hand on the back of my neck to rub soothing circles with his thumb. "Thank you."
"You look tired."
"It has been a rough couple of days, no?"
"Can't deny that. You should take a nap when we get back."
"I may. Will you join me?"
"Not right away, but I will. I want to tell the council what transpired."
"Do you need me?"
"Its okay, you sleep. You did enough today to earn a nap."
"And you did not?" I looked up at him with a grin as we walked to our pack's tent.
"You did most of the talking, I sat back and looked a little intimidating. Have to make sure they don't try to say mean things to my mate."
"A true hero." I chuckled bring my arms around his shoulders. He did not reply, instead leaned down and kissed me. "I will see you later."
"Sleep my mate." He kissed my forehead and then we parted.
A few days later I found myself in Dr. Pent's tent feeling sick and light headed. He looked a me surprised. "Are you alright, Miss Macha?"
"I think I am sick." I replied honestly. I still had a few hours before I needed to meet with the hunters and wanted to talk to the doctor before I did so. If I truly was sick with something more than a small bug, I would leave the negotiations to Rami. If it was only a mild 'I will feel better in a few hours' sickness then I would wait it out and go to the meeting.
"What are your symptoms, my dear?" He started heating up water for some tea.
"I am nauseated and light headed. I have been tired lately, but that may have to do with everything that has been going on."
"How long has this been occurring?"
I thought back. "Maybe a week. I first started getting nauseous the first day we had our meeting with the hunters and it has been steadily becoming more common. I vomited the other day." I was beginning to get worried.
He walked over and placed a hand on my forehead. "You do not appear to have a fever." He hummed to himself, his face deep in thought. His eyes looked me over critically before he turned and finished with the tea. "Let it steep for a little while and then take a sip." He sat down thinking. "Anything else you can think of?"
I cocked my head. "I suppose I am hungrier than normal but some foods are not agreeing with me."
"Interesting." He tapped his finger against his chin. "You may take a sip now, it should have steeped enough."
As he shifted in his chair, I took a sip only to spit it back out. "Dr. Pent, what is this?!" Oh lord that was awful.
"That was a special root I use on occasion."
"Why? It tasted like rotting fish."
He chuckled at my words as he plucked the cup from my hands. "Normally it tastes slightly like ginger." I looked at him confused. Was he going senile? That did not taste like ginger. Passing me another cup he smiled kindly and waited. I hesitantly sniffed the liquid to find that the aroma was minty. After I had taken my first sip he said, "I believe Miss Macha, you are pregnant."
"What?" I squeaked.
"I have found those who taste that root and react violently to it are usually with child. Everyone else I have given it to tell me it tastes mildly of ginger and settles their upset stomach. Have you not noticed the signs?" I stared at him blankly. Clearly I had not. "You are nauseated daily, fatigue, hungrier than usual yet some smells and tastes that you once did not mind turn you off, and... I do not want to seem rude or inappropriate but your breasts have grown." My cheeks lit up as I looked down. "Have they become more sensitive lately?"
I had not really noticed before but thinking back they have been a bit tender. "Yes." I muttered.
"When was your last monthly?"
At this point everything was out on the table so I gave up being embarrassed about talking about my very person life with the good doctor. I sat up quickly with a frown, "At least more than a month ago. I do not remember having it last month."
"Were you intimate with your mate two months ago?"
Okay person... "Yes." We have been quite intimate since Sindri's return, excluding recent days being in the camp surrounded by pack and allies.
"Is it hard to believe you are?"
"No." I sighed.
"You do not seem happy?" He seemed surprised by my lack thereof.
"I have not wrapped my head around it yet. I think I will panic first before I am happy."
"Why panic?" My reactions did not always seem to follow the norm.
"Because we are still negotiating peace!" I got up and started pacing. "At any minute we could reenter this stupid war. If I say something wrong or anyone of us steps out of line our fragile peace could be shattered. On top of that, what if I do not make a good mother! I mean look at my own. She abandoned me and Arawn not only when we were children but again when we were adults. What if I become like her?" Oh there is that long buried fear. "Worse what if my body cannot carry it to term. I would be devastated. Sindri would be devastated. The pack would. We have lost so many already this would be the crushing blow." I dropped down into a crouched position hysterical at the thought that I would not be strong enough to carry the child until it was born.
"Miss Macha-" Dr. Pent was cut off when a panicking Sindri burst in looking around frantically. "Ah, Alpha Sindri. See to your wife, I believe she has something to tell you." He stepped out while Sindri crossed the floor in one stride and hugged me.
"Macha, what's wrong? Is everything alright?" I could hear how desperate he was to know that I was in fact okay. That something terrible was not happening to me. I cried into his shoulder nodding that I was fine but was still unable to speak. He made soothing rumbling noises that started to settle my erratic behavior. Once I was reduced to nothing more than hiccups, he cradled my face in his hands and asked, "What's wrong, Macha?"
Having expressed my fear, happiness started spread through me. I let out a watery laugh, "Sindri, I am pregnant." His turquoise eyes stared at me as he processed my words. I laughed harder unable to contain the amusement of his shock and the excitement of being a mother (not that I already was not one, I still see Zane and Shen as mine). With a smile that lit up his face, Sindri pulled me in for a kiss.
"You know I'm going to be overprotective of you, right?" He asked looking into my eyes while his forehead rested on mine.
"I know. I still need to meet with the hunters though." My fingers stroked his rough stubbly cheek
He frowned at the thought, "I don't think that's a good idea."
"At least a few more times. I am the main liaison and want to know that it is going smoothly. I will talk with Rami after we have informed the rest of the pack but I want this to remain mostly quiet. I may like Phillip, but I would rather not have too many hunters know until a peace treaty has been set and finalized."
"Two more meetings, that's it."
"Three, it would look suspicious if I suddenly stopped showing up."
"We'll think of something, but for now..." He pulled me in again to nuzzle me and emit a pleased rumble. "We're having a baby."
♠ ♠ ♠
Been planning this bomb for a while. Some good out of all this depressing shit.