Status: A new beginning! ; )

The Death Eater's Daughter

One fresh summer afternoon, teenage Nicolle Callot plods down her staircase after waking up. Her mom is there to greet her, seeming unusually stressed.

"Surprise!" Her mother shouts. That's strange. It isn't Nikki's birthday... "We're going to London!"

The family of two could never afford to travel anywhere - let alone Europe - on their own, but Nikki's mother won a raffle at work for an all expense-paid trip to do just that.

Once they arrive in England, her mother's behavior only becomes more concerning... What's wrong with her? Suddenly, two men are at the door!

"Caitlyn," they speak to her like an old friend. "He's back. Adrian is looking for you and your daughter. And he is coming with Voldemort. We are taking your daughter..."

Taking me?
  1. Ch. 1: Unexpected Visitors
    Nicolle Callot journeys on an unexpected trip to Europe... but will she ever return home?