Status: I'm in love with this story and i hope you will be too!

Amber J

Summer Time Sadness

“What about here?” Julianna asked. She and Tyler were laying on a blanket in the middle of a clearing in the woods. Everything was green and beautiful.
“You think so?” He asked, kissing her head.
“Yeah I do. I mean it’s beautiful. All the trees and all the grass and we could set up an alter over there.” She points, “And then light colored wooden benches with flowers on the end of them and oh! On the alter, flowers and maybe an entering alter…” He laughs and she smiles up at him.
“What?” She asked and he sat up, making her do the same.
“Let’s get married.” He says, his face completely serious.
“We are Tyler.” She says with a small laugh and he shakes his head.
“No J, let’s get married now. Like next week. We don’t need all the glam, we can make your outdoor wedding happen right here and all we need is our family and close friends.”
“Yeah?” She asked, strongly considering it.
“J, we both know what the doctor really said…” He says sadly and she frowns as she kisses his shoulder. “We might not have till next summer.” He says and she nods, leaning against him as he holds her close.
“Let’s do it. Let’s get married next week.” She says, smiling over her shoulder at him. “Come on… We got some planning to do.” She tells him, standing up quickly.
“Your mom and dad are going to ask why we are doing it so soon.” He holds her hand as they walk towards the car.
“Well… We will tell them.” She says, looking at him with sad eyes and he nods, pulling her under his arm.
“Hey, we need to talk to you guys.” Julianna said once her family was all in the living room, Tyler and her sat on the love seat facing them.
“What is it dear?” Her mom asked.
“We decided we want to get married in Old Charlie’s clearing.”
“That great! He will be thrilled!” David says with a smile on his face.
“Next week.” Tyler says and they all go quite.
“What?” Jason asked. “Isn’t that like impossible?”
“Honey why would you want to do that? Don’t you want to take the time and plane a beautiful wedding?”
“It can still be beautiful.” She said, sounding a little said.
“Julianna, what’s going on?” David asked.
“J, we have to tell them.” Tyler tells her and she nods.
“As you know I went back to the doctor.”
“Yes, and he said not to work if you don’t have to.” Her mother said and Julianna nods.
“That’s not all he said.” She says and looks up to Tyler for support. He kisses her head and tucks her under his arm. “I don’t have much longer. The odds of me making it to December are only 40%. Tyler and I really want to do this. I want to have our wedding.” She says and starts crying. Her mother rushes to her and pulls her into arms.
“My baby. We will do whatever you want. You want your wedding then we will make it happen.” Sara says, trying to stay strong and comfort her daughter.
Clare clung onto Jason as he cried, thinking about losing his sister. They had to be strong for Julianna. They had to make her last few months perfect.
Julianna and Tyler made the phone calls to their friends and he called his mom to call their close family. Sara called their side of the family and she and Clare started working on things they would need while Jason, David and Tyler started getting things together for the wedding, such as the alter and the chairs.
“How is she feeling?” Jason asked Tyler.
“She has her good days and bad days. The doctor is worried because she is getting sick. He thought that she would have a heart attack but that isn’t the case at all. It’s not that her body is rejecting it. It’s that it’s still so weak, so her immune system is suffering. They put her back on the transplant list but they aren’t sure if she will last long enough to get it.”
“I can’t believe this is happening. How… why her? She doesn’t deserve it!” Jason yells as he drops into one of the seats, putting his head in his hands. “Dad… I don’t know if I can live without my sister.” Jason admits and his dad pulls him into a hug.
“She doesn’t deserve any of that crap Jason. But she does deserve this wedding. So let’s make sure we give it to her.”
Sara watched as Julianna stood in front of the mirror, the wedding dress fit her perfectly and only a few minutes ago, she had been smiling.
“What’s wrong Julianna?” Sara asked, stepping closer to her daughter.
“Mom… what if I don’t make it. What if…”
“Don’t talk like that Julianna! You will be just fine!” Her mother scolds her but Julianna grabs her mom’s arm before she goes to walk away.
“Mom please stop! I need to say these things! I need to let it out…” She said and her mom nods with sad eyes. “I’m scared I’ll never get to carry a child, or hold her in my arms. I’m scared I won’t be there when Tyler wins the cup. I’m just so scared. I’ll never meet my niece or nephew… Mom I just… I’m scared.” Julianna admits and Sara pulls her into her arms.
“Now you let it out. You need to focus on staying positive and getting well. After all. We have your wedding to focus on.
Tyler stood in front of his parents in the room they were using at the Arnett house.
“How are you doing son?” Paul asked and Tyler sat down on the bed. He was emotionally drained.
“I’m trying so hard to be positive for Julianna but it’s hard. The thought of losing her… of not being able to have our life together, it’s unbearable. I love her so much and…” He stopped talking. His mom hugged him and he cried.
“Tyler I know it’s hard but try to stay positive. We don’t know that she won’t get better.”
“Mom there is a 40% chance she won’t make it to December.” He tells her and then she wipes a silent tear. “I can’t live without her.”
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i'm about 100% sure no one expected that. Stay calm... Remember how this story started and that should give you some reassurance