Status: Only implications of sex. Sorry.

Kindness Is a Virtue


Delilah was a young, beautiful woman though not considered your average beauty by society's definition. She had long, wavy, beautiful blond hair that reached mid back. Her eyes were a lovely shade of green and you could always find a spark of happiness in them. Her nose was perfectly straight and small in a cute little way. Her lips were full and naturally painted red. After all of that, you're left to think "how is she not beautiful by society's definition?".

What made most guys shy away even though she was insanely beautiful and had an outstanding personality, was the fact that she weighed one-hundred and eighty pounds while only standing at five foot three. All because of her weight, she was unable to find love.

That didn't stop Delilah's happiness though. She didn't need that kind of love. Any love was good enough for her. Wether it be from an animal or a stranger who she just met, she found other love all around.

She was rounding the corner when she stumbled upon a body. It was grotesquely laying there, limbs pointing in odd directions. A chunk from its throat was missing. It was still clearly a man in his late twenties, who had once been beautiful before brutally murdered.

She quickly whipped out her phone and dialed 9-1-1. She could barely contain her tears, who would do this to someone? Before she knew it, she heard sirens wailing in the distance.

The police were suddenly all around her and asking a million questions that she didn't even know how to begin to answer. After a few hours they realized that Delilah had no answers and sent her on her way.

She made it home, skipped dinner, and went straight to her bed. Her thoughts were going insane.

Who was that man? Did he have a family? Were people going to miss him? Was he nice? What was his life like? Why would someone do that to him?

She couldn't get the picture of his mangled body out of her mind. She looked out her window from where she layed, stared up at the full moon still questioning. She dozed of to sleep and had outlandish nightmares.

In it she seemed to be watching from a distance, though she was sure the wolf she was looking down on was really her. She watched the wolf attack a handsome man as he was going to get in his vehicle. She screamed hoping someone would hear her; that someone would come to the rescue but no one came. Her screams continued on and on.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short & sweet. Only the beginning to a three part story.