Status: Only implications of sex. Sorry.

Kindness Is a Virtue


Dean was a handsome man. Standing at six foot, forest green eyes, and nice brown hair. He had an air about him that just seemed to make girls want him. That was something that long ago went to his head; he's very conceited.

All dressed up in his pretend FBI suit with his pretend badge, he waltzed into the soup kitchen. He approached the girl ladling out soup to an elderly man. She was pretty, even with her chubby cheeks, Dean thought. Though she looked as if she hadn't slept a wink.

"Excuse me, ma'am." Dean grabbed her attention, "Where could I find Delilah Sanders?"

"You're looking at her." She smiled at him and it caused a weird sensation inside of him.

"I'd like to ask you a few questions."

"Of course. This way sir." She led him to an empty table. She sat down and indicated that he should too. "What would you like to ask?" Her smile was so genuine, he didn't know what to say. Usually he got dirty looks and I already answered your stupid questions. Never had he received a genuine smile.

He cleared his throat, "How did you find the body of Mr. Wood?"

"He was laying in an alley way. His body was all mangled," she shuddered, "and a chunk of his throat was missing."

"Why exactly were you walking into an alley way?"

"Because that's where I feed a group of stray cats, who are all probably terrified now." She looked sincerely worried about the cats' feelings. "Oh, look at the time!" She exclaimed. "I'm going to be late!"

"Late for what, ma'am?"

"I read to the children at the local library. You can come if you'd like."

He didn't know why but he felt a strong urge to go with her to the library. Something about this woman was intriguing to him. So they went out to their vehicles and headed for the library.

He patiently sat through her reading. After it was over she came up and asked, "how was it?"

"It was great. I really enjoyed the story." That was a lie, though not completely. More like he enjoyed hearing her read, watching her lips from the words. The kindness that bled from her was practically unbearable.

"Would you like to come over for some tea?"

She stunned him with her question but nonetheless, he agreed and followed her home. She lived in a tiny apartment downtown. It was a quaint little place.

She led him up a flight of stairs and then turned to him and said, "I just have to make a quick stop and drop these off." She held up the brown paper bag for him to see.

She knocked on the door in front of them and a little old lady opened it. "Hello Mrs. Perkins. I picked up the apples you like from Penny's."

"Oh, thank you, Delilah! I appreciate it so much."

"Anytime, Mrs. Perkins."

The little old lady shut the door after a quick chat and they headed up two more flights of stairs. Delilah's apartment was tiny but felt so much like home, he could barely stand it.

She had him sit down on a green love seat and she went and made tea. When she came back they made small talk.

Dean chuckled, "You know, you're a really great girl."

"Thanks." Delilah blushed.

They were sitting across from each other and he reached out and brushed her hair out of her face. He let the palm of his hand rest on her plump cheek. "And beautiful, too."

She looked down but he tilted her head back up. Then he kissed her. He didn't know why he did it, just that he had to.

It was the most sensational kiss he had ever received. Before they knew it, one thing was leading to another and they were in bed together. The things they done would have made your grandmother roll over in her grave.

Afterwards, he was in no hurry to leave Delilah's side. Something about her made him want to stay, to protect her. Maybe it was her innocence, her kindness, that oozed from her pores. A little taste of that just wasn't enough. He wasn't willing to let this girl go that easily.
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Thoughts? Please?