We Want You to Believe

Chapter 2


I’ve always wanted to help people, ever since I was a kid. Being able to fix someone whether it’s mentally or physically always fascinated me. My aunt, Dana, is my hero. Ever since I found out that you could actually go to school to help people the way I wanted, I knew that’s what I wanted my future to be about. Aunt Dana is a doctor, she works at a hospital here in Virginia. She is also my hero for other reasons, like the fact that she was an FBI Agent. She wasn’t allowed to talk about much, but whenever I asked her about it, she always told me.

I knew that she worked in a special area known specifically as the X-Files Division. She had a partner, she called him “Mulder”. That wasn’t his first name, but they only referred to each other with their last names, unless in an emergency. All I know is that working for this field was especially dangerous due to the fact that they never knew what to expect. I remember when I was younger, both my aunt and her partner would go missing without a trace just to reappear again like it was nothing. Whenever she talked about her partner, I could sense it was more than just a partnership. But in a way it was like they only had each other.

“Skipping class today, Mr. Scully?”

“What? Oh sorry, Sir. I didn’t see you there. I was just on my way…”

“I’m just messing with you Charles. Class is canceled today…I take it you didn’t get the mass email I sent out?” Professor Johnson looked at me smiling. I pulled out my black iPhone and checked my email. “Ah, would you look at that. There it is.” I said pointing at my screen.

“Well would you look at that.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, Sir, why is class canceled today?”

“My wife is very sick and we had to reschedule her appointment to today at this time so they could see her sooner than later.”

“Oh, I understand. I’m sorry. I hope she gets better soon.”

“Thanks, Charles. I’ll leave you back to whatever it was you were doing. Have a great weekend, son.” I smiled back and waved to him as he walked away.

Back to the thoughts about my Aunt…now that I’m 20 years old, I don’t know whose side I’m one. Hers or her partners. I mean, scientifically speaking, aliens and monsters and things of that nature always seem to have a logical explanation behind them. That’s one of the main reasons they sent my Aunt to work in that Division alongside Mulder, to include some scientific background to their investigations.

My Aunt Dana now works at Sacred Heart Hospital and Emergency Clinic here in Virginia. Her partner, ironically, is a Professor here at George Mason University. He teaches the Psychology classes and is a favorite amongst the school board, though he still maintains the nickname the FBI gave him years ago. “Spooky Mulder”.

Speaking of “Spooky”, that girl Warren? I believe her first name is Elizabeth, but she only goes by Warren, she’s a total teacher’s pet. She even looks spooky. She’s got dark this dark brown-red hair that’s really curly, these dark blue eyes that make it seem like you’re staring into the darkest part of the ocean against her pale skin. A size 4 she is not, she’s like Kim K, but her ass is a bit smaller, not that that’s a problem…Also, to make matters worse, she totally hates me for no reason. Yeah, maybe my friends aren’t the nicest guys to her but that doesn’t mean she gets to hate on me. Speaking of shitty friends…“Hey Charlie!”

“Hey Brian, Steve. What are you guys up to?” Brian was a tall guy, tan skin, brown buzz-cut hair, and brown eyes. Steve on the other hand had longer blonde hair, was tall as well, but had green eyes.

“Nothing much, going to get some dinner since class was canceled. You should come with unless you have any other exciting plans that would make you not want to chill with the coolest guys ever?” As if.


We walked to the Hall with the cafeteria and we each went our separate ways to grab our lunch choosing to meet at our usual table. I grabbed a tray and loaded it with food. What? I’m a 20 year old male. As I was putting spaghetti and sauce on my plate, Brian and Steve came over to me ready to check out and go to our table. “Dude, hurry up man, we’re starving.” Brian said sounding annoyed.

“You didn’t have to wait for me, morons. Go to the table if you’re so inpatient. I’m done anyway so let’s just go.” I turned around quickly as Steve smacked me on the back sending me quickly jumping a foot forward…and my tray found itself slammed into the chest Spooky Warren, I mean Elizabeth. Fuck.