We Want You to Believe

Chapter 3


Are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me? “Oh my God…I’m so sorry Elizabeth.” Scully stuttered out. His friends just laughed and laughed and laughed. The ugly blonde looked like he was about to piss himself. “It’s fine. Whatever.” I said as I turned to walk away from him.

“Wait, Liz, come back!” He called after me.

“Call me ‘Liz’ again and I will throw up on you. Just to make it even.” I called back.

“Would you rather have him call you Spooky? Spooky Warren?” The freak with brown hair cackled out as the blonde started laughing even harder. God this was so hilarious. As I mocked laughter at them, Scully stated, “Dude, stop that’s not even funny.”

“Seriously? You’re going to stick up for me? To think I was going to give you a shot at a so-called ‘friendship’. God, I can’t stand you!” I yelled at him. If people weren’t watching before, they definitely were now.

“Aww, did we offend your girlfriend, Mr. Spooky?” The blonde one attempted at an insult.

“SHE IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND.” Scully blushed while whispering harshly.

“Wow that was a little too quick there pal. And you, Acne-Face, stop being a dick before I go over there and remove yours. Now if you don’t mind, I have to go shower and change my clothes. This was fun but let’s not do it ever again, okay?” I said as I backed up and walked away, leaving the three boys and the rest of the cafeteria.

Everyone I walk passed laughed at me with my red stained shirt. They usually laugh and make fun of me anyway, but never to my face like this. Honestly, I don’t know which one is worse. Which one hurts more. Which one I prefer.

Thank God my roommate wasn’t here. Katrina’s never here. Not that I’m complaining. She’s a bitch. I changed out of my gross shirt and my jeans and put on my bathrobe that I only used to walk to the shower and back. It was dark blue and had a checker pattern to it. I grabbed a towel and the other things I would need and left the room, making my way to the bathroom I shared with the rest of the girl’s in this hallway of rooms. No one else was there, I was alone. I went to the last shower in the first row and removed my robe when I stepped inside as there was enough room for me to put my things in a safe spot away from the water.

I rarely cry. I rarely let things get to me like this. But after a while, it just gets old. Getting patronized for what you believe in…I don’t understand it. It seems like day after day after day I’m the only girl, wait, scratch that, the only person that I ever see get bothered. Just me, and my three other friends. The only friends I have. But not because we have the same thoughts and beliefs, but because they actually gave me a chance, unlike everyone else here at this fucking place. I always thought going to college, let alone a huge University, would help it all stop. Going to a school full of adults and mature grown-ups. But in reality, it’s worse. You can’t really go home and lock yourself away in a room where no one can bother you. You have to get over it quickly and act like it never happened or you were never upset as soon as your roommate gets home, at least that’s what I have to do since my roommate is a total bitch and hates me for the same reasons as everyone else. Freak. Spooky. Constant name calling. Constant pain I feel for just being myself.

I heard someone else enter the bathroom, so I tried to stop crying. It took a couple seconds but the tears soon stopped falling. I tried to dry my body off quickly and put on my robe which stuck to my body where I was still wet. I opened the shower door and walked over to the mirrors were. There was a young girl there who I recognized from one of my Psychology classes. “Hi.” She said to me smiling.

“Hi.” I shyly said back. She obviously doesn’t know who I am.

“You’re Elizabeth Warren, right?” Guess she does.
“Yeah. You’re in a couple of my classes. What’s your name? I don’t think we’ve ever officially met.” I said looking at her, taking her in. She had longer dirty blonde hair and big blue eyes. Her teeth her perfectly straight and pearly white. Her cheeks and nose had a bunch of little freckles on them. “Oh! I’m Jillian, but people call me Jill.” She said sticking out her hand for me to shake. I accepted the gesture and shook her hand saying, “Hi Jill. I’m Elizabeth Warren, but people call me Spooky Warren. But I just prefer Warren.” She laughed at me. Well, not at me but at what I said.

“People seriously call you Spooky Warren? That’s hilarious. Why?” I could tell she meant no harm. I couldn’t believe she didn’t know.

“Honestly, I don’t know. It’s probably because of the obvious…I’m spooky.” I said with my eyes wide.

“Well, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss. Spooky Warren.”

“The pleasure it all mine, and same to you, Miss. Jill.” We laughed. It felt good to actually hear someone laugh at what I had to say and not actually at me myself.


After I left Jill to shower, I made my way back to my room. I could see someone sitting outside my room, but from a distance I couldn’t tell who it was. Oh yeah did I mention I wear glasses? Another reason to make fun of me, yay. All I could tell was that it was a guy. Oh fuck. “Elizabeth! I’ve been waiting for you.” It was Charlie. He got up quickly from his sitting position and walked towards me. Not being the chicken I usually am, I walked towards him. “What do you want? How do you know which one my room is? Let alone my building, my floor, which way to turn when you get off the elevator…”

“I asked around.” He said, blushing may I add. Gross.

“Nice to know you’re asking about me…”

“I wanted to actually apologize for what happened today without my idiot friends there.” He said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

“If they are such idiots then why are they your friends?” I asked him as I unlocked my door and stepped inside. He followed. I started to put my stuff away when I realized I was naked under my robe and a guy was within 10 feet from me. I don’t have experience with guys, well, guys that look like him. Tall, about 6 foot. Brown hair. Hazel eyes. A constant shadow on his well-shaped jaw. His nose was slightly crooked, but I liked it. A perfect imperfection. “Liz?”

“What? And I meant what I said earlier, if you call me Liz I will puke on you.” Shit. If he caught me staring at him I would die.

“One: that’s disgusting. Two: do you accept my apology?” He asked as he sat down on my bed.

“Just call me Warren, okay? And yes, fine, whatever. I accept your shitty apology.” I said walking over and taking a seat on my roommate’s bed.

“Cool-hey, shitty? I was going to get down on my knees and beg for your forgiveness, but then I realized that freaky girls like you may be into the whole begging thing.” He said as he got up. I punched his arm. “Ow! You psycho!” He said laughing.

“Psycho? You come to my room asking for forgiveness and then you get all freaky with me? Hell no. Bye Scully. Get out. I have to change now.” I said pushing him towards the door.

“Oh then maybe I should stay… partying’s not my style anyway.” He said in a low voice, attempting to be sexy.

“If it was up to me, your style would be playing in traffic at rush hour. Bye Scully.”