Status: I spend most of my time writing this one, I'm proud of this one actually :)

The Wrong Username

This Is Killing Me

As the afternoon passed, we were still on the road to Texas. I've been thinking about singing "Remembering Sunday" with Alex, but I still don't know if I should or not. I want to, but I am way too scared to. What if the Hustlers hate my voice? What if I fuck up the lyrics? What if I embarass myself and/or get booed off the stage?

All these "what if's" kept running through my mind. I couldn't take it. I needed get out, but we weren't at a stop yet. I felt myself shaking and heavily breathing, so I just got up and ran into the bathroom. I needed to be alone, I didn't want Alex or anyone else seeing me this way. I had hoped they got the message, but no, they didn't. I could hear foot steps as I shuffled into a small corner, crying, not making this any easier for myself. "Elaine?" Alex. No, go away. I thought to myself. "Ells, I know you're in there; can I come in?" I wanted to answer, but I couldn't. I wasn't ignoring him, I really couldn't get my words out. "Ells, please say something."

Again, I couldn't get my words out. Instead of him calling me again, he walked into the bathroom and ran over to me, holding me in his arms. It felt nice, but it wasn't helping me that much. I was still breathing heavily and sobbing. Louder than before, anyway. "Shh, baby," he said, holding me close. "Breathe, Ells. Just breathe." I don't know how, but his words overpowered me and I obeyed him. My breathing still faltering, I was calming down. He removed me from my embrace and looked me straight in the eyes, "Is this about singing on stage with me?" he asked, more concerned than anything. I nodded, looking down as tears fell from my eyes. "Lex, you've gotta know that I want to go up there with you and sing with you so much, but all these negative 'what ifs' are overruling me and I can't take it. I know that if I don't try, I'll never get over my fear, but I just c-can't-t, I can't do--"

I was cut off by him lightly crashing his lips to mine. I was in pure bliss, I can never get enough of his soft lips against mine. Once he pulled away he said, "Ells, you're not letting me down if you say no. I just wanted to share the stage with my girl and sing with her. But if you don't think you can do it, that's fine with me. I'll just get Vic or Pierre to sing it with me. As long as you're near me, I don't care if you're onstage or not. I love you." I looked at him in shock. He was so understanding and that was something I always loved about him. "Oh, Lex," I said, pulling him into a hug. "I-I love you too. Thank you for coming in. I really needed that."

"No problem. Come on, let's get you cleaned up and something to eat, okay?" he said. I nodded, "Okay." I replied. As he was cleaning up my red, tear-stained face, I got to thinking -- how bad could I really be? I just had professional musicians tell me I was great, and I kind of believe them. I've always thought I was good singing that song. And I shouldn't give two shits if a few people don't like me. I shouldn't over think these kind of things, I'll end up how I was just minutes before. I've made up my mind.

"Lex?" I said as he gently dried my face off from the water. "Hmm?" he responded, still drying off my face. "I'll do it."

"Do what, Ells?" He stopped drying my face and furrowed his eyebrows, giving me a confused look.

"I'll sing on stage with you, Lex. But I don't wanna do Remembering Sunday, as much as I love the song." I said. After I did, he had the cutest wide smile on his face and he dropped the dry washcloth before pulling me into the bone crushing hug. Of course, I hugged back, but I couldn't get my arms around his body, considering he was hugging me so tight that I could barely move my arms. "Lex, can't breathe," I choked out, panting between each word. He let me go and muttered "Sorry", barely audible. But audible enough to where I could hear. I stood up and kissed his right cheek, causing him to blush. I almost flailed at how cute he was when he blushed, but I kept myself calm. "It's okay, at least you didn't brutally murder me." I replied with a chuckle. He also laughed, and playfully shoved me. "You're adorable," he said. "So what made you change your mind? And what song do you want to play?"

"I'm not sure what song yet, but I've got an idea. About changing my mind, I realized that what I was thinking was a one in a million chance, probably. I really want to do it, and I shouldn't let my mind get the best of me," I responded. It was true. I shouldn't let my mind get to best of me. "I also reminded myself that I won't be alone while onstage. I'll be with you, and I know I'm safe when I'm with you." I looked down and a small smile leaked onto my face. Alex put his finger under my chin and moved it up so I was facing him. I blushed and smiled larger. He smiled as well, leaning in and pressing our foreheads together. "Have I ever told you how cute you look when you're blushing?" he asked. And before I could even respond, his lips were lightly pressed to mine. I melted into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck.

I could never get enough of his lips. They were so soft and not to mention he was a really good kisser. Plus, I've been crushing on him since I was 15, and he's finally mine. A lot of the Hustlers are probably pissed that I "got in the way of Jalex" or something, but in all fairness, it's not really about them. It's about Alex's happiness, and if he's happy with me, which it looks like he is, then they have no reason to dislike me. Another thing is, is that they don't really know me. Unless, of course, I've talked to them before.

Shortly after my thoughts took their toll, Alex pulled away. "Wanna go back out there?" he asked me. I nodded as I stood up, then pulled him into a tight hug, resting my head on his chest and feeling his heart beat. He happily hugged me back. When I pulled away, I looked down. Tears were on the verge of falling, but I held them back. He knelt down and cupped my cheek, "What was that tight hug for? Not that I didn't like it, because I did 100%--"

I cut him off by kissing him. He was rambling off about nothing, and as much it was adorable, I was urging to kiss him. So I did. Pulling away, I bit my lip. "W-W..E-Ells, I-I--"

"The kiss was to shut your cute rambling up," I said with a giggle. Agiggle?! Alrighty then. "And the tight hug was to say thank you for being here for me. I meant a lot." I kissed his cheek and he blushed. I walked out of the bathroom with a giggle and went out to the living room with a smile on my face. "Hey! She's smiling again!" Elmakias shouted when he saw me. I chuckled. "All thanks to Al--"

Just then, a person jumped onto my back, putting all their weight onto me. "Shit! Who the fuck..?" I heard Jack's laugh in my ear. "Jack! You fucker, get off me!"

"Nope!" he chanted like a child, dragging the 'o' and popping the 'p'. Everyone on the bus laughed and when Alex came in his eyes widened. He furrowed his eyebrow and smirked. What the hell's he thinking? "Elaine!" he sang.

I turned around and chuckled. "Alex!" I mocked. He flipped me off and quickly walked over to me and Jack. He bent down and crashed his lips to mine, making me quite weak at the knees. Jack noticed and got paranoid and held onto me tighter. After a while, because of habit, I let go of Jack's legs. "Oh, fuck!" he shouted.

Before we knew it, we were falling backwards. And I was notlosing Alex's touch. Plus, he caused it to happen. If Jack and I go down, he goes down with us. So I pulled onto his shirt just as we fell. And surprisingly, the fall didn't break our kiss. But Jack's dick sure broke my fall. "Ow!" he shouted in pain. I'll be sure to apologize for that if me and Alex ever stop sucking each other's faces off. "Sorry Jacky," I mumbled into the kiss. I finally was able to pull away and see wear Alex landed. Jack was in pain, but he wasn't able to move, seeing as I was still lying on his dick, and Alex was hovering over me; his legs on each side of my body and he was slightly sitting on me. I could tell he wasn't sitting down completely on me because he didn't want to hurt me. How cute! But all in all, this was probably the most awkward position I have ever landed in. Especially between two guys from my favorite band.

"Lex, get off. I think Jack needs to apply some ice to his smashed dick." I said, earning a chuckle from Alex. He obliged and helped me up. We both knelt down on each side of Jack. "You okay, buddy? I'm really sorry, Jacky for letting go and falling o--"

"Ell, stop," he said. "It was a natural reflex. I mean you are dating my evil best friend, so I'm not mad at either of you. Just.. help me up?" Alex and I both chuckled and gave Jack a hug, then helped him up to the couch. Every step we took, Jack winced in pain. "Dude, what just happened? Why is Jack in pain?" Rian asked, walking into the room. Adam laughed and said, "Jack jumped on to Elaine's back. When Alex came in and saw, he smirked evilly and walked up to them, and started making out with Elaine. Naturally, and unintentionally, Elaine let go of Jack's legs and grabbed hold of Alex's shirt. Jack then realized that they were about to fall and just before they did, Elaine grabbed hold of Alex's shirt with her other hand and pulled him down with them, not breaking contact with each other. Jack hit the floor first, his legs wide out, and Elaine hit the floor with Alex shortly after, landing on Jack's dick. Alex straddled Elaine after landing."

"You watched the entire thing?" I asked. He nodded.

"Why didn't you stop my evil boyfriend?" I got an ice pack from the freezer and carefully place it on Jack's area.

"It was funny."

"I wish I was here to see that!" Rian shouted, earning a laugh from Alex, Adam, Jack and I. "I got it on tape! Once I edit it, this shit's going on my Youtube channel!" Adam replied, showing Rian the video. "Oh my god!" Rian shouted, laughing hysterically. I couldn't help but chuckle a little. Alex moved closer to me! pulling me onto his lap. He hooked his chin over my shoulder, and I smiled.

He obviously got bored or something, because I felt his smirk and hot breathe against my neck. Oh god, what is he doing? He started trailing light kisses up my neck, stopping at the back of my ear. Then moving down to my ear lobe and started nibbling at it. No, not here. Not now. Not in front of your friends. Do not do this. I shuffled around and he let out a moan, feeling a sudden bulge underneath me. My eyes widened. Oh. So he's really in the mood right now.

I leaned forward and whispered in his ear, "I'll be in the lounge if you need me." I shut my eyes lightly, a smirk plastered across my face, my hand caressing his cheek and rubbing my nose across the other one, giving him a quick kiss. Then I got up and walked to the back of the bus, and shut the door. It wasn't long after that Alex came stumbling into the room, shutting the door and locking it. I bit my bottom lip at how cutely he walked in. No, it wasn't cute, it was fucking hot.

I thought I'd teased him enough today, but even though I wasn't really in the mood, I wanted to get revenge for that little stunt he played earlier. He used his lips against me to get revenge for hopping on his back at the airport. Two can play at this game.
♠ ♠ ♠
How did this become from cute and fluffy, to child play, to revenge? Don't ask me, these ideas just come to me as I write.