Five Inch Waist

Can You Tell Me, Who Called A Race?

“Vivian O. Slytherin,” Professor McGonagall called from the parchment in her hand. The four long tables gasped.

“Wish me luck,” I said under my breath to Myra.

“Luck,” She replied with a wink. I rolled my eyes as I made my way up the steps to the stool. McGonagall gently placed the hat on top of my dishevelled crimson curls. A voice resonated through my head instantaneously.

“Looks like we have the heir of Salazar Slytherin among us,” The voice smirked, “But you’d be a grand fit in Slytherin like your ancestor. But.” The voice paused. “You could become a far greater wizard in Gryffindor.”

“My family would disown me if I didn’t get into Slytherin,” I whispered under my breath.

“Hmm, We can’t have that happening – now can we? Then it better be --- Slytherin!” The sorting hat called. The Slytherin table burst into cheers as I made my way to the far table. I flashed a toothy grin to Myra as I skipped off to join my lineage.

“Welcome to Slytherin Vivian. I’m Sarah – you’re head girl. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask,” The tall – probably sixth year – brunette smiled.

“So you’re actually related to Salazar Slytherin,” A girl who resembled a pug intruded from a few seats away.

“Directly related,” I smirked.

“That’s amazing,” She giggled, “I’m Pansy Parkinson by the way.”

“Draco Malfoy,” The blonde boy across from her sneered, tilting his head upward. Full of yourself much?


One of the seventh year boys that I had sucked off last night whistled. I sent him a wink as I flipped my dastardly long red hair over my shoulder. I fiddled with the rolled hem of my skirt that I had tucked my white button up into.

“Don’t you think that skirt’s a little to short?” The light blonde boy asked from my side, wrapping his free arm around my shoulders.

“Of course it isn’t Draco,” I smirked, “Don’t pretend that you don’t like it.”

The corners of his mouth fell for a moment before returning to his normal smirk. “But not that short,” he stressed, gently tugging the back of my skirt down.

“Oh Draco – you used to love it that short,” I winked, leaning into his side a bit. Embracing his warmth.

Draco leaned down slightly so his lips brushed my ear lightly, “That was before you actually started to get an ass.”

“If you got it, flaunt it,” I winked, the top button of my shirt popping open – giving Draco a great view at my double D’s.

“Or keep ‘em covered,” He chuckled, reaching over and redoing my buttons. I pouted.

“You’re supposed to be doing that – the other way,” I whined.

“What class do you have right now?” Draco asked.

“Free morning. But I’m on my way to the second floor lavatory.”

”Isn’t Moaning Myrtle in there?”

“She’s not that bad if you just learn to ignore her.”

”Wait – why that lavatory of all ones?”

“Because I like my privacy,” I winked slipping Draco’s arm off of my shoulders, “See you at dinner.”

I quickly strut into the empty lavatory without waiting for Draco’s response. I could feel the massive amount of food creeping up my throat. I quickly fastened the door behind me and lifted the lid of the toilet. I quickly fastened my hair into a bun with the small black hair tie I always wore around my wrist. I rubbed two of my fingers against the soft pallet in the back of my mouth, my teeth biting down and worsening the bruise on my knuckle. My stomach retched. My pancakes that I had drenched in syrup, strawberries and whipping cream easily flushed down the toilet. I undid the latch on the door and turned the taps. I cupped the water in my hand and washed out my mouth. I fished the bottle of Tums I had bought at the Muggle Super-Store back home in Cambridgeshire.


“I can’t believe that he’s working at Hogwarts now,” Myra cooed, staring at Professor Lockhart from the back row of Defence against the Dark Arts Class.

“I can’t believe they actually hired him,” I frowned, “I’ve heard that he’s a fraud. Never done anything he says he has.”

“Who cares,” She swooned, “He’s just so attractive.”

“And too old for any of us. What is he – like, thirty?”


“My point stands.”


“Nice of you to finally join us, Miss Slytherin,” Snape grimaced, “I expect to see you in detention this evening.”

“Wouldn’t miss it,” I smiled, rolling my eyes as I took the empty seat beside Myra.

“In the middle of a quickie?” She winked.

“A few,” I smirked, “Have you been having some fun with that boyfriend of yours?”

“Blaise is amazing,” She cooed, “And amazing in bed.”

“I won’t know until he gets tired of you,” I joked. Myra slapped my thigh which had bruises from a seventh year who liked to get a little to rough.

“Not nice V!”

“Who even said I was nice?”

“Detention Miss Dante. And double detention for you Slytherin.” Snape glared.

“Can’t you just, like, take points off instead of giving us so many detentions? It’s totally screwing up our reputations,” Myra pouted. She was an excellent actress who was bound to be all over the wizarding wide web.

“I would – but I am in need of someone to feed the Cornish pixies.” Snape smirked.

“I’m, like, allergic to those things.”

“You should have thought of that before.”

“Oh, I hate this class,” Myra whispered under her breath.


“Did you hear that?” I asked, stopping in my tracks.

“Hear what?” Myra asked, turning to look back at me.

“It sounded like. Like,” I paused as the voice continued.

Oh Slytherin. We must kill. Kill the Mud bloods. Kill.

“It sounds like it wants to kill,” I said biting my lip. It was a snake. And from the low vibration in the tone – it was an extremely large one.

“I think you’re starting to hear things. Must’ve been one of those potions in class Snape made us brew.”

“That must be it. That or I’m severely tired.”

“Let’s head off to bed, I’m wiped.”


“Hey V,” Draco greeted me as I walked into the room he shared with Crabbe and Goyle. Fortunately his two groupies were out and about. “Why weren’t you at dinner again tonight?”

I shrugged, “I just wasn’t hungry.”

“Not hungry for dinner every night since third year?” He prodded.

“No. I do eat dinner – just when I’m hungry is all.” I explained, setting myself on Goyle’s empty bed.

“If that’s all it is then,” Draco shrugged, allowing himself to fall back onto this bed.

I pouted, playing with my silk tie. “You’re no fun.”

“How am I no fun,” He asked, pulling his head up by his hands, which were clasped together underneath him.

“You’re lazy.” I whined, taking out my wand and started to levitate a few of the items on Draco’s bedside table around.

“Oi, I just reorganized it,” Draco said quickly, sliding off of his bed and moved to fix what I had done.

“Like I said, no fun.”


“Hi Hercules,” I smiled, moving the top of the glass cage away to allow my Black Mamba out.

“Hello Vivian. How were your classes?” He asked, slithering out of the glass cage and started to wrap around the pole of my bed.

“It’s only been a few weeks – but it’s been pretty good so far. Lockhart’s been freakishly annoying. I really hope he’s gone by the end of the year.” I groaned, falling onto the bed.

“I can get rid of him for you if you wish it?” Hercules hissed, as if pleading, baring his fangs.

“How many people at Hogwarts have access to a deadly snake? Maybe five. Max.” I laughed, taking a hunk of meat wrapped in a kerchief from my book bag. I tossed it at Hercules, he struck at the piece.


I woke up screaming. I clutched at the blankets surrounding me as if they were my only protection. I franticly fumbled for my wand on the nightstand, illuminating the room with a shaky hand. I knew that he was not actually in my room. But he was projecting himself into my mind.

“Good evening Vivian,” Voldemort smiled, twisting his head.

“What do you want,” I said without any added emotion, letting my grasp on the blankets fall. I knew that he could not hurt me. He was not even here.

“How is young Draco coming along in his ventures,” He asked with a hiss. Hercules was curled on a piece of wood, staring at me.

“I don’t know where he’s at in it yet – but he always looks tired. I wouldn’t be surprized if he was trying it now,” I said with a sigh.

“Find out,” He warned, with a flash he was gone. I picked up the closet object and sent it flying across the room at where he stood. I cursed under my breath once I realized what I had just thrown. I hurried out of bed, careful not to step on any shards of glass or slip on the water. I waved my wand lightly above the broken pieces. The farthest pieces came to join the pile before it started to rebuild itself. The white rock base had stayed unharmed, the glass growing on top of the rock slowly refilling with water. The white lily repositioned itself in the middle of the rock as the last of the water and glass enclosed it. I sat down on the floor, letting my wand fall at my side, picking up the snow globe. I let my tears fall freely as I gripped onto the last gift my parents had given me before they died.