Status: in progress



(one year later)

The boys were throwing Jordan a party since it was her 18th birthday. Jordan and the boys didn't care that she wasn't old enough to drink yet. She was 18 and in other countries it's legal to drink at that age and it's kinda rock and roll. They invited a lot of people. They got really drunk. Jordan laughed at Patrick because he is really funny when he's drunk. The only one who didn't drink was Andy because he just doesn't and they are all oke with that. Jordan went to the kitchen to get another drink but the bottles were empty. There were more bottles in the shed so she walked outside to the shed. Patrick noticed Jordan leave the house to go to the shed and figured she went to grab some more bottles.

Patrick has never been so wasted in his life. He and Pete were dancing but they lost their balance and both fell to the ground laughing their ass off. Patrick got thirsty and went to the kitchen since he figured Jordan got new bottles. But when he went there, there weren't any. Jordan had to be back in the house since it was a while ago Jordan went to the shed. He came back into the living room, searching for Jordan in the crowd. But his eyesight was blurred because of the alcohol. He couldn't find her in the crowd and he figured that she must be somewhere outside or just passed out in the shed. He stumbled outside tripping over his own feet. Patrick searches the garden with his eyes but he didn't see Jordan. He got a little bit worried. He saw the shed was open en tried to run a bit. He fell, kinda hard but he just laughed. He tripped over hemmingway. The dog just layed there on the ground sleeping. Patrick gets back on his feet and he finally reaches the shed. he walks in but tripped again. He must be really wasted he thought to himself and laughed a bit. He puts his hands on the ground to push himself up. He felt something on his hands but didn't pay any attention to it. He couldn't see anything so he searched the wall for the light switch. His hand finally reaches it and he switched the lights on. He wished he hadn't. He froze and choked at his own breath as he saw blood everywhere. There was so much blood he couldn't believe it. He looked down at his hands. His hands were all bloody. It must have happened when he fell to the floor. That was what he felt he thought to himself. A moment later he got reall sick and stumbled out of the shed to throw up. When he looked down he found Jordans phone. Patrick knew she wouldn't go anywhere without her phone. Besides he looked everywhere for her. She is missing. She got kidnapped he thought and cried out as he thought that. There is no other explanation. The blood, the phone. Patrick is in shock. He must warn the guys, the police he thought to himself. But it was like he was nailed to the ground. It took a lot of effort just to move and he slowly walked back into Pete's house.

His eyes were big, watery and red. He hadn't blinked the whole time he walked towards the back door. He entered the house and just stood there watching at the people partying who dont know what was going on. Patrick just stood there as stiff as a plank. He shook a bit. Pete came from the corner and was startled by Patrick. 'He pattycakes' he said and jokingly (not sure thats a word haha) poked him in the shoulder. Pete was so drunk but not more than he usually is. 'Gone, she is Gone!' patrick whispered. He couldn't bring out more. Pete looked at Patrick hands and laughs thinking Patrick is joking. 'You are fuckin with me, you asshole' pete says while he laughes. But Patrick is still staring in front of him totally in shock. 'Rick, he Rick look at me!'. Pete now knew this was serieus, he had never seen Patrick like this and if it was a joke he would have already given in. Patrick slowly turns his head towards Pete and tears just start falling down his cheecks. 'Rick, focus! who is gone? Patrick talk to me!'. Pete yelled at Patrick while he shook him. Patrick is gasping for air. 'J J J ord a a an' he managed to get out of his mouth. 'What? when how?!'. But patrick didn't respond anymore. Pete looks over Patricks shoulder and sees the light in the shed is on. Pete grabs Patrick by his shoulder and leeds him to the couch. Patrick hands are still bloody and the guest are looking weird and a bit terrified at him. ' OKE PEOPLE, PARTY IS OVER! GO HOME NOW!'. Pete yelled at the crowd and he shut the music off. People were leaving in a hurry. Andy and Joe rush to Pete asking him why he send everyone away but then they notice Patrick who sits on the couch. "What happened?" Andy asked pete worried. "He said Jordan is missing and there's blood everywhere" Pete says a bit confused.

Pete walks to his backdoor over to the shed because he thought Patrick came from over there. He sees the door is open and the lights are on. As he is at the front of the shed he looks to his left and sees a mobile phone.
It looks like it's Jordans phone. That's weird, Jordan wouldn't go anywhere without her phone, he thought to herself. Next to the phone there was something, it looked like someone had puked there. Pete entered the shed and he couldn't believe his eyes. Patrick wasn't talking shit, he was serious when he said that there was blood everywhere. Pete's eyes got watery and he wanted to cry but he held it in.Pete grabbed his phone and called 911. Telling them what they thought happened and they send a police car.

Pete ran back inside to find Patrick still sitting there and staring in front of him and his hands shaking. Pete walked to the hallway and Andy and Joe followed. 'He was serious guys, she's gone!, blood was everywhere man, this is bad!" Pete told the guys. 5 minutes later the police entered the house. A kind police officer sees Patrick sitting in shock on the couch. 'Mr wentz, what happened to him? She asked kindly. 'He found out that she's gone. He went looking for her as she was getting more drinks but it took her a long time. He came back into the house and his hands were all bloody and he just stood there. Like he was frozen and he couldn't say anything else than that she was gone and that there was blood everywhere" pete replied to the police officer. "Is it possible that Patrick might have hurt her?" "Patrick? No, no how can you even think that, she is like his little sister. He would take a bullet for her. He has nothing to do with this". Pete said with anger. "I'm sorry mr. Wentz I have to ask these questions". " I understand but he really didn't do anything!". The police officer walks over to Patrick who still hasn't moved and is still shaking. "Hi, Patrick, can you tell me what happened?' The police officer asked. "Blood, blood, blood everywhere, gone she's gone, we have to find her" Patrick said while he begins hyperventilating. " Calm down Patrick, calm everything is gonna be ok" she touched his knee to comfort him. Patrick slowly looks at the police officer. His eyes look strange, almost empty and dark. "Ok? She's gone, it's not ok! The blood.....". The police officer interrupts Patrick. " The blood doesn't mean anything, we're gonna find her and bring her back!". The police officer stood up and took the other police officers with her as they left the house.

Patrick who hasn't moved for the past hours suddenly stood up and went to Pete his bedroom. He stood with his back against the wall and slid down. With his knees against his chest and his arms on his knees he layed his head on his arms and started to cry. I promised, I had promissed that I would keep her save and that nothing bad would ever happen to her, he felt so guilty as this thought was running through his head. He couldnt help it but he saw images of her being dead in his head. It didn't stop.

Pete, Andy and Joe who sat on the couch downstairs are still in shock. They all loved Jordan so much, they couldn't believe that something like this happened. Pete stood up and told them they could stay and crash at his place. It was 4.00 pm already. Pete went upstairs to get them blankets and pillows. He walked back down. He passed his own bedroom and saw Patrick in his bathroom. Hovering over his sink. Pete wanted to walk further but then he saw Patrick falling down. Pete dropped eveything and screamed. ' PATRICK!!'. Andy and Joe heard him scream and ran upstairs to find Pete with Patrick in his arms. Patrick was shaking heavily and foam starts to get out of his mouth. 'Did he.....?'. Andy asked worried as hell. Pete pointed at the empty bottle of his sleepingpills. Pete already called the ambulance. Pete doesn't understand. He'd never expected that Patrick would try to end his life. " DONT YOU LEAVE ME, BASTARD! Pete yells at Patrick who is still in his arms shaking heavily. "WHAT WOULD IT DO TO JORDAN IF SHE GOT BACK AND FOUND OUT THAT YOU KILLED YOURSELF!". Pete cries. Pete is so angry at Patrick and so worried at the same time. Andy and Joe are still standing in the doorway shocked by what they are witnessing. "Why patrick, why, you can't leave us". Joe wiped away a tear that fell on his cheek. Pete still doens't get it. Patrick was so against suicide. He still remembers how angry Patrick was at Pete when he visited him at the hospital after he tried to kill himself. Patrick didn't get how Pete would just leave him and everyone else. "RICK, YOU CANNOT LEAVE US, NOT LIKE THIS! STAY WITH ME BUDDY, DONT QUIT ON ME NOW". Pete couldnt stop crying. He carried Patrick down as the paramedics came into his house. Pete rode allong with the ambulance towards the hospital. Andy and Joe followed them by car.

Pete, Andy and Joe nervously walked the hallways as the docters were busy with Patrick. After about an hour the doctor comes out of the room. "Is he alright?" Andy asked to doctor nervously. "He is stable, he'll be alright, we pumped his stomach. He'll be ok'. The doctor reassured them. 'Can we see him? Joe asked the doctor. The doctor nodded. They enter Patricks room. He just layed there. Pale as a dead body. Pete sat next to him and held his hand as Joe and Andy sat in the corner looking at Patrick, waiting for him to wake up.Patrick slowly opens his eyes after a couple of hours. " Jordan". Patrick yelled. " shhh, Patrick, calm down, everything is gonna be alright!" Pete said with a soft voice. " I feel like shit" patrick moaned. " uhm thats kind of logical isn't it!?" Pete said irritated. " I'm sorry, I didnt know what I was thinking. I just kept seeing images of Jordan all beaten up and dead, it wouldn't stop. I had promised her nothing bad would ever happen to her again! I'm so sorry guys, it took a hold of me. They are not gonna put me on suicide whatch, are they?" Patrick asked worried. " Just for tonight, I bargained with them, I promised we would look after you 24/7 and told him that this wasn't like you doing this' Pete told Patrick.

After a night in the hospital feeling sick both physically and mentally he was alloud to go home. Andy picked him up and they went to Petes house because Patrick was gonna stay there for a while.Pete and Patrick sat on the couch. Patrick was too embarrest to look Pete in the eye. "Don't you ever do something that stupid again! Man you are my best friend, I wouldnt know what I would do if you weren't arround! Please take the advise you told me after I made the worse decision in my life'. Patrick lifted his head up and looked Pete on the eye and he nodded. Still the images of Jordan being dead hunted Patricks thoughts

A/N hi guys i hope you liked it (even though not many people ha
read this). if its too disturbing or anything tell me. uhm more parts are coming soon. it will get a bit weird hihi. stay tuned hihi