Status: in progress



Jordan slowly opens her eyes.
She can feel her head hurting.
It's pounding and it feels like her brain is about to explode. She wants to feel the back of her head but she can't. Her hands are tied up behind her back. When she finally manages to open up her eyes, she gets blinded by the light that is enterimg from a little window.  When her eyes finally ajust, she looks around. She lies on a cold, hard concrete floor. It is a small room like 4 by 4 and there is a staircase that leads up to a door. She figures out that she is in a basement. When she tries to move she's restrianed. Her right ankle is cuffed to a wall. Jordan now really starts to panic and screams.
She screams as loud as she can.

She tries to remember what happenend and how she even got here.
Then she remembers. The boys were throwing her a party. She turned 18. She remembers that they ran out of drinks and she was going to get new bottles from the shed. She remembers walking to the shed and that was all. She couldn't remember anything more than that. Jordan got really frustrated and really scared. 'Who did this to her, why, why her and did who ever was doing this hurt any of the boys' she thought to herself and a tear slided down her cheek.

Jordan then hears sounds coming from upstairs and she quickly crawles to the corner of the room. Why she did this she didn't know, maybe it felt a little safer over in the corner. The door opens and she sees a shadow on the wall. Then the person walks down the stairs. Jordan wants to scream, ask questions but she cant bring out anything. She started shaking a bit by the sight of the massive man that is walking down the stairs. 'I see you are awake, finally' the man says gigling. He got down the stairs and walks over to Jordan who sits there in the corner with a trembling body. He kneels down in front of her and Jordan is looking down at her feet, to afraid to look him in the eye. He places his hand under her chin and slowly raises her head. Jordan flinches and looks away. He hits her on the cheek and Jordan finds herself staring at the man. Again tears are falling out of her eyes. She can't help it.

'W-w-w-who a-a-re you?' Jordan stutters.

'Your worst nightmare' the man laughs. (I know, little cliche haha).

'W-w-who are y-you and w-w-why am I h-here' Jordan manages to bring out still stuttering.

The man looks at her with an evil smile. 'You seriously don't know who I am, well you'll will find out, you're gonna pay! I'm gonna bring you down and I will take everything away that you love' the man grinned.

Jordan started screaming again, screaming for help but the guy just looked at her with again that evil smile on his face. ' You can scream as loud as you can but no one will ever hear you! No one! We are like in the middle of nowhere!'. The man takes just one more look at Jordan who sits there in shock and with blood shot eyes and then leaves. He walks up the stairs and glanced down one more time before he went through the door and locked it, leaving Jordan again alone in the dark, cold room.
' Why me, what did I do, is he going to hurt the boys, what else would he take from her? Why' Jordan thought to herself and again panicing at the thought that he might hurt the boys because of her.


Pete watched Patrick who was sitting on the couch. Patrick is just staring in front of him, looking at the coffee table. His eyes looking worried.

'Trick..., Trick..., PATRICK!' Pete says raising his voice a little.

It startled Patrick and he looks shocked over to Pete.

'WHAT!' Patrick yells back.

'What are you thinking about?'.

'Nothing, Pete'.

'Trick I can see that you are lying, Trick you know you can talk to me about it, I'm your best friend you know, come on Trick, spill it'. Pete said with a soft voice and placed a hand on Patrick's back to comfort him.

'It's..... just..... like......uhm......' a tear slides down his cheek. Patrick is squeezing his hands tight, so thight that some parts of his hands are turning white. Pete sees this and places his hands on Patricks.

'W-what if...... like.... she is........ uhm.... like' Patrick can't even say the word. But Pete knows what he means.

'No.. no Trick... she ain't dead, she will be back Trick. We will find her and she will be oke and so will you!.

'How do you know, Pete for all we know she might be lying dead in a gutter or in some forest or..... GOD I DON'T KNOW!' Patrick yelled at Pete while grabbing his hair, if he's going to pull just a little bit harder at his hair, he might pull it out.

Patrick stands up and rushes out of the door. He just needs to be alone, just to think. He can hear Pete following him and he starts running. 'Gosh can't he just leave me alone' Patrick thought but he can't blame Pete for doing so, he just tried to kill himself, if Pete did this he would do the same. Patrick finally manages to shake of Pete and he finds himself wandering the streets.


'PATRICK.......TRICK.......WHERE ARE YOU.......PLEASE TRICK.......' Pete screams. He lost Patrick. ' Why would he run,  he know he can talk to me, he knows he doesn't need to feel ashamed or something, god, he better not try anything or I will kill that little guy' Pete thought to himself.

Pete gets out his phone and calls Joe.Joe answers the phone and hears just someone breating at the other end. Joe didn't check who called him before he picked up.

'uhm hello.... who is this!?'

'It's Pete you dumb ass'.

'Woww calm down! Whats up?'.

'Uhm it's Trick, he's gone'.

'What do you mean gone? You just brought him home didn't you?.

'Uhm.. yeah...but he walked away. I was chasing him....begging him to come back home but.... but he started running and I lost him'.

'Oh god, well maybe...... he just wants to be alone. Just stay calm. He'll be back, it's Trick we're talking about. If he ain't home by tommorrow morning.. we'll go look for him okay!?'

It stayed silent at the other side for a couple of seconds.

'PETE, okay?'

"Yeah, Joe, I guess you're right..... but what if he does it again?'.

'Nah... as I said, it'a Trick we're talking about. He promised us he'll never do such a thing again and he always keeps his promises..... so don't worry!'

'Yeah, you are probably right, I just hope he is alright'.

'Pete... he is....he'll be back. Go home and get some sleep, you sound like you could use some haha'

'Well thanks Joe for the compliment. I'll let you know when he is back, good night!.

'Good night, Pete'

They both hung up their phone and Pete starts walking back to his house. When he reaches his bedroom he immidiatly falls asleep on his bed. He didn't even change. It's quit rare that he falls asleep that fast cause he suffers from insomnia. But then again it has been a couple of days since he had a good rest.


'Wake up sunshine' the man grinned. Jordan immidiatley wakes up at the sound of his scary, evil voice. Again she crawles back to the familiar corner. It kinda feels a little bit safer than the rest of the room. The man comes closer and uncuffes her ankle. He grabs her by the hair and dragges her up the stairs into the kitchen. He pushes her onto one of the chairs at the kithen table. The house they are in is quit big but not nice looking. Almost everything is broken and old, it's dirty and it smells really bad. A little bit like rotten eggs or something.

Jordan looks out of one of the windows and she finds herself agreeing to something the man said. They were indeed in the middle of nowhere. The little hope she had of somebody finding was gone in an instant. Tears are building up in the corner of her big green eyes. 'So lets talk' the man says.

' I'm Jason but you are to call me sir. You WILL do everything that I ask of you and I will not take no for an answer or anything suggesting that, or you'll be punished'.

Jordan looks at him with disbelieve.'WHAT!? I'M NO FUCKIN SLAVE, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO THIS' Jordan yelled but immidiatley regretting every single word she said as she finds a fist colliding with her face.

'If I'm talking, you are not, and yes.... yes indeed you are my slave.... you got that right...You're just a worthless piece of shit but you are my worthless piece of shit.".

As he said the word worthless she gets a flashback of when Nick said those things to her.

'You cant escape, everything is locked and alarmed and if you manage to get out anyway you most likely end up dead...cause there is no way out of this forrest..... You got it?!'

Jordan finds herself again staring at him in disbelieve. How is this even happening. In what god damn time does he live. The middle ages or something? He's nuts. She thought to herself.Jordan got startled as she hears a hand slapping on the kitchen table.

'YOU GOT IT?' Jason yells.

'yes' she manage to say.

'yes what!?'.

'yes, sir'.

'Well I'm starving, go make me a sandwich, everything is in the fridge'.

He finds Jordan staring at him, like she wants something.

' Ah you must be hungry as well, I could have guessed. Whales are always hungry. Well even though you could lose some weight you can make yourself a sandwich'.

As he said whale she gets another flashback of Nick calling her all these names.

'Thank you' she whispers.

Jordan got of her chair and walks over to the fridge with her whole body trembling of fear.

'QUICKER!' Jason screamed.It startled Jordan.After they ate and Jordan cleaned everything up she finds herself in shock, just frozen as she feels hands touching her waist on both sides from the back. Her body gets turned around and she can feel lips touching hers furiously. She immidiatley turns her head and spits.'DON'T TOUCH ME YOU PERV!!'.'Wrong move, sweetheart'.

Jason hits her in the face and she falls to the ground. Again he grabs her by her hair and he started dragging her to the basement en he throws her down the stairs. He slowly walkes down as Jordan curls up in pain. He gets on top of her and takes her clothes off.


'Oh, so you dont care about your own life, well maybe I can bring someone in who you do care about. Maybe this Patrick  you have been mumbling about in your sleep. Patrick Stump, singer of Fall out Boy isn't it?'.


'To late darling, to late!'.


An hour later.

Jordan finds herself lying on the cold concrete floor, curled up in a ball. With her knees touching her chest. Her ankle cuffed to the grey wall again. She is in so much pain. She can feel blood dripping from the gash that is just above her temple on the left side of her face. Her jaw and cheek hurt like hell as well. And some other places I am not gonna describe. She finds herself drifting away in unconsiousness and then everything goes black

(A/N i hope you like it? like to hear what you think of it :$