Status: in progress


My fault, all my fault

Patrick sat with his back against a wall and his knees against his chest in a dark alley. He thought about doing it again, killing himself. It's just to much to handle. But he can't do it. He had promised the boys he would never do such a thing and besides if he did it again, Pete wouldn't be able to forigive himself. He just couldn't do such a thing to him. But everything is so overwhelming. Not only that Jordan is missing but just everything.

Patrick loved that little girl. Not in a romantic way. No, no not that way. He is 28 and she is 18. No he doesn't love her in a romantic way but in a way you love your sister or best friend. He had a connection with Jordan. When she told him how she thought of herself, it was like he could have said those things. Even tough he told her that aint true, which isnt true at all he could understand why she wouldn't believe him. Pete always told Patrick that he shouldn't think of himself that way but he just couldn't help it. He understands her and if she knew about Patrick he knows she would understand him as well. No one knew how Patrick actually felt, maybe Pete knows a bit but not everything. Patrick is good at putting a mask on so no one would ever notice.

Well why not make an end to his misery he thought again. But again he refuses to think about even trying it. What if Jordan does return and he isn't there, what if he does it and Pete really can't forgive himself and gets really depressed again. No, no he can't do that to him or Joe and Andy. He saw their looks when he lay in the hospital after he tried to take his own life. The guilt, the worry and sadness. No he couldn't do that again to them.

Patricks decided to go home because Pete is probably worried to death. It was about 3 o'clock at night. Guilt rushes over him. Patrick walks out of the alley. It was very cold. Almost freezing. Patrick zipped up his hoody and walks through another alley.

He hears something behind him and he turns around but nothings there. He decides to walk further. It must have been a bird or something. Again he hears a sound and turns around and he is shocked as he sees a big guy standing in front of him. Before Patrick could do something the guy jabbed a needle into his neck and Patrick could feel his legs giving up on him. He falls to the ground and he finds himself drifting away. Everything is a blur and he finds himself falling in unconsiousness.


Sunlight shines through the curtains on Pete his face. Pete actually slept the whole night. God he must have been tired he thought. Pete stretches out and gets out of bed. He walks over to his bathroom and splashes some water in his face. When it kicked in. PATRICK. Pete rushes over to the room Patrick was staying in. He opens the door, nothing. Maybe he fell asleep on the couch? Well he couldn't have been out all night. It was freezing cold that night.

He rushes down the stairs.'PATRICK, TRICK ARE YOU HERE?' Pete yelled but got no answer.Pete searched his whole house, every inch of it. But no sign of Patrick. Pete is worried to death and gets a bit sick. What if he was right. What if he really tried to kill himself or just froze to death in some dark, dirty alley. He should have kept looking for him last night. He shouldn't have listened to Joe.Pete grabbed his phone and calls Joe.

He thought of calling Patrick but Patrick didn't take his phone with him. His phone was still on the coffeetable, same spot as last night

'm-m-m-m hhey Pete, you know how early it is, man!'

'Uhm 8 in the morning'.

'yeah, toooo early man'.

'H-h-h-h didn't c-c-come home, J-j-joe'.



'He didn't? Oke Pete stay calm, I'm gonna get changed and pick up Andy and we'll be over in just 20 minutes. Stay calm Pete, don't worry. Bye!'.

Pete threw his phone away. Don't worry, don't fucking worry. My best friend is missing. He tried to kill himself 2 fucking days ago. How could I not worry. Pete thought to himself while a tears slided down his cheek. Pete let himself fall down on his couch and he puts his head into his hands with his elbows resting on his legs.


Jordan still layed there on the cold concrete floor. Curled up in a ball. Still passed out. The door opens up and somebody gets thrown down the stairs. He yelped of pain. Jason cuffed the persons leg to the other side of the room.
'It's all her fault you're here!' Jason said with a grim on his face and leaves.

Jordan lies with her back towards this person and is slowly getting consious.

'Jordan, Jordan is that you?'

Jordan hears somebody calling out her name, but it sounds far away. She hears it a couple of more times. It sounds so familiar. OH GOD IT'S PATRICK!!! She thought while panicing a little. Jordan slowly drags herself up. Putting her back against the wall. She looks down. Afraid of what Patrick might think of her. 'Jordan, are you oke?' Patrick asks a little bit hesitating.'Jordan please look at me, you dont have to feel ashamed, it's me'.

Jordan slowly raises her head and she looks in Partrick his lovely blue eyes. But then she sees a change in his look. He looks like he is disgusted by what he sees. She looks away again.

'I know, I am disgusting, a filthy disgusting ..........'.

'No you are not, Jordan!'.

'I saw your face as you looked at me, full of disgust, I understand'.

'No I was disgusted of seeing what he had done to you. Has he, uhmm has he.....'.

Patrick can't bring out the words. But Jordan knows exactly what he means.Jordan nodds as she breaks down in tears. Patrick crawls a bit closer to her. His back aching a lot from when he tumbled down the stairs.Jordan also crawls a bit towards Patrick. Patrick tries to hug her but his hands are tied behind his back. So he sort of hugs her with his shoulders. Jordan puts her head on his shoulder. She start crying harder.

'Everything is going to be alright Jordan, I'm here!'.


20 minutes later as Joe said they knock on Pete's front door. There's no answer.

'Pete open the door or I will break it down!!!' Andy yelled.

A couple moments later the door opens slowly and Pete stands in the doorway with red bloodshot eyes. And tear stains on his cheeks. Andy and Joe let themselfes in and sit down on the couch.

'We're going to find him Pete, don't worry' Joe says to Pete, trying to comfort him.

'Have you checked his appartment, he could have gone over there?' Andy asks.

'Uhm.... no.....god how could I have been so stupid'.

'Come we'll drive over there' Joe says while they leave the house.

They get in Joe's car and drive to Patrick his appartment. Pete rushes out of the car almost tripping. He knocks on Patricks door but no answer. Pete has a key of Patricks appartment and opens the door. His hope of finding him here is gone. It looked a bit abandonned. Patrick isn't in his appartment. Pete walks back to the car almost finding himself crying.

'Not in his appartment?' Andy askes while he gets quit worried himself.

'No......'.They drive trough the city and they look in almost every alley, pub, restaurant etc. But no sign of Patrick.

'Should we go to the police?' Andy asks.

'Yeah I think we should report him missing' Joe answered when they get back in the car.

They drive the police station.Jordan missing, Patrick missing, what is happening. Pete thought When they arrive they report Patrick missing. They see the nice police officer who calmed down Patrick at the party after Jordan went missing. She notices them and she walks towards them.

'He guys, what are you doing, how is Patrick?' The police officer asks nicely.

Pete looks away and lets Joe answer.

'Uhm... we just reported Patrick missing'.

'Missing? How, when?'.

'He walked away last night but we thought that he would return a couple of hours later. But he didn't come home and he is seriously nowhere to be found. We looked every' Joe answered.

'We'll do everything we can to find him and Jordan, it's going go be oke, go home guys'.They walk back to the car and drive to Pete's house.


The door slams open and Jason walks down. He walks over to Jordan and lifts up her head with his hand.

'How is my little whale doing?'

'Don't call her that, asshole!'.

'Ah mr. Stump, you got a big mouth for such a little guy' Jason said while walking towards Patrick.'I dont like it when you talk to me like that'.

Jason slaps Partrick on his right cheek. Really hard. A red mark of his hand is starting to show already.

'Who are you, you sick son of a bitch'.

A fist collides with Patricks face and he gets a really bad nose bleed.

'Again I don't like it when you talk to me like that, I guess I should tell you my rules'.

Jason explains the rules, the same rules he explained to Jordan. Patrick can't believe it.

'You'll get you're punishment later, mr. Stump. I'll be away for a while. Don't try anything stupid or...... well you know what happens.'Jason runs his hand through Patricks hair,  roughing it up and he leaves.

'I'm so sorry Patrick... It's my fault you're here'. Jordan says while crying.

'No... No it aint your fault, he's just sick'.

'No you dont understand, If I just obeyed him he wouldn't have gotten you'.

'Jordan stop! It's not your fault, it's not, and don't you dare feel guilty.'.

'You don't know what he's capable of!'.

'It's oke, I can take it, I will never let him hurt you again, as I promised you.'

After an hour or so they can hear noises coming from the other side of the door.The door opens and Jason slowly walks down the stair with the biggest grin ever on his face.

'Are you ready for your punishment, mr. Stump?!' He said while grabbing Patrick at his wrists.