Until I Met You

Lunch Time

“He called me a bad influence,” Kaysee shouted causing the entire food court to look over at their table. “I should talk to him about that.” She finished in a calm voice.

“I think you should let it go.” Ashley answered as she picked at her pizza.

Kaysee rolled her eyes. “Sure you say let it go since im the one corrupting your innocence.”

“You can’t corrupt the corrupted.” Ashley pointed out.

“According to him you can.”

“He just thinks he knows me that’s all.”

“Maybe you should of told him that.” Kaysee glared at her friend.

“He’s just mad that I won’t date him.”

“Somehow I don’t think that’s the whole reason.” Kase scoffed.

Ashley shrugged. “Maybe not.”

“I’ll just deal with him later. I vote change of subject.” Kase pounded her fist on the table.

“Seconded.” Ashley responded.

“Motion carried, so how’s Kim doing?” Kaysee asked.

Ashley stopped poking at her pizza and looked up. “I haven’t talked to her in about a month or so.”

“Really, that’s kind of strange isn’t it?”

“Not really since the last time we talked it was a huge argument.”

“Because you don’t like her boyfriend.” Kaysee nodded her head.

“Fiancé.” Ashley corrected.

“Whatever from what I hear he’s a nasty low life pervert.”

Ashley rolled her eyes in disgust. “Yeah but she loves him.”

“Please she loves him because he has money and she doesn’t have to work.”

“She works for her money.” Ashley stated.

“Putting out for her boyfriend for money is not work, that’s clean prostitution.” Kaysee explained.

“Fiancé.” Ashley corrected again.

“Another change of subject.” Kaysee announced.


“Motion carried, so what’s Kelly up to?”

“She sent me an email telling me how much she loves being a kindergarten teacher but she was really sad because her first class has now graduated to the first grade.” Ashley informed Kaysee.

“Well that’s what happens when the school year comes to a close and she’s just going to have to get over it,” She retorted “another change of subject.”

“Seconded.” Ashley said through a mouthful of pizza.

“Motion carried, so how’s Leigh?” Kaysee questioned “I didn’t really get a chance to talk to her last night.”

“Why don’t we ever talk about your friends?” Ashley demanded.

“Because you’re my only friend.” Kaysee explained.

“Leigh is the same as always.” Ashley answered taking another bite of pizza.

“Ever find out what the god father wants?”

“Not yet. I suppose I should call him.”

“Make sure you let me know if he’s going to take you out to dinner.”

Ashley nodded. “He wouldn’t have it any other way.”