Until I Met You


Chuck walked to the counter. “Why don’t you two take your lunch break.”

Kaysee glanced at her watch then back up at Chuck. “We’re done with our shift in an hour.”

“Has it really been that long?” Ashley questioned.

Chuck rubbed the back of his neck. “It doesn’t help that I wasn’t paying attention to the clock and forgot to send you guys.”

“I can see you forgetting about me, but forgetting about Ashley is just bizarre.”

“I kind of fell asleep at my desk.” Chuck explained.

“Did someone have a late night?” Ashley questioned.

Chuck cleared his throat. “My date ran long.” he admitted.

“OoOoOo someone had a date.” Kaysee teased.

Ashley nodded. “And apparently it went well.”

“On second thought why don’t you two go ahead and leave for the day.”

“Don’t have to tell me twice.” Ashley practically ran to the back for her things.

“Don’t worry I will harass you tomorrow.” Kaysee declared as she trailed behind Ashley.

“What do you want to do for lunch?” Kaysee asked Ashley as they stood in the middle of the food court.

“We should really stop eating here. I’m going to start getting fat.” Ashley complained her hand on her stomach.

“I’ll be fat with you.” Kaysee grabbed Ashley hand and dragged her to the Chinese food line. They waited in line silently, got their food and found a table before their chatting started again.

“So can you honestly say that you wouldn’t be excited if Ryan called you?” Kaysee asked popping a piece of chicken into her mouth.

“I’m going to answer your question then I don’t want to hear anything more about him today, deal?” Ashley asked.

“You know I don’t negotiate with terrorists.” Kaysee pointed her fork at Ashley.

Ashley choose to ignore Kaysee‘s comment. “I think I would be more shocked then anything.” she answered the question with a sigh.

“So have you talked to your uncle yet?”

“Nope.” Ashley took a bite of an egg roll.

“Isn’t he leaving town tomorrow?”

“Yeah something like that.”

“Maybe you should give him a call.”

“Perhaps.” Ashley replied indifferently.

“Why are you avoiding him?” Kaysee questioned.

“I’m not avoiding him.” Ashley answered tiredly.

“Are you still mad at him for financing both of your cousin’s projects, but not yours?”

“I’m not mad about that.”

“Sure seems like it.”

“Hayden wanted to start a magazine and he’s Anthony’s son, so it’s not like he was going to say no.”

“Alright what about Rachel?” Kaysee pressed.

Ashley’s cell phone began to ring so as she spoke to Kaysee she dug her phone out of her pocket “Rachel that’s another story. She wanted to start her own clothing line, that’s fine but she stole all of my ideas.” Ashley stated bitterly before flipping her phone open.

“Yeah that was a bitch move.” Kaysee agreed. “But your better as a model.”

“Hello?” Ashley spoke into her phone.

“Ashley Anderson?” the woman on the other end asked.

“Yes, who is this?”

“This is Judy, your Uncle Anthony’s assistant.”

“Great he has his assistant call.” Ashley rolled her eyes, normally this wouldn’t have bothered her but since those old feelings of anger were brought to the surface she was feeling a little bitter towards her uncle.

“He would like to set up a dinner for tomorrow night.” Judy stated ignoring Ashley’s rude comment.

“Alright.” Ashley agreed knowing her uncle already had everything set up.

“Tonight 7:30 at the Blue Lounge and he has also invited your friends Kaysee, Leigh and Bailey. I can assume you will inform them?”

“Yes I’ll let them know.” Ashley answered then hung up her phone.

“So who was that?” Kaysee laughed.

“Judy my Uncle’s assistant, we’ve been invited to dinner at the Blue Lounge at 7:30.”

“I’ve always wanted to eat there.” Kaysee smiled.

“Leigh and Bailey will be joining us.” Ashley continued.

“How joyous, another evening with Bailey.” Kaysee rolled her eyes.

“I know, but at least you will get to raid my closet.” Ashley pointed out.

Kaysee perked up. “I do love your closet.”