Status: This honestly just came to me about 10 seconds ago lmao

Time to Bring Me Back to You

With My Eyes Wide Shut, Because of You

My name's Alexander Gaskarth.

(But call me Alex).

A few years ago, I fucked up with my boyfriend badly. Yeah, I'm gay. But I fucked up. I cheated on him unintentionally, he never forgave me. I was so in love with him, and he loved me, but he left. I had really fucked up.

Now, I'm a fucking mess. I never loved anyone like I loved him.

I want to be a better person, I want to be happy again; so I'm moving away from my hometown of Baltimore, Maryland across the country to Glendale, Arizona. I'm currently on the plane there, and right now, I'm glad I'm gone. I hate being away from my family, but I think this will be best for me, to get my life back on track and to be happy. Find a job, and hopefully, a boy who I will love just as much as I loved my ex -- he, who shall not be named. I don't need to break down in the middle of a plane flight.

The 8-hour-flight was exhausting, but I managed to live and get through it. I'm almost...proud of myself? Yeah, I'm proud. I haven't praised myself since high school. That felt great.

I got off the plane, and grabbed my things from baggage claim, then called for a taxi. You don't see those yellow taxis like in New York in Arizona, they're green, and they're small. (A/N: No seriously -- they're green)

As I got into the cab, the man asked me where I was going. "A Hampton Inn in the city," is what I replied with. I wasn't specific, but I didn't know anything about Arizona, each state in the country was so different from the other. Arizona looked more modern than Towson, I'll admit that.

It took about 2 hours to get to the Hampton Inn. Before I got out of the taxi, I asked, "What do I owe you?"

"Nothing," he replied. "It's on the house. Plus, you're staying at a pricey hotel, you'll need that money." I was taken back by that, were people here always that nice? I guess he could tell I wasn't from here.

"Oh, uh, t-thank you, s-sir," I replied. "Are people here always this nice?"

He shook his head, "No," he said. "In fact, watch your back. Most people here aren't nice at all."

"Oh," I replied. "Why not?"

He shrugged, "I've no idea. But you seem like a nice guy, what's your name?" the taxi driver asked.

"A-Alex," I replied.

"Well, Alex, where are you from?"

"Baltimore." I said.

"Baltimore, huh? I used to live there," he said, giving me a piece of paper. "That's my number. My name is Rian, shoot me a text or give me a call if you ever need a ride or want someone to talk to. I'm here 24/7." I grinned at Rian, I think I've made a friend.

"T-Thank you, Rian," I said. "I'll definitely take up that offer."

I got out of the cab and walked into the hotel. The Hampton Inn looked pretty fancy from the outside and in the lobby. I walked up to the concierge at the front desk and waited until she got off the phone. I took this moment to remember her;

She had dark chocolate brown hair that went down to at least her clavicle. She had really pretty brown eyes that matched her hair color, and she had a small hoop on her nose. Honestly? She was beautiful, gorgeous, and so was her smile. I can tell she's a good person just by her smile, it was genuine. Something I had missed dearly, smiling genuinely. When she hung up the phone, she turned to me.

"Hello, my name is Tay," she said. "Welcome to the Hampton Inn, how may I be of assistance for you today?" The girl, supposedly Tay, smiled. I smiled sadly and handed her my credit card.

"I'm checking in," I said. "Alexander Gaskarth." Again, with a smile, she took my card and swiped it, handing me my room key.

"You're from the east coast, aren't you?" she asked me. I nodded.

"I could tell, you just look like it," she said. "Would you like me to show you to your room?"

"Sure, if that's fine with you?" I asked, she just chuckled lightly and moved from the desk over to me.

"My shift just ended anyway," she said. "Plus, I live next door to your room and you seem like a nice guy, so it's totally okay."

"Okay," I grinned, "Let's go." Two friends in one night? That's a new record for me.

We talked a lot as we went up the elevator to our suites. I was right, she is a good person. Tay's really sweet. Once we got to our suites, she helped me unpack and asked why I moved here. Just the question I wanted to be asked. I sighed, knowing she'll probably see right through me if I lied, and told her the truth.

"I haven't been happy for the last few years," I said, sitting on my bed. "I fucked up with the love of my life, he left me, and since then, nothing's been going right." She looked at me sadly, like she actually cared, and sat down next to me.

"If you don't mind me asking, what was his name? And what happened?" she asked.

"His name was Jack," I replied. "And I-I, uh, cheated on him. Well, that's what he thinks anyway."

"What do you mean?"

"I was raped," I replied. "He thinks I was cheating, but the guy who raped me made me promise to never say a word of it, or he'd kill everyone I love, including Jack. I loved Jack, with every part of me, and now, he's gone. He left and moved away, he couldn't bare the sight of me. I fucked up."

"Alex, you didn't fuck it up," Tay said. "It sounds like to me you were black mailed and Jack didn't let you explain. Come here." She hugged me, as I was crying my eyes out now. Tay took hold of my hand and dragged me out of my room, and brought me into hers.

"Come on," she said, "Explain this to my roommate, he'll tell you if you fucked up or not." All I could say was a muffled, "Okay," as she brought me into her room.

"JayJay," Tay called, "Are you here? I brought a new friend! He's living in the suite next to us for a while!"

"Bathroom, Tay," he responded, "Just gimme a sec!" As he walked out of the bathroom, he looked up at me. It was Jack.

"What's up?" he asked, giving us an obvious fake smile.

"Alex needs some advice." Tay said, gesturing that the 3 of us should sit down.

"Sure, what does he need?"

"Well," I said, looking straight into Jack's eyes. "6 years ago, I had the love of my life. But I fucked it up. My love, he was 2 inches taller than me, he had black and blonde hair, and he had a great taste in music. He was outgoing and perverted, and he could make just about anyone around him laugh. He could break my bad mood with just his smile. But when he found out I cheated, he wouldn't let me explain what really happened. You see, I was raped. The man black-mailed me, and told me that if I said anything, he'd kill everyone I loved, including my boyfriend. Do you think I fucked up still, Jack?"

"No, Alex," he replied. "I don't think you were the one who fucked up, I fucked up, I wouldn't let you explain yourself. I'm sorry."

Tay looked surprised, "Well, I wasn't expecting that to happen, I'm gonna go, let you two have some alone time." she said.

"No, I'm sorry for let--"

He interrupted me by crashing my lips against his, he kissed me back almost immediately. Our lips moved in sync, I had missed his touch, everything.

He pulled away, leaving me wanting more, but I refrained, so I can talk to him.

"Don't be sorry," he said. "You were raped, you have nothing to be sorry about. I love you, Alex. Do you love me?"

I nodded, "I do, I love you so much, Jack, I never stopped loving you."

"Good, now kiss me." And I did, with so much more love and passion this time. Finally, I had my Jacky back. I wasn't expecting to run into him while I was here, but I'm sure glad I did.
♠ ♠ ♠
I realize Jalex is rushed, but hey, I think it's pretty good.


Title: "Sleepwalker" - Adam Lambert