Don't Forget Me

Chapter one

As I looked out of the window of the café, I had to do a double take.

I noticed a guy who looked exactly like an ex of mine, Rob.

I couldn't be Rob, he moved to London a long time ago. It broke my heart when he left, he tried to explain that he was doing it for his career but I didn't believe him, or at least I didn't want to.

Rob was an actor, not a big name back then. In our little town there wasn't much work for an actor – unsuccessful or other wise.

When Rob left, we tried to make it work long distance, but after a while we stopped trying.

At first he stopped visiting, then he never skyped or wrote, then in the end he just stopped calling or texting.

It was hard for the first year or so, but I started to fall into a pattern and I got used to him not being there.

The guy who looked like Rob walked into he café and straight to my table.

He definitely looked a lot like the Rob that I used to know and love.

"Sam, is that you?" the guy asked, he even had the same voice as Rob, although he had a slight twang to his accent.

"Yes I am Sam, do I know you?" I replied

"I should hope so, you dated me" the guy replied with a chuckle.

Suddenly, my whole world came tumbling down around me. It was the laugh that sealed it, Robs laugh.

I would recognise it anywhere. It was one of those infectious laughs that makes you want to laugh along with it, well except this time.

I needed to get out of here, I grabbed my stuff, and without looking back, I ran for the door.