You Say It's Only This Once

Ninjas and Oompa Loompas Don't Exactly Mix

Once upon a time, in the land of PinkBra Utopia, there lived a tribe of Oompa Loompa's. They worshiped the four great Panic Gods- Brendon, Jon, Ryan, and Spencer.

But, up north, in the dreaded Vanilla Deodorant City, there was a tribe of vicious, bulimic [the reading minds kind] and famed ninjas. These dangerous ninjas also worshiped the four Panic Gods. They did not like sharing their Holiness with the timid little Oompa Loompa's. The poor Oompa Loompa's were very scared of the ninjas.

The ninjas were very skilled fighters, and even had some powers of the gods. Thy Holy Lord Ryan Ross has given the ninjas his power of guitar playing. Anyone who stands in their way will e subjected to to hearing a guitar played so amazingly well, no one will be able to take the beat.

When the poor Oompa Loompa's heard of this amazing power, they went running to their beloved God, Lord Jon Walker, asking him for help.
They were dismayed to find that he'd already given he ninjas his power.
The ninjas were bulimic.
They could read minds.

"Oh no!" cried the Oompa Loompas "Whatever shall we do now?! We could never beat those ninjas,not when their bulimic and have guitar skills!"

But there was one Oompa Loompa who was smarter than the rest. He knew that if they were able to crack thy God Spencer, the ninjas would never have a chance. He racked his little brain until he finally came up with he ideal solution. Using the luxurious, milky chocolate that only and Oompa Loompa with the highest skill can make, they would lure Spencer in, trick him to telling them how to defeat the undefeatable ninjas.

Now Spencer was an exceptionally powerful god, but when any of the loved Panic Gods come into contact with chocolate, they are weak. The Oompa Loompas warned the ninjas of their plan, and set off to Mount Marching Band to get Spencer on their side.

They stood at the very tip of the mountain, holding a huge chocolate stature of Spencer's fellow god, Jon. The Oompa Loompas were sure their plan was foolproof; chocolate and Jon-- who could resist?

Spencer's extremely sensitive nostrils picked up the deep chocolaty waft very quickly and he decided to follow the trail. Spencer saw the statue of chocolate Jon and began running up the mountainside to get it.

At the same time, the ninjas heard of this plan. They took off with their super fast abilities given to them by Lord Brendon, and raced Spencer to the statue.The Oompa Loompas noticed the ninjas trying to get the statue and knew they had to act fast.

The smallest Oompa Loompa (who had an unnaturally loud voice) yelled down to the ninjas, "Halt ninja enemies! If you even touch our chocolate statue, almighty Spencer will suffer the consequences."

The ninjas stopped in horror as they heard what the Oompa Loompas were saying.
The ninjas spoke up, "We will not attack if you don't give Spencer that chocolate!"

The Oompa Loompas thought about this for a while. It would be nice to get the ninjas off their back, but they knew sooner or later the ninjas would find something else to be mad about.

Then, from the heavens, Lord Brendon swooped down. He looked at them with his huge puppy dog eyes and pleaded in a gentle voice, "Why cant we all just live in peace?"

The Oompa Loompas jumped around excitedly at the idea. The ninjas, however, were a little less happy to make amends so fast. The ninjas had always been the fighting type, they didn't know what peace was.

Lord Brendon told them, "My ninjas, you have proven yourselves worthy warriors. You are the most ferocious fighters in the land. Why don't we all forget the past, and get along?"

The ninjas liked this idea, plus no one could ever say no to that lovely face.

So, the ninjas and Oompa Loompa's came to an agreement. They would share the Gods, land, money, and chocolate equally. Both sides agreed to make (and keep) peace.

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an inside joke that may have be taken further than expected...
but i love Elle, and i love this!