You Say It's Only This Once

Card Games

"Ry, why do we even have to go to this thing?"
"Its Gabe’s birthday."
Sigh. "Look Bren, just get dressed, okay?"

"Will, have you seen my phone?"
"Never mind, I got it."
"Mike, how many layers have you got on?"
"Just...the normal amount I guess, why?"
"There’s a rumor-"
"Strip poker?"
"Of course, it’s Gabe."

"Vicky, Vicky, where’s the balloons?"
"For the fourth goddamn time Alex, they’re in the kitchen on the counter. They really aren’t that hard to find."

"Is she almost ready?"
"Who knows, Greta can either take a really long time or like three seconds to get ready."
"Well, it’s been like an hour."
"Hey guys, ready to go?"
"It’s about fucking time Greta, we were about the leave without you."

"Travis I can’t find my purple hat."
"It’s behind the couch."
"Oh, thanks."
"You might want to wear something more than just a tank top. There’s a rumor going around."
"Fuck, not strip poker again."

"Haley, you look amazing."
"Thanks, babe."
"Guess what I heard..."

Gabe’s parties were notorious. Booze practically spilling out of any crevice possible, shirtless girls, and any kind of sexual game imaginable. Haley remembers the weirdest game she ever played, called Hunter something or other, where one person was forced to strip and run around until someone else caught up to them and grabbed a body part (you did not want Gabe to catch you, it just becomes awkward for everyone involved). Ian Crawford, however, remembers one summer night he was at Gabe’s house and since then, he was never able to look at that toilet plunger the same way again.

But the one thing even more infamous than Gabe’s parties, his alcohol, or even Gabe himself, was the intense game of strip poker. You never knew when the game would miraculously come up at his parties, and it never came up too often. Gabe decided what they played and he came to the conclusion that the game would lose its appeal if played too often. The game was just a simple game of poker, but more often than not, every single person that played that game ended up getting laid that night. This had happened to Brendon every time he played the game, somehow, whether it be seeing his attractive friends naked or just the games dirty purpose, he could not stop himself and had sex with the first person he could grab. He'd been good with his urges though, he’s only ever grabbed girls, never actually going the full mile and satisfying his urges.

Gabe’s house was transformed into a club, five immense stereo systems placed strategically around the place so you couldn’t escape the music. The furniture was pushed to the side or stored away, leaving ample amounts of dancing room. Brendon and Ryan arrived with William and Mike a half hour after it officially started, walking into a completely packed house filled to the rim with drunk, sweaty, grinding bodies. Ryan swallowed largely. He had managed to escape every party Gabe had had, the rumors of what went down simply scared him. Mostly because he knew that he would be the one caught completely naked and swinging vodka, singing to a random song. It’s happened to him before, numerous times, and he certainly didn’t want it to happen with all his friends here.

Brendon led Ryan over to a familiar red head, leaning over her shoulder to swipe the drink from her hand. She whirled around, face loosening into a smile when she saw who it was.
"Bren," She greeted, trying to reclaim her drink.
"Hello Hales. Aren’t you a little hot?" Brendon chuckled at Haley’s outfit. She was wearing
a bulky sweater with the top of a turtle neck showing, a skirt and two pairs of leggings.
"Didn’t you hear?" She whispered, checking over her shoulder when Brendon shook his head no. "Strip poker."

Brendon’s face paled. He was only wearing boxers, jeans, and a t-shirt. He’d be the first to go.
Ryan leant over Brendon’s shoulder, panic on his face. "What? Is that a bad thing?"
Brendon looked at his friend, his friend with the beautiful eyes and captivating personality, his naive and uneducated friend.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"Ryan rushed, not liking the look on Brendon’s face.
"Ry, please tell me you have on three more layers of clothing under that thin v-neck."
"No?" Ryan frowned and looked down at his outfit. "But isn’t the point of it to be naked, though?"
"Do you want to get laid tonight?" Brendon said bluntly, facing Ryan head on and squaring his shoulders.

Ryan swallowed, previous worries about strip poker completely evaporating as his brain turned to fog. He forgot where he was standing and what was going on around him. Did Brendon just offer him sex? Brendon wanted sex with him? Ryan’s eyes reflexively glanced down, down, down, past Brendon’s soft blue t-shirt and his belt to rest on his crotch. Ryan licked his lips.

"Ryan?" Brendon’s voice wavered. Why was Ryan staring at his crotch like that? Ryan looked like...he was going to eat him, or something. Brendon shifted, extremely uncomfortable.
"Yeah? What?" Ryan started, pulling his hazy brain back to the present.
"Are, um, are you okay?" Brendon blushed and scratched his neck.
"Oh, I'm fine. What were you saying?" Ryan felt increasingly stupid with each passing second, having been caught in the act. He couldn’t even remember why he had all of a sudden transfixed himself on Brendon’s crotch, just the sudden overpowering need to trace the seam of his pants.

"Nothing," Brendon mumbled and Ryan coughed, asking if they wanted any drinks before taking off to get himself a strong scotch. Haley, who as watching the whole exchange and was now smirking at Brendon’s shy staring at Ryan’s receding figure, leaned in close to her friend, brushing her nose across his cheek and whispering in his ear.
"Someone’s getting laid tonight."
Brendon rolled his eyes theatrically and stalked off, maybe feeling a little more excited and nervous than he had when he walked in.

"Yo, Bren, hold up." Alex Deleon suddenly appeared in Brendon’s path, causing him to stumble clumsily to a stop in a way people do when their mind was somewhere completely different than where they actually were.

"'Sup?" Brendon asked, accepting Alex’s drink offer and cradling the condensation covered glass in his hand.
"Gabe sent me to get you and Ry, he’s got some of us meeting in his bedroom."
"How many were in there?" Brendon asked, immediately jumping to conclusion and putting up his guard.
"Like, five or so?" Alex scrunched up his face in thought as Brendon scanned the room in panic. There was still time to escape. He couldn’t play--with Ryan there, hell fucking no--but Gabe wouldn’t understand that.

Brendon saw Ryan on the other side of the room, talking happily to some girl with long black hair. Brendon walked off in the middle of Alex's sentence, swerving in and out of the tight groups of people to reach Ryan, accidentally walking right into him.
"Whoa there," Ryan laughed, pushing Brendon off with a hand on his shoulder, letting it linger there.
"Sorry," Brendon apologized quickly, shrugging Ryan’s hand off his shoulder and latching onto his wrist. "We have to go. Right now."

Without waiting for answer, Brendon jerked Ryan forward violently, the sole goal of getting out of there before Gabe saw them pushing Brendon to a near sprint. But the overly crowded room made it impossible to move more than a couple of feet before having to stop and squeeze past someone.
Ryan put up a bemused fight at first, put off at how rude Brendon was being by hauling him away from that girl. But it seemed pretty important and instead he let his body be dragged and flopped around.

The door was right there, standing tall and chestnut against white walls like a beacon of freedom. A triumphant grin spread onto Brendon’s face and he tightened his grip around Ryan’s wrist.

A black mass came out of nowhere in front of Brendon and he squeaked in surprise, running right into it.
"Brendon, Brendon, Brendon. Where do you think you're going?"

Brendon let go of Ryan’s wrist and stepped back, looking up sheepishly right into Gabe’s face.
"Um...I was...well, we were going to get. Going to g-get that new, really expensive wine that Ryan bought the other day. It was really tasty."

For a second there Brendon thought he had fooled Gabe, Gabe of all people, because his friend stopped, eyes darting back and forth like he was thinking.

"Bullshit, B. You're playing. And I think I know the perfect person for you to sit next to..." Gabe grinned evilly, eyes darting to Ryan.
"Please," The words had left Brendon’s lips before he had even registered that he wanted to say it.
"You are so sitting next to him."

With that Gabe tramped off, walking backwards in order to lick his lips at Brendon.

Brendon slumped lazily, knowing he was defeated. He turned to Ryan and saw him frowning, rubbing his wrist distractedly.
"What the hell is going on Bren?" Ryan demanded angrily.
“Guess we have to play,” Brendon sighed. He couldn’t go through with this. He couldn’t play with Ryan there. Because he knew, just as everyone else knew, that playing meant you had to sleep with someone. It wasn’t like he was completely opposed to the idea, only the repercussions of it. Ryan being there would break down every defensive barrier Brendon’s put up.

Gabe’s room was heavy with cigarette smoke and the lingering scent of alcohol, the lights turned down to the dim setting.

Brendon swallowed nervously and shifted his weight from one foot to the other, still not moving from the doorway. On the bed in the center of the room was a tight circle of five people, each of them seemingly wearing multiple layers. William, Alex, Greta, Gabe, and Jon’s girlfriend Cassie were all in that circle, with a gap between Will and Cassie.

“Bren,” Ryan tapped him on the shoulder, trapped from coming into the room by Brendon’s frozen body. He didn’t like the way Brendon was acting at all and he was starting to get the idea this was one of those things that went on at Gabe’s parties that he had intended to avoid at all costs.
Brendon snapped out of it and gingerly stepped inside, the group on the bed turning to watch them. Alex and Gabe looked strangely happy, grinning from ear to ear and sitting comfortably in their five layer outfits. Poor Cassie looked absolutely mortified and Brendon felt bad for her because he knows Jon’s told her about these games and what happens.

“Join us whenever you’d like, boys,” Gabe said pompously, spreading his arms wide. “We saved a spot for you two right next to each other.”

Brendon nodded and shuffled forward, crawling onto the mattress and settling himself next to Cassie, sitting cross legged and slightly hunched over. Ryan followed him, propping his body on his folded legs and twisting his fingers together to rest on his knee, looking oddly calm, but Ryan was always insanely good at keeping his feelings to himself.

They were touching thighs and arms, Brendon’s shoulder rubbing softly against Ryan’s. It wasn’t a big deal to him, it’s not like simple touching like this would drive him crazy, but they were still clothed. Ryan caught Brendon’s eye and smiled, hiding his nervousness through carefully practiced facial control.

“Kay, now that we’re all here, let’s get right to it,” Gabe chirped happily, adjusting one of his three scarves on his neck. Brendon crossed his arms in front of himself self-consciously, feeling as if Gabe was just waiting to pick him off first. Ryan was only wearing a shirt and jeans too—shoes and socks didn’t count, Gabe hated when people avoided taking something off by throwing a sock in—and Brendon concluded they were the most scantily clothed of the entire group. Brendon just hoped Ryan wore underwear tonight.

Gabe dealt slowly, giving all his players a wicked smile. As Brendon’s fingers wrapped around his tiny stack of cards, he closed his eyes for a brief moment and pleaded with whatever supreme being was available at the moment to just give him a good hand, just this once. Brendon brought the cards close to his face and fanned them out, cursing loudly in his head. He had received one of the worst hands imaginable, one creatively dubbed the ‘fuck me’ hand by Spencer when he kept getting the hand and losing every time.

Brendon knew he’d have to fold, but that would mean taking something off. Fuck. He glanced around quickly at the other players, but they either had very good poker faces or genuinely good hands because Brendon seemed to be the only one panicking. He didn’t look at Ryan.

“Fold,” Cassie said from next to him and Will whistled. She rolled her eyes his way and shifted to her knees, pulling her bulky sweatshirt over her head to reveal another sweatshirt under that one and maybe a t-shirt or two by the looks of it. If Brendon didn’t feel so bad that she was stuck in this game with a bunch of her boyfriend’s pervert friends he might be mad that she had come so prepared.

“Your turn Bren,” Alex grinned, tapping a card against his chin. Brendon sighed heavily and placed his cards down on the bed.


“Take it off!” Greta sneered and it seemed like Brendon was surrounded on all sides by people wanting to see him naked. It was creepy.

He straightened up and gripped the bottom of his t-shirt, pulling it over his head quickly and throwing it in the growing pile in the center of the bed. He shivered as air hit his bare chest, blushing faintly. Not knowing what possibly possessed him to do it, he fleetingly looked at Ryan from the corner of his eye. Ryan was openly staring at Brendon’s chest, lips pressed into a thin line as his long fingers folded his stack of cards in half subconsciously.

“Ross,” Gabe prodded and Ryan snapped out of his staring, throwing in a chip and declaring his bet. Greta sent Brendon a knowing smirk and he blushed even more, trying hard to keep his bare arm from touching Ryan’s but finding it too difficult seeing as they were all so tightly packed on the bed.

Greta ended up having to take off her sweater and Gabe one of his scarves before Will announced his victory, taking the extremely small chip pile for himself.

Brendon got exactly the same hand the next time.
He contemplated murdering Gabe in that moment.

Now everyone was really getting into it, even Cassie. She took off her second sweatshirt and did this weird boob-shaking thing much to Will and Alex’s delight.

“Come on, Bren, those pants are coming off!”

Brendon untangled his cross legs and kicked off his shoes and socks, having to stand up on the bed. He blocked out the jeers of his friends and unbuttoned his pants, slipping his thumbs under the waistband and pulling them down. They were very tight so it took some struggling to get them to his knees and really, it must look like he was trying to perform some provocative stripping dance with all the jiggling he was doing to just get them over his thighs.

Finally, his jeans fell to his ankles and he kicked them off, standing there in all his yellow boxer-brief glory.
“Alright, alright, calm yourselves,” Brendon grumbled when the small crowd of friends wouldn’t stop screaming their delight over seeing Brendon in his undies.

He tried to maneuver his body so that he would sit down at least somewhat gracefully, and not accidentally fall into Ryan’s lap or something.

Brendon folded his legs back into the cramped pretzel style position, breathing deeply when his thigh reassumed its placed pressed right against Ryan’s, the scratchy denim material of Ryan’s pants rubbing against his own bare skin.

“I think we need some music in here,” Gabe said, pushing a button on a remote he conjured up from somewhere and a deep, heavy beat filled the room, erotic in its melodies.

“Fold,” Ryan announced and he grinned, getting swiftly to his feet on the bed. Brendon tried to look away, he really did because he knew this would not be a good time to stare, but he just couldn’t keep his eyes away as he sat there clad only in his boxers, arms crossed over his chest for some kind of coverage.

Ryan stood over him and slid the hem of his v-neck upward, slowly, slowly, slowly, until it passed his nipples and Brendon’s breath caught at the sight. He eased it over his head and swung the material around above his head, laughing and grinning, spinning like a stripper. Ryan rotated his hips a little as he swung the shirt much to Gabe’s enjoyment. Ryan sat down heavily, hair falling in front of his amused eyes as he looked at Brendon through thick lashes. Brendon’s jaw went slack at the look on Ryan’s face, the heat, the want, the lust.

Brendon had to physically snap his neck away and look in his lap to avoid pouncing forward and taking Ryan right fucking there. The dim lighting, erotic music, closeness—it was too much, almost too much.

Greta ended up having to take her turtleneck off, and for some reason unknown to Brendon she decided why the hell not, might as well take off the bra as well. So she reached behind her back and unclipped her white bra, throwing it on Alex’s head and shimming around so that her breasts bounced around. Brendon tried not to gag aloud; breasts always kind of grossed him out, no matter how many times he saw them or touched them, they were always kind of gross. Brendon Urie would never be the man to drool over breasts like Alex was right now.

Probably in response to Greta’s exposed chest, when it came to Alex’s turn he folded without looking at his cards and ripped off his three shirts to reveal a smooth, bare chest. It was a nice distraction for Brendon because Alex had a very nice body. A nice distraction from the bare chest currently sitting right next to him, that bare arm rubbing against his, that delectable looking thigh halfway in his lap.

Clothes were being thrown away left and right, and now Brendon had Cassie’s left boob pressed into his arm. He would never be able to look at her the same way again, not after having her boob on his arm.
Cards were dealt again and Brendon really, really wished for a winning hand because fuck, he only had his boxers left.

What. The fuck.
The same exact cards.

Brendon growled to himself and gritted his teeth. Gabe had rigged the game, he had to of. Gabe was known to do it, and wait, wasn’t Gabe’s cheating what led to Ian and Marshall sleeping together in the first place?

Ryan exhaled loudly from next to him and Brendon looked over before he could stop himself. Ryan was sitting straight like a rod, that long torso of his so close. Licking distance, Brendon concluded. Goosebumps presented themselves across Brendon’s body, extra sensitive to the feel of Ryan’s bare arm against his.

“Brendon, your turn, buddy.”

“Fold,” He sighed, teeth grinding against each other.

“Yes!” Gabe cried aloud, making Brendon jump and eye him warily. “Third fold in a row, you know what that means.”

“No. What does it mean?”

“The person to your left has to take it off for you!”

What?!” Brendon barked, and maybe he was making it a bit obvious by doing that but he couldn’t stop himself.

“New rule,” Gabe shrugged, leaning back on his hands and jerking his head at Ryan.

No. He wouldn’t do it. No way was Ryan taking off his boxers. Gabe was so do this on fucking purpose.
But when Brendon glanced nervously toward Ryan he saw the boy already getting up as cat calls and whistles surrounded them. Brendon thought about bolting from the room right then, but Ryan looked down at him with that dark look again and Brendon forgot about everyone else in the room.

He got shakily to his feet and stood in front of Ryan on the soft mattress, not quite breathing at all. Ryan smirked at him, and when did he become so confident?

Ryan put his hands on Brendon’s hips and Brendon had to consciously fight the urge to close his eyes, lean his head back, and moan at the feel of those long bony fingers on his skin. Ryan slipped his index fingers inside Brendon’s boxer-briefs, keeping the rest of his fingers splayed across Brendon’s hips.
Brendon watched as Ryan bit his bottom lip and started to pull down his boxers, but Ryan followed his arms and bent his knees so that he was eye level with the top of Brendon’s boxers.

Brendon’s arms twitched and swayed, wanting so badly to extend his arms and run his fingers through Ryan’s hair, to push that beautiful head of his just an inch closer to the grand prize. His underwear was pulled over his crotch and cold air came rushing to meet his dick.
Brendon choked on air when Ryan’s eye widened at the sight directly in front of him, the tiniest flicker of tongue running across his lips. Brendon gasped loudly and his fingers clasped in a fist, his chest rising and falling with shallow breaths.

Ryan dragged the material down his thighs and over his knees, stopping at his ankles before letting go and shifting to sit back in his spot. Brendon stood rooted to the spot, cheeks flushed and he gulped, kicking off his boxers and sitting down gingerly, head spinning dizzily.

Cries of “Urie, did ya shave?!” and “Hot damn boy, where have you been all my life?” and the ever so pleasant “Can you like, stick that in my ass, like, this very instant?” echoed through the room and Brendon blushed deeply, hands shaking. He was sitting there, fucking naked and defenseless. He could feel Ryan’s stare, but no, Ryan couldn’t be staring at his face, or his chest, or even his foot. Ryan had to be staring at the one part of Brendon’s body he would rather not have revealed during a fucking game.

Brendon bit his lips from crying out something embarrassing and folded his arms low over his lap, hoping for some kind of coverage, but getting none. The cold air was hitting him in all the wrong places and fuck, he’s never been so embarrassed.

Ryan folded.

Brendon immediately went to casually cover his face with his hands the second he saw Ryan’s lips moving to form that ‘F’. So as Ryan got up and unbuttoned his pants, Brendon pressed his fingertips into his eye sockets, not caring if it hurt. He released his death grip on his face after what seemed like a good amount of time, surely Ryan couldn’t take that long to take off his pants, find a new spot, and cover himself up, right?

Brendon took his hands away from his face and immediately wished he waited just that much longer. Ryan stood above him, looking so fucking tall. He was completely naked and Brendon’s eyes took the slow route, starting at his face and working downward, over the flat chest and subtly defined abs to rest on Ryan’s cock. Brendon’s mouth watered and he subconsciously leaned forward, eyes affixed on that one thing he had been imagining during his masturbation sessions for as long as he could remember. Brendon wondered how something so fucking huge could even exist, or how anyone would be able to take that.
There were no boxers in Ryan’s pile of clothes.

Their eyes met and Brendon’s stomach swooped and flew around his body. Ryan didn’t take his eyes away from Brendon as he sat back down, bare thighs rubbing sensually together.

Around them the game went on but Brendon couldn’t pay attention, not in the slightest. He stared blatantly at Ryan’s monster of a cock, almost shaking with longing. Brendon’s just a boy, with no self control when it comes to these things, so it really wasn’t surprising when he felt a warm feeling in his stomach and glanced down to see his cock was half-hard already, just by staring at a naked Ryan.

He couldn’t take it. He needed to touch Ryan, any part of him. His skin just looked too soft and welcoming not too. So Brendon placed a hand on his knee, casually moving it so that it nudged Ryan’s knee, soft skin under his knuckle. Brendon eyes almost closed as a satisfied sigh escaped his lips when he moved his hand to Ryan’s knee, touching so lightly Ryan didn’t even feel it.

“I think that’s it for the game!” Gabe shouted and Brendon jumped, his hazy brain brought back to the present. A quick look around confirmed everyone was more or less half naked, and Alex and Greta disappeared somewhere.

Brendon wanted to get the fuck out of there right then, but he couldn’t. He was so, so painfully hard from just sitting next to a naked Ryan that if he got up he would be made fun of to no end.

“Brendon and Ryan, I’ve got something for you,” Gabe continued and before he knew it, Gabe had grabbed his arm and was currently trying to haul him to his feet while Will had both of Ryan’s arms. Brendon squirmed and fought, desperate to just not stand up and reveal his little problem to the entire room.

With a grunt and surprising burst of strength, Gabe pulled and jerked Brendon off the bed and he stumbled to his feet, his hard cock heavy between his legs.

Ryan’s eyes darted between Brendon’s crotch and his eyes, expression surprised and scared. Brendon really wanted to turn around and deck Gabe for doing this to him, but he couldn’t with Gabe holding onto both of his arms and pushing him forward.

Brendon kicked his legs wilding and screamed for his clothes, he didn’t like the way this was going. Will and Gabe led the two naked boys out of the room and across the small hallway, Gabe kicking open a door and throwing Brendon inside. It was a smaller bedroom, with only a bed and dresser in it. Ryan was thrown into the room after him, and Will slammed the door shut.

Silence engulfed the room and Brendon tried to think of something, anything beside the naked boy so close to him. He knew this would happen, he knew it was a bad idea to bring Ryan to the party. And it wasn’t like Ryan was standing there with a painfully noticeable erection poking out into the fucking air.

Brendon tried to position his hands over his crotch to cover it, but the slightest brush of his fingers over the head of his cock had him shivering with absolute longing. He was so painfully hard he was afraid even one look at Ryan would send him over the edge and he would come just like that.

Brendon turned his back to Ryan and instead faced the bed, bowing his bright red face and on the verge of tears.

A flat palm against his back and Brendon was stumbling forward onto the bed, falling flat on his face, cock brushing against the silky comforter and he groaned without thinking.
Ryan advanced to situate himself on Brendon’s hips, asses rubbing together. Ryan leaned forward and pressed his chest to Brendon’s back, mouthing at the back of Brendon’s neck.

Brendon’s hips twitched feebly and he moaned, too aroused to even think what this might mean.

Ryan kissed his way to Brendon’s earlobe, nibbling on the soft flesh as he whispered into it, “Strip poker was fun, no?”
“Nugh.” Was all Brendon could respond with, because talking was the least of his concerns with Ryan beginning to grind his hips against his ass.
“I have a better game though. And I think you’d really like it…”
♠ ♠ ♠
Prompt: FBR Decaydence strip poker party!!! =]
and somehow it turned into a Rydon.
overuse of italics, anyone?