You Say It's Only This Once

And a Curly Bow On Top

They say its your birthday. We're gunna have a good time. I'm glad its your birthday. Happy Birthday to you.

Sarah shot straight up in her bed, groggily searching for her phone that continuously played that damn song. A clock, can of hairspray, and a pair of bright red sunglasses tumbled off the nightstand along with various other objects as Sarah continued her frantic search. Her hand met the smooth curve of her cell phone, immediately snatching it up. A picture of her two friends, each holding two thumbs up and big smiles, flashed along the screen as the pre-set alarm sang.

Wake up Sarah! Happy Birthday! was displayed along the bottom of the screen. Sarah groaned and jabbed her thumb onto the End button, relived when her phone shut off and the song abruptly ended.

She flopped back onto her pillows, the white ceiling being the only thing her tired eyes saw. A long sigh escaped from deep with her. Another birthday.


A slender finger with jet black, slightly chipped, nail polish pressed down the doorbell, illuminating the button for just a moment before retreating. A delicate tune pulsed through the house as the same finger came up to push a stray piece of light brown hair out of its owners excited face.

The girl, Briana, balanced a gift-wrapped box between her left elbow and hip as a hand enclosed around her free one. Briana smiled at her companion, his chocolate brown eyes showing a hint of mischievousness.

"Brenny," she said. "Don't look so suspicious, Sarah will know somethings up right away."
The boy wriggled his eyebrows just as the door opened before them.

"Sarah! Happy Birthday, honey."
Sarah chuckled as Briana tackled her into a hug. Brendon took her in his arms next, bouncing slightly on his heels. "So, another year older. How's it feel?"

"Not really any different..." Sarah trailed off, craning her neck to see around Brendon, looking for the only person she truly wanted to see. No skinny figure, or trademark scarves, or well-kept hair that Sarah so enjoyed running her hands through. He wasn't with them.

She let out a small sigh, stepping back to let her friends into the house. Brendon attached himself to Briana, whispering in her ear and trailing mindless patterns along her sides. Sarah held back another sigh, padding into the kitchen to get her guests some drinks.

"Fuck yes, Red Bull," Brendon murmured to himself and before Sarah could stop him, he had the can open and liquid already pouring down his throat.
"Is, uh, anyone else planning on stopping by?" Sarah asked coyly, pouring a glass of soda for Briana.
"I'm not sure. Why, expecting someone?" her friend asked, arching an eyebrow.
"Nope. No. Not at all." Sarah amended quickly.

She couldn't, however, stop her spirits from falling significantly. Surely if he was coming, Briana would know, they tell each other everything. But to not see his beautiful face on her birthday, let alone any other regular day, was enough to depress Sarah.

"Where you asking about Ryan?" Brendon burped, taking another sip of the energy drink right after.
"No! What makes you think that? He can come if he wants to, I don't care." Sarah shrugged in an attempt to show indifference, even though her heart had sped up at just the mention of his name.

Brendon threw his now empty can of Red Bull over his shoulder and licked his lips, taking a good look at the rear view of Briana.
Sarah cringed slightly, knowing how unexplainably aroused Brendon gets after Red Bull.

Brendon came up behind Briana silently, hooking a finger in the waistband of her jeans. She smiled, leaning back against the boys skinny frame. Brendon kissed a trail across her neck and jaw, leaving behind the moist evidence of sensual affection. Briana tilted her head to the side, the prickly stubble on his jaw tickling her cheek. Brendon smiled, softly cupping the back of her head as he brought their lips together passionately.

"Seriously, guys! I don't need to watch a macking session right!" Sarah flailed her arms around, her two friends breaking apart with a small sucking noise.

The doorbell interrupted Sarah's complaints. She trotted quickly through the living room and opened the door. Two burly men stood before her, dressed in brown coveralls, each holding an official looking clipboard. The standard UPS truck sat idle in front of the house, the engine rumbling somewhat.

"Hello, Miss. You have a special delivery, but there's a policy that packages over 80 pounds are not brought inside by the delivery men. I'm afraid you'll have to pick it up at the curb." One of the men spoke up, gesturing to a bright pink box sitting on the curb.

"Couldn't you just bring it in for me? You two are obviously stronger then me, how do you expect me to bring that in?" Sarah retorted. Who would send her something that weighed over 80 pounds? What the hell even weighs that much?

"Sorry, but like we said, its policy. Have a good day."
With that, the two burly men returned to their truck and sped off, leaving the giant pink box sitting alone on the curb.

"Was that UPS?!" Briana came running out onto the stoop.
"Yeah, and some fucking idiot sent me a package over 80 pounds and they wouldn't bring it in." Sarah scoffed.
"We got it! Go, sit down!"

Brendon grabbed her hand and dragged her inside, forcing her down onto a chair.
"Whats going on?" Sarah asked her friend slowly. He had that look in his eye; he was up to something. Brendon shrugged and took off out the open door, a huge smile on his face.

"You get that side." Briana nodded toward the right side of the box, already having a firm hold on the left. Brendon nodded and squatted down, wiggling his fingers underneath the box.
"Ready? One...two...three!"

The couple heaved at the same time, the large box lifting off the ground. Briana grunted and planted her feet firmly, getting used to the weight. Slowly, the two made their way up the drive.
The box squirmed in their arms, almost toppling over.
"Stop moving!" Brendon hissed, hitting the side.

Sarah watched as her two friends entered the house, huffing and puffing as they carried the box inside and placed it directly in front of her.

It was large, large enough for any of them to fit in, with a huge curly ribbon on top. Eyebrows knitted together and mouth in a line, Sarah poked the box curiously.
It moved.

She screamed, throwing herself against the back of the chair.
"What the fuck..." she breathed.

The box twitched a bit more until the top bent upward slightly. As they had rehearsed, Briana and Brendon dimmed the lights on cue and snuck out of the room.

The top of the box bent slightly more, until it went down fully. In a rush so fast Sarah almost missed it, the top burst open and out popped a tall figure.

"RYAN?!' Sarah screamed.
Ryan flung his arms over his head, "Ta da! Happy Birthday!"

The boy wore Sarah's favorite grey jacket, and three or four scarves were tied around his neck, but nothing else. Sarah's eyes couldn't contain themselves any longer, they ran over his extremely skimpy clothing and she took in his milky pale skin and exposed body.
Ryan twirled around for her, placing a noise maker in his mouth and blowing hard, performing a small rehearsed dance.
Sarah giggled and clapped her hands in rhythm with his seductive little dance.

Ryan hopped out of the box and took Sarah's hand, pulling her to her feet.
"Happy Birthday, baby. Do you like my present?" he grinned seductively, pulling her into a tight embrace.
"Ry, this has got to be to most crazy, absurd, most wonderfully enjoyable present I have ever gotten."
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