You Say It's Only This Once

Flight Delays

Ryan slumped on his chair, barely even holding the phone to his ear anymore. This day had turned out to be a complete let down-he hadn’t gotten anything he wanted. Wasn’t that the whole point of birthdays, that one day out of the year your friends and loved ones pampered you? Ryan thinks it’s time he re-evaluates this.
"Are you sure there’s not another flight? What about the train?" Ryan says pleadingly, running a loose strand from his shirt through his fingers.

A sigh on the other line and Ryan bites his lip, waiting for his boyfriend’s response.
"This storm isn't going to let up, Ry. I'm sorry, there’s not much I can do."

Ryan nods and says he understands, when really he doesn’t. Brendon should be here, with him, whispering sweet 'Happy Birthdays' in his ear. His birthday, his stupid, idiotic birthday, had never meant so much for him before. But this was the first birthday him and Brendon would celebrate after officially becoming a couple a few months ago. Brendon, of course, had been the one to make the first move. Ryan was way to insecure to even think about taking things to the next level with his then best friend, even after crushing on Brendon for years before. But ever since that fateful night they both had just a touch too much alcohol and ended up on the roof of the bus, spilling their deepest secrets, nothing had separated the pair.
But now, Ryan thinks, something as simple as a storm is able to keep his Brendon away from him.

"I'm so,so sorry, baby. I know I promised to be there just doesn’t look like that’s going to happen," Brendon sighed, Ryan not even having to make a sound for him to know that he was probably slumped down and morose. Anything that made Ryan upset made Brendon upset, so it was natural that Brendon felt like sulking in the corner. He had wanted so badly to surprise Ryan this morning, to jump into their bed and wake him up, to see his face smiling away.
Guilt washed over Brendon and clung to his insides, refusing to let go and leave the boy in peace. It infected his body with sorrow and drove Brendon to take another look out of the airport window, wishing that the storm was at least somewhat over.

But the clouds were as black as ever, rain falling in a torrential downpour and creating an unpleasant sound as it rapped against the windows.

At the same time, Ryan was staring out of his own window, seeing nothing but cloudless skies and the city of Las Vegas. It was literally the perfect day, and he could only imagine the fun him and Brendon could have had. maybe Brendon would have drove him out to the desert, where they could lay side by side, protected from the sweltering sun by Brendon’s mothers floral beach umbrella. Or maybe they could have just stayed in all day, familiarizing bodies and enjoying their free time before the start of another tour.

Ryan knew he should have told Brendon not to go when he asked him. But his boyfriend had reassured him that Pete had only wanted Brendon for a day or two of promotions in Florida, and he would be back well before Ryan’s 22nd birthday. But now there was some kind of minor hurricane warning and Brendon was stranded.

"Okay," Ryan couldn’t hold back a sniffle. "I'll see you when you get back. Bye, I love you."
"I love you too, Ry." Brendon’s heart broke as he heard Ryan sigh sadly one more time before hanging up.

Brendon set his jaw and picked up his luggage, walking with a determined stride to the other side of the terminal. He had made a promise to be there on Ryan’s birthday and goddamn it, he was keeping that promise.


Ryan didn’t know what to think. He hadn’t heard or spoken to Brendon in a whole three days. The newspaper delivered to his apartment everyday had clearly stated the storm surge in Florida was over and the hurricane warning withdrawn.
But every time Ryan tried calling Brendon, that monotone computerized voice told him the number he was dialing was out of reach. What did that mean? Ryan was never good with technical lingo.

One the fourth day Ryan was in a panic. Is Brendon missing? Should he alert the authorities? Should he round up a search party and find him on his own?
Ryan was on the verge of calling the police to report a missing person when another thought occurred to him. What if Brendon had left him? The storm was a good cover, Brendon could be in Istanbul by now for all Ryan knew.

With shaking hands Ryan put down the phone. No, he couldn’t send the police on a desperate search to find Brendon, because when they did, Brendon would just send them all packing by saying he had left intentionally and Ryan would look pathetic.

By the fifth day, Ryan’s imagination started to get the better of him.
Brendon could have been abducted by aliens. Or, he could have wandered unknowingly into the forest and stumbled upon a pack of talking wolves and decided to stay as their den mother. What if Brendon’s plane had been hijacked by Korean drug smugglers?

Ryan pondered this new thought with vigor as he sat on his couch, hunched over. He hadn’t done much of anything beside worry about Brendon, and quite frankly, he was starting to smell a bit from not showering.

A large bang sounded to his right and Ryan shot to his feet instinctively, shocked at what he saw.
Brendon stood in his doorway, wearing black jeans cut crudely into shorts, a stained wife beater, and holding a brown suitcases with multiple rips. His hair was sticking straight up with sweat and grease, a wild look in his eye.

"Bren..." Ryan whispered softly, not paying any mind to the disheveled appearance of his boyfriend, only marveling in the fact that he was, at last, home.
"Ryan, I am so, so, so, sorry," Brendon dropped his suitcase and engulfed Ryan in a hug. If any other person was in Ryan’s position, they surely would have affixiated and died just from the lingering smell of farm animal clinging to the chocolate eyed boy, but Ryan paid no mind at all. He preferred it, actually, just because it meant that Brendon hadn’t decided to live amongst a pack of talking wolves.

"You will never fucking believe what happened to me," Brendon broke the hug and paced back and forth, talking with his hands. "I wanted to be here for your birthday so badly, so I left the airport in search for maybe a private jet or something that I could casually drop my name into conversation and someone might recognize me and help me out. But, either all the airfields were closed off or deserted because of that stupid hurricane. And then, this huge ass, inter-state bus pulls past me so I figure, why not?, and I hop on that.

"I was forced to trade my fucking shoes-"Ryan looked down quickly to see that Brendon was indeed barefoot. "-for a granola bar that turned out to be soggy with who knows what. I fell asleep by accident and the next thing I know when I wake up is that I'm in Maryland, going in the completely wrong direction.

"So I get off that bus and onto another one, but it was just filthy Ry, like you wouldn’t believe. Luckily I paid the driver with my favorite red T-shirt and he was able to drive me right here, but after like, four days."
Brendon stopped his rambling and took a deep breath, his heart falling rapidly at the blank look on Ryan’s face. He had tried so goddamn hard to get here as soon as possible, but even he wouldn’t blame Ryan to be a little mad.

"Ry, I'm sorry. So, so, so sorry. I know how much this birthday meant to you and I screwed it up royally and all I can say is that I'm beyond sorry and am willing to do anything to make up for it."

Ryan simply looked on as his boyfriend was talking, astonished that Brendon had gone to such ridiculous lengths just to get to him. Brendon took the ends of his wife beater and drew it over his head, using the material to pat the sweat off his forehead. Ryan’s mind switched gears in an instant, going from seeing Brendon as sticky and slightly revolting to steamy and very provocative.

Ryan took a step forward and placed a hand on Brendon’s hip, pulling him forward. Brendon stumbled, surprised at his actions. Ryan leaned forward and closed his eyes, inhaling the scent of Brendon’s perspiration, a sweat scent that had the means to drive him crazy.

“Ryan? Aren’t you mad?” Brendon’s voice wavered in the slightest as Ryan placed his other hand on his bare chest gently.
“I was at first, but now…” Ryan drowned himself in Brendon’s neck, rubbing his nose against the smooth skin and placing light kisses around his Adams apple.

Brendon sighed in elation and weaved his fingers through Ryan’s hair, one hand placed strategically at the base of Ryan’s skull. One tug of his hand and Ryan’s head was tilted up at the perfect angle. Brendon caught Ryan’s mouth in a heated kiss, both boys shivering as they always did with such strong emotions and desires running through their bodies. Ryan flicked his tongue out to massage Brendon’s upper lip, causing him to moan softly, parting his lips and letting Ryan’s tongue dart inside. Their tongue knew just what to do to make the other cry out, running smoothly over cheeks or wrapping around the other in that perfect spot.

Brendon let go of his strong hold on Ryan’s hair and traveled his hands downward, tickling in between his shoulders and tracing his spine with his thumb. Brendon splayed his fingers on Ryan’s lower back, his left hand creeping ever so downward. Swiftly, Brendon cupped Ryan’s ass, squeezing and kneading the soft flesh.
Ryan groaned into Brendon’s mouth, his tongue lapping idly as he enjoyed the sensation of Brendon’s hands against his bottom. Brendon continued going down with his other hand, giving Ryan’s cheek a brief squeeze before resting on his upper thigh, fingers curled around tightly and just inches from where Ryan needed them to be.

Brendon grunted and hoisted Ryan’s thigh up, wrapping it around his waist. Ryan got the hint and jumped off his other foot, wrapping that leg around Brendon, who placed both hands firmly on Ryan’s ass to keep him from falling.

Ryan broke their kiss and moved down Brendon’s neck, licking off the sweat and nipping faintly. Brendon cursed under his breath when Ryan found his collarbone, running his skillful tongue across the area. Brendon started walking quickly, still firmly holding Ryan too him as he started to kiss his neck more vigorously, biting down harder. Ryan drew back for the briefest moment, before snapping his teeth around a good portion of Brendon’s neck. Brendon moaned loudly and almost stumbled, panting as their needs grew hotter.

Brendon slammed Ryan against the nearest wall, the impact so hard that a few photograph frames atop the nearby TV unit trembled and fell to the floor. Ryan moaned and threw back his head, colliding it painfully with the wall. But the pain didn’t register in his brain, only how Brendon’s roughness was turning him on so well.

Brendon pressed himself against Ryan, pushing him tight enough against the wall that he was able to release his protective hands and run them over Ryan’s chest, popping open buttons as he went. Ryan’s shirt was on the floor in seconds.

Ryan grabbed Brendon’s chin and forced his tongue into his mouth, bouncing himself somehow off the wall and onto an unsuspecting Brendon, the pair falling ungraciously to the ground. Brendon hit his head on the wood floor, cursing out loud. Ryan didn’t pay any attention, he set his sole focus on undoing Brendon’s cut up pants.

Brendon’s pants were ripped off along with his boxers, exposing his pink and throbbing dick to Ryan, and he thought how it’s never been so tempting. But before Ryan could do what he pleased with Brendon’s dick, Brendon was obscuring his way with his arms as he tried to get off Ryan’s pants desperately.

Both were naked, flush against each other, kissing vigorously, hips pushing together. Ryan moaned as Brendon bucked his hips forward and he couldn’t take it anymore. Not with Brendon panting underneath him like that, not with how absurdly hot he looked, his already sweaty hair now drenched in a new wave.

Ryan pushed off the ground with a grunt, getting to his knees and scooting forward. Brendon moaned ‘Yes, please’ over and over as Ryan positioned himself right over Brendon’s extremely, unbearably hard dick. Without any kind of forewarning, Ryan relaxed him thigh muscles and slammed his body down, Brendon’s dick shooting up and inside him.

Both boys moaned at the same time, Ryan at the arousing discomfort and Brendon at the tightness of Ryan’s ass. Ryan gritted his teeth together and carefully lifted upwards almost all the way, before slamming back down with just as much force. Brendon grabbed Ryan’s hips and helped guide him, bucking his own his forward as Ryan slammed down, the combined movements sending spirals of ecstasy through their bodies.

Brendon watched Ryan’s face, twisted and contorted with pleasure and he lost focus, feeling an overwhelming warmth present itself in his stomach, begging for a release. Ryan slammed down just at that moment, a guttural moan slipping from his lips and trapping itself in Brendon’s mind. Brendon was sent over the edge as the warmth turned to blazing fire and engulfed his body and he could feel his load being spilled inside Ryan.

Ryan slumped forward as he came, shuddering and swearing, calling Brendon’s name over and over again. Ryan pulled off of Brendon, collapsing on top of him directly after, situating his body to fit perfectly against his boyfriends in the aftermath of the most mind blowing make-up sex he’s ever had.
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you can thank Sarah for this.
prompt: "sad!Ryan, guilty!Brendon, and lots and lots of make-up boisecks."
find the link to prompt me on my profile :}
happy birthday Ryan!