Status: Originally wrote in 2010.

A, B, C, D, E, & F


He had been my boyfriend for two years! Two whole freaking years! You know what the worst part was? My best friend knew! He knew the whole time! The world is against me. I know it is. I have no reason to lie to myself.

Seeing as your listening to my rant, I should probably tell you who I am. My name is Annette Johansen. I've got long black hair with red highlights. My eyes are Grey. I used to be just a scene girl. I found out my boyfriend was cheating though. That's when I became emo. It's bad enough that I have problems at home. Boomer was the only thing left close to my heart. Besides Bobby, my best or should I sat ex best friend.

Boomer Gurney had been my boyfriend for two years. He had short blond hair and beautiful hazel eyes. He had been the love of my life until I found out. It was Paige Tidwell. Of all people he chose her. Sure she was pretty but she was super annoying. Then again she was giving him sex and I wasn't. I wanted to wait, and not be like my mom. She was knocked up at fifteen and she married an abusive man. She's dead now, and I won't follow in her footsteps.

Bobby Logan is the traitor. He had known the whole time that Boomer was cheating. The sad thing is, Bobby hates Boomer. Why didn't he tell me? Bobby has long black hair and electrifying green eyes. I thought he loved me. He said he did, but then again, so did Boomer.

I checked my phone. 27 missed calls and 52 new messages. I looked at the computer. 43 new e-mails. All from Boomer and Bobby. A tear rolled down my cheek. Then another and another. I didn't know what to do. I curled up in my bed sobbing. My dad burst through the door. "Stop that crying, you good for nothing slut!" I didn't stop. "I said, shut up!" He punched me in the face, but I still refused. Then he beat me until I was black and blue.

The next day I didn't go to school. When I woke up, I wondered around the house. Dad was at work so I didn't have to worry about him. I ate some cereal, then got out my phone. I messed with it until I heard the phone ring. "Hello, is this the Johansen house?"

"Yes it is. This is Annette speaking."

"Annette is Mr. Johansen there?"

"He's at work right now."

"Well I'd like to leave a message. His dad died last night with tuberculosis. His mom would like him to be at the funeral."

"Okay, I'll see what I can do." After that I hung up. I had grandparents. Well a Grandma, but that's besides the point. I had someone else I could live with. I could leave my abusive father. I ran to his room to see if I could find a way to contact her. I was in the closet when I stumbled upon a box, stuffed full with letters.

I pulled one out. It was addressed to me. I opened and read:
Dear Annette,
I'm sorry I couldn't make it to your birthday party. I really want to see you some day. Your stingy father keeps you and your mom locked away from the world. I will see you one day. Even if it's the last thing I do. I love you, Annette.
Your Grandmother,
Debra Johansen

I cried. She had tried to reach me. I grabbed the box, got up, and stumbled to my room. I collapsed as tears of joy and sadness fell down my face. Soon I fell asleep.

I woke up to pounding on the door, and the doorbell ringing non stop. I got up and answered it. I was tackled before I knew what was going on. I looked up to see Bobby's solemn face. I buried my face in his chest. "I'm so sorry. I wanted to tell you, I really did. I didn't want to see you hurt though. I guess I didn't stop that from happening though, did I? When you didn't show up at school today I got worried. Is every thing okay?"

"Yes. Great actually! I have a Grandma named Debra! I have millions of letters from her. She wants to see me. You know what this means? I can leave this horrible place! Maybe she'll let me live with her!" I exclaimed walking into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and bent down to get the tea. All of a sudden I felt cold hands on my back. It gave me goosebumps, as they lifted my shirt. I heard a loud intake of breath.

"He beat you again. I should've been there for you."

"It's not your fault. It's mine. I shouldn't be a baby and cry all the time."

"Now he has you thinking that his actions are your fault?!? Where else are the bruises?" I was standing straight up now. Before I knew it he had stripped my clothing, except my bra and panties. He examined my body as I shivered. He touched my left rib and I felt excruciating pain. "Oh God. I think he broke some of them."

I started crying. He pulled me into him. He caressed my back and whispered sweet nothings. After awhile he made me look at him. Oh, how I love him. I can't believe I was ever mad at him. He just didn't want to see me hurt. His hand caressed my face. "Annette, I love you. More than anything in the world."

Then he kissed me. It was sweet and passionate unlike Boomer's hungry ones. That's when I realized Bobby was the one for me. His love was ever lasting and nothing can change that. Not even if I hated him, or did every bad thing in the world to him. He would still love me.

We broke apart. "I love you, too Bobby. I wish I had noticed it before. Your the only thing that's been keeping me alive, all these years."

We went to my bedroom, and cuddled on the bed. He held my hand as he played with my hair. I told him I was going to leave and go to my Grandma's house. He understood and offered to go with me. I said yes, knowing he would no matter what I said.

My dad was on a business trip, so Bobby stayed the night. The next morning we ate, then he went home to get packed. While he was gone I packed up my stuff, and looked up the address on the letters. She lived in Kingston, Tennessee. Which is pretty far away from my quaint little town in Nevada.

Once Bobby got back we set out to find my Grandma. It took us 3 days to cross Tennessee's border line. It took a few more hours to get to Kingston. We had to ask for directions many times before we found her house. It was nothing I had expected. I thought it'd be a beat up house like mine. It might be old but it was in perfect condition. It looked like a brand new house.

We parked the car and got out. Bobby had to help me get to the house. I had refused to go the hospital, and the pain in my ribs had gotten worse. We made it up the steps and rang the doorbell. An old lady answered the door. She looked like she was in her fifties. "Is Debra Johansen here?"

"I'm Debra." The lady said. So this is my Grandma. I hope she isn't like my dad.

"I'm Annette, your grand daughter."

"So now you come see me. Now that your in trouble. Do you expect me to feel sorry for you?"

"I don't know what your talking about."

"You had all these years to come see me."

"I didn't know you existed until four days ago."

"Why are you here child?"

"To see you, get to know you, and to get away from my dad."

"Why would you want to get away from your only parent?"

"Because he beats me. See this," I lifted my shirt to reveal a huge bruise, "All his fault. I have scars because of that man."

"Oh, come in. Hurry now." Bobby helped me into the house and onto the couch.

She worked on my bruises and cuts, and bandaged my ribs. "Well i can't let you go back. Who's this young man?"

"That's Bobby. My boyfriend and my best friend." He was curled up in a chair, beside me, asleep.

"It was very kind of him to drive you here."

"Please tell me you're gonna let me stay here."

"Of course, I can't let you go back to that man."

"Bobby, too?"

"I don't know."

"Please. He's helped me through everything. He's the one thing that I can't afford to lose."

"Well as long as you don't do anything with him."

"Don't worry. I'm waiting until marriage."

"That's good."

I smiled as she turned out the light. I rolled over and looked at Bobby in the darkness. He hasn't kissed me since the last time, and that was okay. He wasn't like Boomer at all. He didn't think he had to touch me all the time. He hasn't held my hand. I smiled, as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I woke up refreshed, and smelled bacon. I looked for Bobby but saw him nowhere. I went in the kitchen to see that Grandma was making three plates of food. I looked at the table and saw Bobby. As I looked at them, I realized they were both laughing. I smiled and sat at the table.

Bobby noticed me, and touched my knee. He gave it a squeeze and removed it. He was afraid to touch me. He was afraid I'd get mad, like I'd did Boomer. Boomer was touching me sexually, Bobby wasn't. That made me want to kiss him, and never stop. I reached over and grabbed his hand. He looked at me, as if he was asking if I was sure. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He held my hand tightly and not once during breakfast did he let go.

Later that day Bobby and I were on the porch talking, while Grandma made drinks and snacks. All of a sudden we see some man come up the driveway. As he got closer I realized it was my father, and he was mad. He grabbed the back of my hair, yanked me off the porch, and up off the ground. "You little Bitch. What are you doing here? And why is that fag with you?" He pointed at Bobby.

"Because my Grandma knows how to treat a child. And he's not a fag, he's my boyfriend." I spat at him.

Bobby came out of nowhere and punched the side of my dad's head. As I fell to the ground, I screamed, "No!" My dad picked up Bobby and threw him against the pillar of the porch.

"See how weak he is. you need someone strong. What happened to that Boomer kid?"

"Fuck you!" Of course a scumbag would want their daughter to date a scumbag. I heard sirens as everything went black. I woke up in a white room. I heard the constant beep of the machine. I looked beside me, and saw Bobby in the bed with me. I nudged him, and whispered his name. He opened his eyes. He looked at me with a smile on his face. Then he hugged me as I started crying. He kissed my tears before they fell, then my lips. As we were lost in the kiss, a nurse came in. She cleared her throat. Bobby and I jumped apart. She smiled a sweet smile, and told Bobby he needed to leave.

As soon as he left she looked at me. "I was going to say sorry he was in your bed, but he wouldn't leave. Seeing you just then though I can tell you don't care."

"I'm sorry but I'm not that way. I'm still a virgin."

"That's what they all say."

"But it's true!"

"Uh huh."

"Whatever. Believe what you want, but I'm sticking to it." She looked at me and shook her head. "What do want?"

"Well you're gonna have to stay here awhile."


"Because your left rib is broken."

"Oh yeah." I sighed. Great. I hate hospitals.

A few days later I got to go home. Bobby drove me, and when we got there, there was a huge meal cooked. "Sorry. It's just when I'm happy, I cook."

We laughed. I knew coming here would be the best decision of my life.

A few years later Bobby and I were married, with one little girl and three boys. Cody and Dimitri were twins, and were three years old. They had black hair and looked exactly the same. The only difference was Cody's eyes were green and Dimitri's were Grey.

Erik was turning two in a few days. His eyes were blue and his hair black. Grandma said the blue eyes must've skipped a few generations.

Fawn was turning one on Erik's birthday. She was his first birthday present. Her hair was fiery red and her eyes green. Mine and Bobby's Moms' hair was red. It was really weird.

I loved each of my children, Bobby, and my Grandma with all my heart. We still lived with her. She loved having the kids around all the time, and they loved her. My life couldn't get any better than this.
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Sorry if this is kinda lame. I was a newbie writer. This was originally in one story with other short stories & Mibba told me to seep rate them, so I did. .-.