Status: Originally wrote in 2010.

Does She Love Me Too?


I'm in love with my best friend. If you don't like lesbians stop reading, NOW. My best friend is a girl of course. She has bright blue eyes. Her teeth are all perfect and white. Her hair is jet black with electric blue highlights. She is an amazing person and knows how to play the electric guitar. Her name is Alaina.

My name is Klara. I have hazel eyes and dirty blond hair. I'm the lead singer in my band, Temptations Trigger. Of course Alaina is in it. I personally think our band is absolutely amazing. I know you must think I'm boring. I'm sorry if you feel that way.

Okay, so anyway I'm in love with Alaina Davis. I just wonder if she feels the same. I decided I'd tell her today, on her birthday. I just hope that it won't ruin our friendship. I also have to figure out exactly how I'm gonna tell her.

That morning I sat and planned on how I was gonna tell her. Fifteen minutes later I had to go catch the bus for school. Once I got on, I sat in my normal seat. Alaina was already there. I plastered a smile on my face, so she wouldn't notice that I was nervous. "Happy Birthday!"

She laughed. "Good, at least you didn't forget."

"How could I?" We talked for the rest of the bus ride. Once we got to school we were ambushed by our friends.

There was James Johnson, Tyler Guinn, Chelsea Conley, and Gabe Wasdin. They're the coolest people in the whole world. When Alaina wasn't paying attention, I gave all of them a note with my plans. They all know that I like her because, well, they know me very well. Also I kind of let it slip while I was messed up. I have a little advice for you. Don't get drunk when you have a secret that you wanna keep hidden.

I went to first period which is World History. I have Mr. Plemmons and all he does is assign worksheets. I have that class with Gabe. We call him nipple guy. We met because, he randomly showed me his nipples in the hallway. It was really weird but, that is what made me want to be his friend.

Next I have Algebra One with James and Tyler. Our teacher is Mrs. Lane. She is absolutely the most awesome teacher in the whole world. I met James and Tyler in this class. I was all alone until they decided to be my friends.

Third period is Art One. Mrs. Mayfield is my teacher and she drives me crazy. Alaina and I share that class. That is where we became friends. She was the new kid and I sat by my self so, Mrs. Mayfield made us partners. That was her biggest mistake as a teacher. For me, it was like God had answered my prayers.

For fourth I have Lifetime Wellness. That is where Chelsea and I met. In the first semester we had P.E. with Coach King. His assistant teacher, Coach Miller, taught us though. He's now a substitute teacher. For the second semester we have Health. In that class our teacher is Coach Collier. He stinks as a teacher. He gives a presentation for half the class then watches porn at his desk, while we do tons of work he assigns.

After that we go to lunch. We have second lunch so we get the leftover food from first lunch. Yummy in my tummy, right? Eh, not really. The only good part about second lunch is that all my friends are there. Today everyone sung Happy Birthday to Alaina.

Then for fifth I have English One/ACC. Which means I'm in accelerated. In that class there is Chelsea and Gabe. Mrs. Thompson teaches that class. She can be very strict and she does NOT tolerate cheating. She gave the whole class a zero once because, we had been cheating. How does a whole class cheat on one paper? Whatever.

Then last but not least, Physical Science. My worse subject. I hate that class with a passion. Mr. Godfrey or G-dog as some say, is awesome. He's a super cool teacher. He lets us get away with so many things. All he wants us to do is pay attention during the presentation and for you to do your work. His tests are always super hard though. I have that class with all my friends actually. You can imagine how awesome Mr. Godfrey must be if he lets all of us sit together.

After school we all went to our houses. When I got to my house I texted everyone besides Alaina, and told them they needed to practice as much as they could. I worked on some lyrics to a new song. It was going to be absolutely amazing.

When the clock said 4:15 I got on my bike and headed to Alaina's house. Seeing as she's a really random person her party starts at 4:44. She picks a different time every year. Once she chose 9:36. When I asked why not just 9:30 she said that was way to normal, and besides 9-3=6. She can be weird but I love her.

I got there 14 minutes early. I helped her set up some last minute decorations. This year she did Invader Zim. She's in love with Zim's dog/robot named Gir. Gir is pretty cool though.

Everyone started showing up a few minutes later. First we all ate sandwiches and stuff. Then we ate cake and ice cream. After that it was time to open presents. That was Alaina's favorite part. Gabe got her Paramore's new CD Brand New Eyes. James got her a customized guitar pick. Chelsea gave her a notebook full of drawings, she did herself. Tyler gave her a jacket with Jack Skeleton, from Nightmare Before Christmas, on it. None of it was expensive but, we didn't give expensive stuff. We all agree if you take the time to make something special instead, of buying something you are a real friend, lover, or whatever else.

After she opened those she looked up at me, sadness in her eyes, "Where's yours?" She thought something was wrong. we had always given each other a gift, on any holiday. We give each other something every Friday because, we met on a Friday.

I grinned and took her hand. I led her to her garage, where we practice. "Everyone get in position. Except you Alaina. Go sit in a chair or something." I got the microphone; Gabe, acoustic guitar; James, the drums; Tyler, bass; and Chelsea, the keyboard. "I wrote a song for you. I hope you like it. Okay so here goes.
Hey, you there,
Your beautiful,
And I love you,
I just wanna kiss you,

Your the perfect person,
For me, can't you see,
We were meant to be,
I love you baby,

Your voice tugs at my heart,
Your smile and your eyes,
I knew it from the start,
That you are my one and only,

I sleep with a smile,
Upon my lips,
My dreams are filled,
With your smiling face,

Your everything I need,
What I've been looking for,
And I just want you to see,
Your the one I adore,

Your voice tugs at my heart,
Your smile and your eyes,
I knew it from the start,
That you are my one and only,

Now please tell me,
Do you feel the same,
Oh please tell me,
Do you feel the same,

Your voice tugs at my heart,
Your smile and your eyes,
I knew it from the start,
That you are my one and only."

"That was amazing." She walked up to me. She took my face into her hands. "I love you, too." She kissed me and it was the most amazing feeling ever.

"Woot woot!" Gabe yelled.

"Finally!" Chelsea screamed.

"Oh man." James breathed.

"Encore! This totally turns me on!" Tyler said excited.

Alaina and I broke apart. "That's gross!" We yelled in unison. True we like kissing girls, but that doesn't mean we enjoy boys being turned on by it. That's just disturbing. We all laughed anyway.

Alaina and I had the most amazing relationship two girls could have. We stayed together even when our parents disagreed, and classmates made fun of us. We loved each other and nobody could change that. Every good or bad thing that happened, only brought us closer together.
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Separated this because Mibba's story guidelines said I had to. .-.