Status: active

Everything Happens for a Reason

Not Something You Want To Hear On Your Birthday

I was just finishing my shift at the bakery. Yes I was working on my birthday thanks manager. Though it was nice to get some birthday cards from my favourite customers and I got a cupcake from Jean my co worker. Finally it was time for me to go home, where I wouldn't doubt that my best friends and flatmates were planning a little party for me. As long as Sam doesn't go over board with everything, Max would kill him if he makes too much mess. But I'm sure Cassidy will keep them in line, Will's too shy unless you really rile him up.

I've known Will, Max, Sam and Cassidy literally my whole life. We were all admitted into the orphanage when we were one at the same time and we all left and moved out together into our flat. They never told us how our parents died, whenever we asked they just changed the subject and sent us off. I walked into our building and went siraght for the elevator, not taking the stairs again not after how long it took. A couple of minutes later I was on our floor and walked along the hallway to our flat and knocked.

"It's me" I called and opened the door

"Happy Birthday!" Will, Max, Sam and Cassidy courused

"I gotta say I'm suprised no streamers, no banners, no cake mess Sam? What happened? You love birthdays!"

"After Will's birthday party? You gotta be kidding me I am not cleaning all that up again" Max explained

"Yeah and after the tragic baking incident that was my birthday cake we decided to buy one this time" Will added

"Gotcha. Still can't believe he went without a fight" I obversed

"Oh he didn't" Max said and grabbed the computer chair from around the corner and pulled it into view which had Sam tied to it.

"Hey happy birthday" He said "I couldn't at least have my fourth attempt of making a birthday cake?! C'mon Max I promised to clean it up!"

"But you wouldn't I would again. This is why you have a room to yourself to contain your mess to that room!"

I laughed as they had a 'creative discussion' about Sams messy habits when the phone rang and Will smiled at me and went to answer it. I sighed and walked over to Max and Sam while Cassidy started to cut the cake. I untied Sam and them both a playful glare they both raised their hands in mock surrender.

"Okay, yeah we'll be right there" Will said into the phone before hanging up and sighing

"What's up?" Cassidy asked him

"Well your birthday party is gonna have to wait a bit Alex. That was the orphanage, they're finally able to tell us what happened to our parents all those years ago"

We all nodded and the others left to get their coats I still had mine on just coming home from work. Max grabbed his car keys and we left the building and got in his jeep and left for the orphanage where we grew up. It wasn't a bad place, we all had to do chores around there but it wasn't anything big just stuff to prepair us for when we left to live on our own. Max pulled up outside and we all got out and knocked on the door. Mrs Kearsey who ran the orphanage opened the door and smiled sadly at us. And gestured for us to come inside we followed her to her office and sat down.

"I don't know how to tell you this, I guess I should start with happy birthday Alex" She said

"Thank you" I replied

"Don't thank me yet dear. The truth is you and your parents you wren't from here and I don't mean here here I mean whole different dimension here here. Your parents were quite powerful idvidually there so when they were expecting all of you they knew you'd be twice as powerful so for your own safety they moved here hoping to keep you safe. But it didn't work. You see your world was took over by evil, your parents fromed a resistance against it. The evil followed your parents and planned to attack when you were all one years old but Harmony - your mother Alex - foresaw the attack and she knew they would die and there was nothing they could do to prevent that. She beleives she had the vision to keep you safe. Everything happens for a reason she said. I was told not to tell you until you were old enough. I'm so sorry for keeping this from you"

There was about 5 seconds of slience until someone broke it by clapping. I looked around to see it was Sam.

"Nice story. You make all that up just now?" he asked

"No I did not Samuel. Like it or not it's the truth!"


The vase behind Mrs Kearseys head exploded and shattered into a million pieces.

"Believe me now? I'm not suprised your father could do the same." She told him

"What about the rest of our parents what could they do?" asked Cassidy

"Cassidy, your mother could move things with her mind and your father could levitate. Will your father had the power of heat, his hand was like the sun and your mother's power was healing. Max your mother frooze things and dad fused water moleclues together to make objects. Sam your father as you know made things explode while your mother's gift was empathy and Alex your mother saw the future while your father was a shapeshifter."

"What about us? What can we do?"

"You have both of your parents powers in you Cassie. You all do."

"C'mon lets go home." said Will "I think that's enough for one day. After all we have a birthday to celebrate"

Max drove home and no one talked the entire car journey. We all looked pretty shaken up especially Sam. Don't blame him it's not exactly something you hear every day never mind make something explode. I sighed.

"You okay Sammy?" I asked him gently

"For now don't worry about it Ally Cat" Sam assured

"What about you are you okay?" Cassidy asked me

"What do you mean?" I replied

"It's your birthday and you just found out how our parents died and that you have powers. It's not something you want to hear on your birthday"

"I'm fine. I just have this feeling that when we were in the dark about our powers we were safe and now I'm not so sure"

"Hmm well we'll just have to wait and see. Think about this way we wanted an answer and now we got one." Max said "It may not have been the one we wanted but we got it. Now we just have to deal with it"

Max was right we were waiting so long to know what happened to them and now we do and as easy as it may seem to turn our backs and forget that happened and move on but we can't like Max said we have to deal with whatever may happen to us next. Like Mrs Kearsey said my mom said: Everything happens for a reason.