Over the Moon


I step into a white building that given the condition, must have been built years ago. Taking my sunglasses off, I walk to the secretary who seemed to be busy on a call. Before I could even tell her what I was here for, she told me to take a seat and continued to laugh away at whoever was at the other end of the line. I sat and watched the others auditioning for the same roll come in and out of the doors. Across the room I saw a busty brunette with too much of an attitude act as if she knew that everyone was watching her, making sure every move was phenomenal and tried to make everyone feel insecure. Soon enough her name was called I think it was Meg Evans or something, she got up and swayed her hips so much I was surprised it didn't give out. Grabbed out the side they had prepared for me, I began reciting it over in my head.

Hours has passed and my name was called second to last, "Riley Thomas?" I looked up "You're up."
I bit my lip and tucked my hair behind my ear before making my way to the door to be greeted by the casting directors for the next Marvel hit: Captain America 3.
Two out of three looked dead tired considering they've been watching auditions of the same scene repeat over and over again. The other, however, looked fully awake, as if she'd taken her coffee with extra espresso this morning.
"Name," one of them demanded.
I didn't even think before I spoke, I've been through so many auditions I could recite my answers in my sleep, "Riley K. Thomas."
"Okay Riley, we're going to have you preform for us your take on the side we sent you."
Nodding I became the twisted, witty, flirt of a villain the roll required of me. I had to be doing something right if my audition tape was good enough for a call back.

After I went through the side, they began asking the questions.

"Riley, I see you've been signed to a show contract for the last five years. Why are you trying for movies now?"
"I originally tried out for movies but I saw an amazing five year deal being able to work with talented actors and get my face known."
"How do you think your past experience prepared you for this roll?"
"I did a lot of stunt work on the show, so I am prepared to do my own stunts and am in shape for the rolls. Also, the past characters I've played happened to be mysterious and major smart asses.
They stumble a laugh. Good.
"And lastly, have you any experience with comic characters?"
I laugh a little, "I'm a major comic nerd. My dad's a DC man, which is why my middle name is Kent. Although I am more of a Marvel girl; I dressed as Wolverine for Halloween at least four years in a row, and I think I saw The Winter Solider at least six times by now."
They whispered to eachother before waving me off, "you'll get a call by Tuesday."

I was rushed out the door before another word and all I had left to do was wait for the call that could change my career forever.