You're Not Lost


Elizabeth felt like she was in a permanent state of shock.

She stared incredulously at the sight before her. The kitchen table was filled with all kinds of greasy, hot food. A pizza, submarine sandwiches, breadsticks, and even a salad. Earlier she insisted that she was not hungry, but now the smells of everything was starting to change her mind. It looked like no meal she had ever had before and it definitely didn't look too healthy...but that's what also made it look so appealing.
Perhaps the most peculiar part to the girl was that her aunt had placed an order for the food over the phone, and then, not even an hour later, a man delivered it right to the front door!.

"This is a lot of food..." She observed.

"Yes, it sure is! Help yourself to whatever, I wasn't sure what you'd like, so I just ordered a bit of everything!" Sandra smiled, handing Elizabeth a plate.

"Does everyone eat like using the phone for food?" Elizabeth asked, as she took a bit of salad and a slice of pizza.

"Not always, but every once in a while I suppose everyone does. It's convenient. Especially when mom's too busy too cook..." Janie smirked.

"I can cook a few things...!" Sandra retorted, with a laugh. "In fact, I'll cook tomorrow. Today was just too exciting to cook. I swear I almost left work early just to drive to PA to get you myself, Elle!"

Elizabeth smiled, but she was growing more confused. Her aunt couldn't cook? That seemed absolutely absurd to her. Cooking was one of the first things she had ever learned to do.
Another thing to think about was that her aunt had a job that she went to almost every day. Elizabeth supposed she knew this, but now that she was staying here, it kind of scared her. What if there was an emergency? She was very used to her own mother staying home cooking and cleaning all day.

Elizabeth ate slow, for fear of getting sick off this new kind of food. As she ate she listened to Janie tell her all about the things they were going to do this summer, while Sandra chimed in occasionally.

"Let's see, there's the beach, the amusement park, the mall, concerts, the movies...have you ever done any of those things, Elle?"

Elizabeth shook her head 'no', while she chewed her food. Janie's eyes went wide.

"Really?!, gee, I knew the Amish were strict, but I didn't know they were that strict!"

Elizabeth wanted to retort back, but she knew the girl meant no harm. A lot of people didn't understand. Just because she didn't have much technology or stores like Janie, she still had a life. She still had friends, she still had fun.

"And bon fires! I'm sure Zack's going to have lots of bon fires!" Janie finished.

"Oh, you'll like Janie's friend Zack. He's got a couple of goofy friends that should keep you entertained as well."
Sandra laughed and rolled her eyes, as Elle let out an awkward, nervous laugh. She hoped she wouldn't have to meet new people anytime soon. She was still adjusting to phones and pizza.

As if reading her mind, Janie spoke up again.

"Maybe he'll have one tomorrow! I'll have to text him and see. Then you can meet everyone!"

Elizabeth's stomach began to feel weird and she doubted it was from all the grease she had just consumed.

" everyone so...soon?" She choked out. She had no idea who everyone was, but the thought made her nervous.

"Sure, why not? It'll be fun!"

"Let's just see what tomorrow brings. Don't forget that your cousin has had a long day and Baltimore will take some getting used to. That being said, if you're feeling up to it, I think you'd have a lot of fun with Janie and her friends."

Sandra smiled comfortingly at her daughter and her niece. She stood up and cleared the table, while Janie got up to get a glass of juice.

Elizabeth continued to sit there in a daze. This was normal to them, but everything was starting to feel As much as she felt welcomed, she was beginning to feel anxious. She was afraid that Janie and Sandra's version of 'fun' definitely wouldn't match her own.

"Do you want to watch a movie?!" Janie blurted out with more excitement.

Elizabeth looked at the clock. It was 10:30pm, and no one in the house looked ready to settle down for bed yet. That in itself was overwhelming enough.

"I'm actually pretty tired..." She said, leaving out the fact that she had never watched a movie in her entire life.

Janie showed Elizabeth up the stairs and to the guest room. It was a fairly large room, with a nice sized bed and eggplant purple walls. Elizabeth began to unpack her small suitcase as Janie plopped down on her bed and began pressing buttons on her cell phone.

"My friends want me to come out tonight. I told them you were in town and they want to meet you."
Janie grinned. The sick feeling returned to Elizabeth.

"I told them not tonight though. This is so exciting, Elle! We'll be just like sisters! I've always wanted a sister!
I told them all about you and how much fun we have when I visit in the summer!"

Janie was always so bubbly, but it wasn't the kind that could get annoying real fast. It was genuine, she had a zest for life. And as uncomfortable as Elizabeth was feeling in that moment, her cousins energy couldn't help but be contagious.

"I always love when you and Aunt Sandra come up to visit."

She smiled at the memories. Most walks through the farmers markets or craft shows were spent with Sandra and Rebecca deep in conversation, while Janie and Elizabeth dragged behind them, laughing and talking. It was mostly Janie who did the talking. About public school, the beach, her friends... Elizabeth would ask her questions, fascinated that such things could take place only a few hours away.

"Me too! I always wished you lived closer. I'm so happy you're here, Elle. This is going to be great!" She grinned and gave her cousin a hug goodnight before leaving the room.

Elizabeth sighed as she took off her bonnet. She took a long look at herself in the full length mirror hanging on the wall. There were no mirrors in her home back in Pennsylvania.

Elizabeth liked to think that those long talks with Janie had prepared her enough for English life. But boy had she been wrong.
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