Status: feedback always appreciated


Dance With Me


“Livie you know that party tonight?” April asked, I picked up her call Saturday afternoon.

“Yea the one you have been talking about all week?”

“Yes, you’re coming. Okay I understand you don't want help with everything but this is my way if helping you, deal with whatever you have to do before hand and then I will pick you up at 8 and your gonna get super drunk and just forget about everything for a couple hours.” She wasn’t asking

“Okay?” I mumbled more a question to myself rather then anything else, “Because right now getting drunk and forgetting everything sounded like a great plan.
So I made dinner for everyone that night and watched as both mum and Emily ate everything on their plate, at least I knew they were both eating that was a good sign right?

I cleared everyone's dishes cause if I didn't mum sure as hell wasn't going to do it. And then I got ready to go to a high school party like nothing out of the ordinary, like my whole world hadn't dropped from beneath me a week ago.
I got ready showering and curling my hair a little i went for a simple black capped sleeved dress and applied a little makeup before i deemed myself presentable. I checked on mum and Emmy again before I left they were curled up on the couch together and with that comforting image in my head I left

The party made me realised one thing straight away, the world goes on as normal, nothing had changed for anyone here. Jason was trying to get me up stairs to have sex with him in a spare bed while April and Kelly, my two best friends took off dancing straight away. I didn't feel like dancing and I sure as he'll didn't feel like having sex I didn't even want his drunken hands on me.
Nobody's world had fallen out from beneath his or her feet like mine had except maybe His. He was staring at me from the opposite side of the make shift dance floor and I flipped him the bird before heading to the kitchen to get another drink.

“Wanna do a round of shots with me Livie?” Jason's mate Aaron asks already setting up two small rows of tequila shots passing me the salt before I could even refuse. But then wasn't the whole point of tonight to get drunk so I pick up a slice of lemon and wait as a small group gathers around us.


Where were her friends! she shouldn't be by herself right now completely drunk and using the kitchen counter to hold herself up if one more guy thinks it's a good idea for her to have another shot I'm gonna sucker punch him straight in the nose.

As the song changes I watch Olivia throw her hands up and attempt to start dancing, and I use the word dancing loosely. But I let the small smile take over my face she is breathtaking even in this state, and then I notice her start to fall and figured enough is enough.

And in a few long strides I have my hands around her waist holding her up.
“Come get some air with me,” I feel her whole body quiver but she doesn’t push me away. And with one hand on her back I lead her out the back and into the cool night air. It’s a refreshing change from the musky thick air of the party.

“Dance with me!” Olivia giggles and I must have looked at her like she had a second head.
“Dance with you?” I asked incredulously but take her hand to spin her anyway. “Dance with you, on Monday you were telling me to leave you alone.” There’s laughter in my voice.

“And look how well you did listening to me…” She gives me a sad smile and huffed out a huge breath before letting go of my hand and stumbling over to the garden seats not far from us, she practically falls into one.

“I just want to forget everything for one night, get drunk dance with friends act normal and you won't even let me.” She picks up a bottle off the table next to her and opens it taking a large gulp of beer. She’s angry at me and she has every right but I just can’t seem to draw myself away from her. I find myself constantly watching her at school and picking up parts of over heard conversations about her. I want to be near her, maybe to try and right my wrong.

“I'm sorry,” I mumble pulling a pack of smokes out if my back pocket and lighting one up.

“Doesn't matter I can be as drunk as... Well this” she giggles “and still nothing feels normal” I give her a soft smile I hated she’s sad and drunk I should have just let her dance when she asked me to.
“Nothing's normal” she keeps rambling she was a cute drunk even if she was sad “Jason's so drunk and I don't even want to touch him that's not normal.” She keeps going and I have to laugh at her.

“Well no one can blame you for that” I laughed.

“Oh ha ha” She is so sarcastic before she really did laugh and it was nice to see.

“The guys a douche Olivia,”

“You don't even know him.” She defends. I didn't really my group of friends didn't mix with his and defiantly not with hers either we were classed as scum compared to them, and sometimes I felt like I couldn’t even argue with that.

“You smoke yea?” She asks

“No this is all an illusion…” I run a hand over my half shaved head “I mean come on love I have a smoke in my hand.”

“I mean...” She drifted “I mean pot.” she whispered and now I really have to laugh

“You don't want to get high love come on” She is too good for that shit.

“Come on Braydon” The way she said my name all drawn out is the absolute sexiest thing I'd ever heard “I just want one night!”

“I know one night to forget” I mumbled this was all my fault anyway and getting her high could be disastrous but when she looks at me like that with those big green eyes and paired with the guilt I feel whenever I see her, what the fuck let her have her one night. “Okay,” I mumbled holding my hand out to her; she looked at me funny it was a little bit priceless.

“Okay, but not here.” I shook me head

“Why?” she still hadn’t taken my hand

“Not in front of theses people Olivia, you have enough to deal with without having to worry about what there gonna say and think if you get stoned at Michelle Bridges party while your boyfriend is passed out somewhere.” I watch her close her eyes for a moment like she’s really trying to sort all this out in her drunken state.

“Okay.” She whispered before taking my hand, hers is tiny in mine and I want to pull her closer to me, but I know she’d run if I tried. So instead I lead her out of the party and while a few stop to stare at us I'm pretty sure they are all too drunk to remember it in the morning. She didn’t let go of my hand once we were at the front door or even when we got to my car and I pulled the door open for her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another update, i've split this chapter into two the next part should be up shortly.
Thanks to everyone who has read, subscribed and commented it means heaps please continue to let me know what you think.

You can find Olivia's outfit here:
oh and let me know if you like part of the chapter being from Braydon's POV.