Status: feedback always appreciated


A Month


Monday was a new week and I woke up determined to make it a better one! Mum still didn't emerge from bed, and I had no idea if she had called her boss to tell him she was currently immobile. But that wasn't going to also become my problem, at least not at the moment.

For the first time in almost a month I tried to participate in school, to pay attention to my teachers and get involved with my friends. I tried to make amends with Jason act like nothing had changed, act like he was my knight in shining armour. And he seemed to pull me closer happy to pretend we were all back to normal.

But really that was all it was pretend, and by half way through fourth period that façade came crashing back down with one simple phone call.

Sitting in English I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I pulled it out making sure Mrs Vanderbelt wasn’t watching. The number was that of Emily’s school and knowing that made me answer the call immediately.

“Hello,” I whispered into the phone trying to cover the iphone with my hair in case someone saw me.

“Is this Olivia Folds?”

“It is.” I mumbled

“Sorry to bother you Miss Folds but there has been a bullying incident with your sister Emily, some of the older kids have tried to force her to talk and it got a bit rough…”

“What?” I asked I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me, she was five and being bullied.

“The children will all be punished but...”

“Ill be right there.” I cut the lady off hanging up and packing up all my books.

I stood abruptly drawing more attention to myself then I ever intended to.

“Miss Folds where are you going?” Mrs Vanderbelt asked horrified by my disruption.

“I'm sorry, something’s happened and I have to go.” And without any further explanation I bolted from the classroom running down the hall and straight out to my car without even stopping at my locker.

“Olivia,” His voice was the last one I expected to hear, a teacher, my principle, my boyfriend or a friend but instead I got Braydon.

“I don’t have time Braydon.” I yelled back “I have to get out of here.” I was panicking for my sister; I needed to get to her.

Opening the car door I turned the car on immediately but before I could take off the passenger door was opened and Braydon was buckling himself in.

“Bray please, I don’t have time.” I felt like I was going to cry.

“Just go then Live, drive, but I'm coming with you.” He told me and honest I didn’t really care I just needed to get to Emily.

It was about five minutes into the drive before Braydon broke the silence. “What happened Livie, I saw you answer your phone and then you practically ran?”

“Uuummm, my sister…she uuummm, she hasn’t spoken a word since the accident and some kids at school are bullying her, trying to force her to speak.”

“Have you tried to get her help, like counselling surely your mum…”

“My mum is having a hard enough time getting herself out of bed, let alone worry about anyone else.”

“Hang on… was your sister in the accident?” it was like it had just dawned on him and his sharp intake of breath scared me a little.

“Yea she was.”

“Oh God.” He mumbled running his hands through his hair and back over his face, covering his eyes. “Fuck,” he had become completely ridged his hands still covering his face his breathing shallow, like he was in serious pain.

Reaching him I pulled one of his hands off his face and linked his fingers with mine, it forced him to look at me

“I'm sorry Livie,” and I knew he was, the look on his face, it was like hearing this tore him apart, but I couldn’t forgive him, not right now so I pretended I didn’t hear him and I changed the subject.

“I haven’t told anyone about this about Em or my mum so please, keep your mouth shut.” And again it sounded ruder then I had intended for it to sound. “Were here.” And with that I got out of the car and headed straight for the principle’s office with Braydon hot on my heels.

Emily was sitting in the small waiting section outside the principle’s office and I ran to her scooping her up in my arm and checking for any visible damage.

“Are you okay baby?” I asked her and she nodded “Are you sure? What did they do to you?” I tried but she just cuddled into me some more instead.

“You must me Miss Folds, I'm awfully sorry about all of this if you’d like to come with me we can discuss this a little more.” I hadn’t even noticed the principles door had opened, and I really didn’t want to put Emily down but I wasn’t taking her in there with me. So instead I handed her to Braydon who seemed to accept her with ease.

“Do you mind just sitting with her a minute?” I asked him, he could have said no, he could have told me to go to hell I deserved it after the way I had continuously spoken to him. Instead he mumbled a no problem and lifted Emily on his hip slightly.

I stood and watched him for a moment, turn around and head back to the small seating area, he placed Emily down on the seat next to him and stretched out his large hand to greet her small one.

“I'm Braydon, you must be Emily, it’s very nice to meet you.” I heard him speak to her, his voice soft and easy.

“Are you Olivia’s boyfriend?” Emily’s voice was tiny and croaky from lack of use and I almost started crying when I heard her.

“No I'm not, I don’t think your sister likes me very much.” He smiled at her, so big it melted my heart.

“Why not, what did you do to her?” It seemed like Emily had no barriers with Braydon, but why wouldn’t she talk to me.

“Are you ready to go in Miss Folds?” the principle asked I hadn’t realised that she was also watching the interaction; I nodded and headed in with her.