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| Beginning |


My mother died while giving birth to me in a shack my father built for her for the birth. She had been so sure that I would turn out to be a little boy. Much to her surprise she was brought face to face with screaming baby girl. Lux is the unit of illuminance and luminous emittance. She said a bright light surrounded me, it made me grow brighter than any star. So my father named me Lux. My mother said my name once before she died; at least that is what my dad told me.

For most of my life it had just been me and my father. I was a sickly child growing up, my lungs used to close up and I would struggle to breathe. My father always took care of me, never letting me out of his sight even for a moment.

One day while chasing a rabbit, I tripped over a fallen branche, falling into a hole that was covered by leaves and shrubs. It was an animal trap, not too deep, but I broke my wrist during the fall and could not climb out. I spent hours in that hole calling for my father. I finally gave up hope, resolving that I would die in that hole. Then a black-haired boy appeared and stared down at me in wonder.

"You're not a deer." He simply said.

My father used to tell me stories about Angels. Messengers of God, who He would send down to earth to watch over us, protect us from any danger, and rescue us if we were ever in trouble. In that moment when I looked up at that boy with green eyes that seemed to look further than you, I knew I was looking at an angel if there ever was one.
Redd pulled me out of the whole, wrapped up my wrist and took me to my father; who had been searching for me for hours too. He told us about his camp and promised us food and shelter away from Tyrannus. From that moment on Redd and I spent every waking moment together.

I knew I loved him from the moment I saw him. Before him, I lived every single day as a way to make it to tomorrow. It did not matter what tomorrow held, that was not important somehow. All I ever thought was 'I will not die today'. But with Redd it was like each day had a much bigger purpose. We spent hours daydreaming about a world where Tyrannus did not exist, where people had all that they needed in abundance, without the clause of having to sacrifice their free will. We spoke about our hopes and dreams, and our biggest fears.

"I don't ever want to live this life without you, Lux." He whispered. I would never forget what it felt like when he said thoughs words. It was like he had peeked into my thoughts and stolen my words.

"Do you believe in God?"

My heart leapt at the sound of those words and I instinctively looked around, even though we were away from the camp. We sitting at the foot of an old and majestic oak tree. It was dead though, its branches were bare and dry.

"I don't know," I responded dryly. The sky was grey, it looked like it would rain soon.

"Have you ever felt like someone or something was watching over you. In moments when your were certain that you were going to die without a doubt, then, out of nowhere your life is spared. And you cannot explain how you survived." He explained.

I was not completely lost to what he was saying. My father told me stories about God, that his mother used to tell him. His mother had a Bible that she would read to him. But all of that was lost along with every other form of literature. I knew of a God.
And that day, when I fell into the hole, Redd told me he had dug up that hole after seeing a family of deer in that area. He had intended on cover the floor of that hole with sharpened pieces of wood in order to kill the animal when it fell in, but when looked he could not find his knife, so he left it bare. I would have ended up with more than a broken wrist that day.

"What are you saying, Redd?"

He sighed, turning his whole body to face me and crossing his legs.

"When I look at you, I feel like somehow my meeting you was perfectly orchestrated by something greater, because I can't remember a time before. I can't think of what I filled my days with before you. And before God I want to swear to never live a day without you in it."

Out of his pocket he pulled a thin gold band, then handed it to me.

"Take it, Lux, as a symbol of my heart." He said as he placed the ring in the palm of my hand.