Status: Will follow the plot of the walking dead besides my own twists, please comment subscribe or reccomend

Somebody to Die For


Kira's mind was racing, she glanced out of the window and what she saw was going to haunt her for the rest of her life. Thousands of walkers were making their way towards them, expecting an easy dinner, well I'll be fighting until my dieing breath, she thought to herself. All of a sudden a shot rang out from the top of the store.
"Whos the dumbass now?" Kira couldn't help herself she sneered at the girl named Andrea. "That would be Merle," A wide dark skinned man answered her sarcastic question. My heart sunk into my stomach, could it be the same merle, no he has to be dead, even if he was that doesn't mean that his brother is still alive. Kira was sure that her shock was crystal clear on her face. After he said that she sunk to the floor and placed her head against a manicin. Rick ran over to Kira and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Kira are you alright?" What the hell is wrong with her, is she bit?" Everyone stared at Kira wide eyed at Andrea's question, even Rick took his hand off of her shoulder. Kira stood up at that, and made a beeline for Andrea," Listen I've had enough of you," Kira leaped for Andrea's throat, but Rick grabbed her and told her to calm down. elektra began to growl and snap at Andrea, but Kira knew that Elektra wasn't going to hurt her unless she was told to. Kira walked over to the counter and leaned against it, grinning. "call your dog off, please." Andrea pleaded with Kira but she was still too pissed at the bitch to let her get away without apologizing. "Oh so close to an apology, but not quite, keep trying." Andrea's arms shook as she reached for her gun, the fear clear on her face. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Elektra will tear your arm off before you get a chance to shoot that gun." Kira practically sang as she said the words, Kira knew she was crossing a line but she couldn't help herself. "Kira!" Rick yelled a pleading sound laced around his words. kira gave up on the little bit of fun she was having and whistled for Elektra to come over to her. Elektra growled again then trotted over to kira, everyone let out a breath and Andrea's tense shoulders relaxed. Another gunshot rang out from the roof, bringing everone back to reality, as everyone raced up the stairs. Kira sat down against the counter and strocked Elektra's head. Rick slowly approached her as if weighing his options. "What was that all about, Kira?" Kira took a breath not really wanting to explain herself or her motives but deciding it would be best. "She was just really pissing me off, and I knew that Elektra wasn't going to hurt her unless I told her to." Kira scanned his face for a reaction, but before she could he let out a laugh and put a hand on her shoulder. They both sat there in comfortable silence, Kira decided that she liked this man, he was friendly and kind. A loud commotion sounded down stairs, and Rick and Kira looked at eachother. "Looks like your needed Sheriff." Kira talked as Rick jumped up and began to go upstairs. "wait, you're not coming?" Kira shook her head vigorously, she really didn't want to see if Merle was the merle yet. "Okay." Rick shrugged his shoulders and raced upstairs. Kira stroked Elektra for a few more minutes before standing to look around the store. Kira walked around inspecting the clothes, her eyes landed on a black tank top and some nice jeans that were in her size. She picked them off of the rack and stuffed them in her backpack. Kira slowly walked to the jewlery and saw a small necklace, that had a silver crossbow pendent. The necklace slowly brought a fresh wave of emotions to Kira, she knew it was silly to be so sad over nothing but she couldn't help it. She looked towards Elektra who had her tail up and her head down. kira raised an eyebrow at her dog's behavior, then turned to see what Elektra was so tense about. Kira practically froze at what she saw. tons of walkers were banging on the door, no doubt hungry for their next meal. Well they wern't going to get it. Kira raced up the stairs and flew through the metal door leading to the roof. She came just in time to see Rick hancuffing Merle dixon to the roof, Kira place a hand over her mouth to keep from gasping. It really was him, the one who she considered a brother, one of the only people that ever cared about her. She really didn't want him to see her just yet so she redirected her mind to task at hand. Kira turned towards the man named Morales, "Do you guys have a car or anything?" Everyone looked at her including the man she was trying not to draw the attention of. "Kira is that you?" His southern drawl was hard to ignore it, but she felt like everyone was boring holes into the back of her head. "hey Dixon, how ya doin." Kira looked him dead in the eye as all the childhood memories came flooding back. 'I'd be better if ya got me out of here sugartits." Kira inwardly cringed at the nickname, and pondered the thought of asking Rick to let him out, but quickly shook the idea out of her head. "sorry Merle, nice to see ya, really is but I have stuff to do at the moment, so hang tight I'll get ya out soon." That was the best thing to say to him so he won't freak out on her, but he still looked pissed. Kira turned her attention back to Morales, "So... do ya have a car or something to get the hell out of fuck city?" Morales and T-dog exchanged glances then went back to her, "Um we did... but its sorta of out of gas." Morales said this as if he was expecting Kira to blow up at this revelation. Kira took a deep breath, rubbing the back of her head and walking to the edge of the roof. Kira looked all around the streets, stopping at a small parking lot about half a mile away, in it was a big white van, and it was perfect. "I've got it!" Everyone turned to look at Kira, some of them gripped their chests at her outburst. Kira shook her head at the looks she recieved from each of them, Kira leaped past all of the people and jumped down the stairs 3 steps at a time. Kira ran to her bag of weopens yanking out her throwing knives and strapping them to her thigh as everyone ran down the stairs after her. "Kira whats your plan?" Rick walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder giving her a smile. Kira grabbed Ricks arm and brought him to the window, when they got there she pointed towards the van and grinned wildly. Rick took a deep breath then turned towards her, "Kira it was a good idea, but it will never work... too far." Rick looked towards the rest of the group, Kira stood there thinking of a different idea. Thats when it dawned on her, she jumped away from the window causing a couple of wary glances. "Walkers find their meals by the scents, so if we disguise our smells then we'll make it there easily!" Rick looked extremely shocked, but Kira stood in the middle of the room a triumphant grin on her face. Rick rubbed his chin then shook his head smiling, "Okay I'll go, and bring the van back here." Kira jumped up when Rick said that he was going alone, no this was her idea. "No Rick, this was my idea, and I'll be damned if I let you go out there alone!" Andrea gave an extremely annoyed look in Kira's direction, but Kira just ignored the cocky bitch. Rick sighed, "I'm going too!" Glenn jumped up beside Kira and placed a hand on her shoulder, showing that he was with her, she sent a grateful smile in his direction. "Fine." Rick looked in the direction of T-dog and Morales, and they left immediatly ready to follow his orders. Kira was curious as to what they were doing but never was a nosy person. Everyone went into the next room to discuss the plan, and Kira explained how everyone needed to be ready when they returned. Kira jumped as the boys came in carrying a large male walker, they dropped it at her feet spraying her with blood. She jumped and shrieked, Rick and Glenn laughed at her reaction, she just sent them a playful glare. Rick approached the walker tearing out a small knife and slicing it open, but not before pulling out the mans wallet revealing his name and family. Kira grimaced as walker guts were slathered on her, maybe this wasn't such a good idea. After grabbing bats the three of them went towards the door preparing themselves for what they were about to do. "Ya ready?" Kira asked the two of them mostly to Glenn who looked like he was about to lose his lunch. They shook their heads and looked at the door, Kira threw it open and they burst out into the alley, heading towards the highway. They walked past all of the walkers not even drawing their attention, Kira gripped her bat even harder, she couldn't help but feel like something was going to go wrong. "Holy shit its working!" Kira couldn't help but smile considering Glenn's smile was contagious. Kira looked up at the sky as a clap of thunder filled their ears and rain began to pour down their faces. Kira looked at the boys and their eyes were the size bowling balls, and full of fear. Kira waited in the back gesturing for them to keep walking. A walker limped over to Glenn sniffing him, Kira watched as Glenn tensed. Kira couldn't take it anymore she sprinted towards him and brought her bat down to the walkers skull. "Run!" Glenn and Rick broke into a dead sprint for the fence as walkers began to chase after them. Kira remained at the back of the group watching their backs and swinging at the walkers heads repeatadly. She inwardly groaned as a walker ran straight for Glenn's arm about to take a chunk out of his arm, Kira sprinted straight for them leaping for the walker and bringing her knife into its gray skull. Glenn nodded his appreciation then continued to sprint away, Kira glanced behind her and sighed as she saw hundreds of walkers sprinting towards them. Kira glared through the raindrops splattering her face and arms, what she saw made her shutter. Rick was fighting on the ground with a walker sitting on his chest ready to take a bite out of him. He was too far away for her to use her bat, she remembered her throwing knives and tore one out. Kira chucked the knife as hard as she could at the walkers head, hitting it dead in the eye. Rick nodded at her then continued racing up the fence, Glenn was right behind him. Kira sighed in relief when both Glenn and rick were safe on the other side of the fence. She was brought back to reality when a walker grabbed her arm, she spun swinging her bat meeting it with the walkers hungry jaws, she did it again causing it to release its grip and drop to the ground with a light thud. She sprinted towards the fence breathing heavily when she neared, she continued to swing her bat at the on coming walkers spraying a layer of blood on her white tank. She gripped the fence but a hand grasped her ankle and threw her onto the cold, wet pavement. Kira hit her head hard, as the walker lowered itself down to her, fear blew through her body but it was quickly replaced with the need to fight. She reached desperatly for her bat but found nothing, Kira glanced towards her friends and they were looking at her with fear and concern in their eyes. Thats when Kira remembered the knives, she had forgotten about them twice now, she gripped one and plunged it into the walkers head. Her body racked with shivers as the cold rain slammed onto her face, she scrambled up the fence and joined Glenn and Rick on the other side. The three of them raced towards the van, but Kira grabbed Glenn's hand dragging him towards the red sports car, his eyes filled with awe as he wlked towards the car. "I need you to drive to camp in this... to distract the walkers so we can get out of here." Kira didn't want to ask this of him but it was the only way. A boyish grin flashed across his features and Kira was relieved he wasn't hurt she asked him to do this. Kira slammed her bat into the window of the car sending a chorus of sirens from the car, she shook her head at him and watched as he sped out of the parking lot. "Kira!" She was brought out of her thoughts by Rick screaming for her. She sprinted towards him, slamming the door behind her, he sped out of the parking lot smashing walkers under the large wheels as they went. When they got to the building Kira went to the back throwing the door up and knocking on the garage door leading to the basement. T-dog threw up the door and everyone started to toss bags at her, she caught each one easily. Kira fell as Elektra leaped at her and licked her reapeatadly. Everyone climbed in, "Rick!" Kira screamed as a walker reached into the van expecting an easy meal. Kira watched the streets of Atlanta as Rick sped away, geeks flooded every splotch of the city. Kira slammed the door down and sat next to T-dog stroking Elektra's fur, and glancing around at everyone, guilty looks flashed across each of their faces. For the hell of it she did a head count of everyone; Andrea the bitch, Morales, T-dog, Jaqui. Wait, "Where the hell is Merle?" Kira asked to no one in particular but expected an answer. Everyone glanced down at their laps, they looked extremly sorry. oh they will be. "I dropped the key, but I chained up the door so he's safe, he's still there." As soon as the words passed T-dog's lips Kira was on her feet and heading for the back of the van, Kira yanked up the door and prepared herself to jump. "Kira!" Rick screamed as T-dog pushed Kira behind him and slammed the door down. "Let me go, so I can save his ass." Kira said this through clenced teeth towards T-dog. Kira just couldn't believe that they left someone hand cuffed to a roof, maybe this group shouldn't be trusted. Yeah Kira wasn't too fond of Merle but he was like a brother to her, and these jackasses left him on a roof to die. "Sorry Kira, but I'm not letting you go." Kira looked at Rick as he said these simple words, she took a deep breath and sat down against the cool metal. "I think that all he did was cause problems, and that thats all Kira is going to do." Andrea's words were like venom, but it made Kira want to rip her throat out. Kira jumped up and charged at Andrea, "Listen, the only reason I haven't fed you to the walkers yet is because maybe just maybe you could be of some use to this group, its doubtful but possible. But if you so much as look at me the wrong way again, I promise you that I won't hesitate to kick your ass." Kira took a deep breath and sat behind the drivers seat, stroking Elektra's soft fur and trying to calm down. "Look everyone I'm sorry that my temper got out of control." Kira barly mumbled the words but she didn't want this group to think that she couldn't control her temper. Everyone in the van gave her understanding looks, well except Andrea, but she wasn't joking about kicking that bitch's ass. Kira closed her eyes to get some sleep before they got back to camp. "Look don't feel bad, no ones going to miss Merle." Morales was speaking to Rick and Kira couldn't help but overhear, she didn't want to eves drop but they were speaking so loud. "Well except maybe Daryl." Kira fought the urge to jump up and scream yes at this new revelation, Daryl was alive and she was going to see him again. Daryl.
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Sorry it took so long, please message me personally or leave a comment. Don't be a silent reader. Thank you. :D