
Story Time

I could never get my head around this.

Every time I think about it... its completely... bizarre. I can't even manage to comprehend how all for this happened. But all I know, is that I can't stop telling this story...

Have you ever read a book that was so good, you wanted to read it again, and again? A book that's just so good, that you would tell everyone about it if you could? Suggest it to your friends... your acquaintances, even family? I have a book like that. But I'm not talking about a book now... I'm talking about this... tale. No, my story. My story.


I was drowsy to say the least. Very drowsy. My eyes wondered from all corners of what seemed to be a carriage. There were only two people with me. One of them was a boy, who looked about ten or eleven. Maybe he was older? I couldn't really tell. In fact, I wasn't too sure this was a boy at all either. Heshe had such feminine features. Long lashes that framed a beautiful azure eye. A small mouth and nose. His whole face was girlish, even his hand looked girly, which was currently underneath his chin. The only thing that really saved my guess, was that he had short, black-blue hair, and was wearing a... cape?


I sniffed, and immediately the smell of sugar smacked me in the face. The sickly sweet smell made me want to vomit. Instead I held it in, and looked beside me. Holy crap on a cracker. This man was gorgeous. That was the sexiest being I've ever seen...

I swallowed hard, but that ended up making me choke, and cough. "Ahh, our guest is awake..." the sexy man said next to me. I coughed some more, clearing my throat. Thank goodness for the blindfold Winter had made for me. That way he couldn't see me staring him like an idiot.



I shot up, because apparently I was laying down, and that caused a bit of commotion. "S-SEBASTIAN! COVER HER!" Immediately, I felt a fabric move from underneath my butt, and something black go over top my shoulders and chest.


"Excuse me, miss, but you are currently naked."

I could feel my face turn a wonderful shade of red. Ohhh god.

I fumed silently in my head as to why or how I even became so clad in the first place. "Well, since you're awake, now would be the best time to ask your name, right?" The boy said. He now sat with his knees facing me, a look on his face that showed he was waiting.

"My name is Annie Underling."

"I am Ciel Phantomhive. This is my butler Sebastian Michaelis. Do you have any idea as to where you are?"

I blinked underneath the blindfold. That stumped me. Where was I? I'm definitely not in Canada anymore... nor am I in Tokyo with Tina... Laina is obviously no where to be seen... Ivan isn't here with me... I looked out the window of the carriage (I had confirmed that with myself that it was in fact a carriage that was carrying me.) and saw only green lush lawns and big bushes.

"No." I mumbled.

Ciel gave a sigh, "Do you know today's date?" He asked, and I looked at him. Like I really looked at him, hard. He couldn't see it because of my blindfold, but I was examining every inch of him. Judging his clothing and the important air around him... then it hit me that this sexy man next to me, was his butler. He was obviously rich. And he was obviously British. I swallowed hard, I felt like my answer was the wrong one to give, but it was worth a shot, right?

"May 25, 2011?" I answered. The boy looked astonished for a moment, before reverting to his expression before. Ciel cleared his throat, "May 25, 2011?" He repeated. I nodded, and I looked at the man next to me, and noticed he was staring at me with quite the bewildered expression. "Am I wrong?" I asked. The butler spoke this time, "I'm afraid very much so, Miss Annie."