
A Hungry Demon Is Never A Good Thing...

I watched in slight awe, and horror as the man fell to the ground, convulsing within himself. Of course, humans can't handle the effect my eyes have on them. And especially when they're blazing like this...

I almost fancied that he would die like this. His body rejecting all invasions my mind was bringing upon him, and my energy attacking him just as fiercely... I walked forward... Feral was going to come out. And this time... I really couldn't hold her back.

Ever hold in a sneeze? Or a yawn? Or broke a rubber band? It feels like that. Like something is being held back, but then suddenly snaps... I felt myself slip away as I normally do when I go into Feral. I wonder... how will his body look when I come to?


I felt a pressure on my eyes as I opened them, and in felt my body being restrained with a terrible bone crushing force. Of course, I wasn't that delicate, but it still hurt. I let out a groan, letting the legal know that it wasn't necessary anymore. I felt the grip soften, but not let go.

"Miss Annie, can you hear me?"

I immediately recognized who it was. "Yeah, Sebastian. I can hear you... you can let me go now." I said. Judging by how long of a pause that followed, Sebastian was loudly sighing that but let me go anyways. Stepping forward, my knee gave way. I would have fallen, if a certain butler wasn't there. "You burned him quite a bit, Miss Annie..." he said, I opened my eyes slightly, seeing a trail of... charcoal? I frowned and furrowed my brows, I shook my head. "Wha-"

"I came just before you were about to rip out his throat... what exactly did he do?" He asked, and I swallowed, shutting my eyes and turning my head towards him. "He took off my blindfold while I was holding back Feral. I can only hold her back for so long... I'm not that strong."

"You talk as if this side of you is a separate person, Miss Annie..."

"She might as well be." I murmured, and stood myself straight. Steadying myself, I felt something wrap around my head, and rest over my eyes. I opened them, and saw Sebastian's face looking at me. I couldn't tell what it was that was in his eyes... was it awe? Curiosity? Or was it shock, and terror? I couldn't read the emotion, but it was there.

I swallowed back a lump in my throat, then sighed. "What do we do now?" I asked, and Sebastian grinned slightly, "Nothing. Except prepare for bed, my lady. You seemed to have finished the job for me. Though I was looking forward to it... I did manage to make him break his leg on his way down the stairs..." he said, and I held back a scowl. Could I blame him? He was a demon after all...

"You owe me, you know that, right demon?" I said. Sebastian only smirked, and chuckled. "Of course. After all, I am simply one hell of a butler." He said, and this time I let myself scowl at him. Now, was it necessary to hint at it so often as he did?


I looked at myself in the mirror, checking my back, my arms, my legs...

They all held the scars of the past. Some healed as I was regrowing on earth, some, just got smaller and less noticeable. But others, stayed where they were. My wrists and ankles never changed at all either. The places where the thorns would rub my skin raw, and cut into it, were still very visible. Then I looked at my neck. Thorns made their mark there too... I heard a knock at the door, and I turned around suddenly. Who would be up at this ungodly hour? Oh, right...

I opened the door, knowing who it is. "May I come in?" He asked, and I nodded, walking away from the door, and to my bed. Sitting on it calmly. "You need somethin' butler?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. Sebastian shook his head, "No. But I came to give you another maids uniform for tomorrow." He said, walking over and resting it beside me. I saw a flash suddenly in his eyes, and I blinked. He didn't look too good. "Uhh, Sebastian? You okay?" I asked, and he blinked. "Yes, why?" He asked. I frowned, and looked at him closely for a moment.

"Your eyes don't normally turn pink all of a sudden, do they?" I asked, and Sebastian looked a bit surprised. "Only when I'm hungry." He said, and I blinked, shocked with his answer. His desirous eyes locked on mine, and once again, they turned pink and reptilian like. "Why don't you just go and find someone in jail or something and take their soul?" I asked. Having a hungry demon is never a good thing.


Having a hungry demon in your room is never a good thing.


To make it worse? He smiled.

"Ah, but you see, I'm a rather picky eater, Miss Annie." Well THAT'S an interesting way to put it. "And Young Master's soul is the only thing I desire... though... yours does smell good." He said, the last part was quiet, and more for himself than it was for me to hear. I frowned. "You're not going to eat me, demon. Get that straight..." I said. Sebastian smirked, and I frowned. "Do not worry, that's understood, Miss Annie." He said. I blinked... feeling a bit guilty...


I sighed, then put my wrist to my lips, my teeth grazing the weak and sensitive skin there. The skin broke, and I almost heard Sebastian choke at the action. "Miss Annie!" He said, bewildered by my strange behavior. I tasted my own blood in my mouth, and looked at it. "That's a bit cruel to open a wound in front of me, don't you think?" He said. I could hear the hunger in his voice. I sighed, and shook my head. I held out my split and bleeding wrist to him.

"Snack time." I said, and watched the beautiful shock and surprise unwind on his face. Oh that was glorious.

He blinked for a moment, then looked at my wrist, then at me, then back at my wrist. I couldn't help but get a bit impatient. "Suck on it man!" I exclaimed, and immediately Sebastian started to move. His gloved hands took my hand, and he lowered his lips to it gently. When his lips and my wrist were only a few centimeters away, his tongue came out and licked up the excess blood that was dripping down my wrist. His tongue was surprisingly warm and soft. He licked it carefully, before his lips clamped over the wound, and he started to suck.

I winced as he was taking his "snack" forcibly. "Don't do it so hard... it hurts." I said, frowning as he opened his eyes. They were glassy, but his iris was pink. Like the gates of hell really were held inside of them. His pupils were thin slits, not even opening a bit. He closed his eyes again, and muzzled his lips deeper into the warmness of my wrist. He was breathing heavily, restraining himself I'm sure. I could feel him breathing through his nose after all. For a moment I thought I saw a bead of sweat form on his forehead. Wow. He was really working at this. I didn't feel lightheaded, but I did feel my eyes flame.

Suddenly, he jerked his head back, standing up, he looked at me, an expression of shock on his face. "Sebastian?" I asked, furrowing my brows. He put his hand to his mouth, and faucet. Pink liquid spurted through his fingers, and I blinked, my eyebrows going back up. What just happened? He took his hand away, and visibly swallowed the mouthful of blood he had. He gasped, and looked at me. He looked... dazed. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" I asked, and Sebastian blinked. "Miss Annie, did you put something in your blood?" He asked, and I was taken aback.

"No. Why? Sebastian, sit down, you look as if you're going to faint..." I said. Getting up, I dragged Sebastian back to the bed. My wrist stopped bleeding and was no longer open. Instead it was haled over, perfectly close. But there was no time to pay attention to that. I pushed him back against the wall where my pillow sat.

Having a hungry demon in your room alone with you, and who is about to possibly die, or loose consciousness, either one being bad, is never a good thing.

And we have a winner!
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Soooo whattaya think? I'm not sure what think if this chapter only you get to FEEL the SebxAnnie vibe here. Tho you will find out why that happened poor bass soon enough. Like... in chapter 25 you will. Look forward to it!

Also, something happens which will also be answered in or around chapter 25. Aaaaaand this is the end of the arc and a new one with the theme of finding out what the origin of the name 'Phoelmogen' and all that jizz is next chapter so yea be happy and shit.