
Phoelmogen: Phoelli Finctus

A girl looked down at herself, the dress she had on was completely white, and hung down like a rag. She then felt a tugging at her arm, and looked up at a halo of dark, blue black hair. No smile tugged at her lips, and her eyes were of a dark, gold color. She had a young face, but was far from young. The girl instinctively took her hand, and they walked together through the thick brush.

"Phoelli. Please control yourself. If you ever want to rule over the people of Rosebund, you need to keep your eyes from blazing." The woman scolded, and Phoelli looked down, a bit disappointed at herself. She couldn't help that! They just blazed without her knowing.

She concentrated on calming down her senses. When she looked back up, the woman smiled in approval. "Keep that up, Phoelli. I need someone to keep these people in check..." she said.

"Master Imogen. Where are we going exactly?" She asked. Imogen didn't answer, but instead lead the girl further into the brush.


Ciel frowned at me, and I paused. "Phoelli? Imogen? How exactly do these people have significance?" He asked, and I frowned. Such an impatient kid. Really, he could t wait until I was finished to start asking me questions. "They have great significance, now hush up." I said, and Ciel sighed impatiently.


The room, to say the least was dark. Not a ray of sunlight shone through anywhere, and Phoelli had a hard time seeing without her eyes, and Imogen wouldn't let her blaze. Instead, she pulled out a suddenly lit lamp from somewhere. Phoelli jumped, and Imogen looked down. Amused at her apprentice." How did you light it, Master?" Imogen simply smirked at the little girl, who stared in awe. "You did, Phoelli. You're emitting so much energy from keeping your eyes calm that its seeping out of your skin. Your literally a walking combustion chamber. Be careful where you walk will you?" She said, and Phoelli's eyes widened in shock at her own ability.

Pretty soon, they were able to make out the outlines of the room. There was a bed, a drawer, and a mirror. Phoelli looked at her own face when they passed the mirror. It was wide, and wondering. As a young girl should be. Brown, long wavy hair hung down on either side of her face, parted in the middle. Her eyes were of light yellow, and her skin was tanned. Unlike her Master, who was deathly pale, and had blueish hair. Her eyes were yellow as well, but much more deep than Phoelli's, which seemed to just have light bouncing off of them at all times.

"Malum est! Et dixit ad me certe in aquis viventibus, quod messor! An non erat difficile monent tantum de actu habere exitum? Non concidat? Non faucet? Quod bastardus messorem Theo!" (1)

Phelli jumped as her master continued to slur out insults at their "friend" Theo. The Reaper who is supposedly "helping" them. Phoelli turned to look at her Master, putting down the lantern, and putting a hand at her forehead. "Well, I'm sure you can figure it out." Imogen said. Phoelli frowned. She knew what was to happen next.

"Magister, ne hic me. Non placet hoc ad minimum. Non tamen oportet doceatis? Ut indices eis, utique." (2) Phoelli copied her Masters language, and Imogen gave her a tender look.

"Vos have ut vado per eandem doctrinam regibus dominari fecit Rosebund, Phoelli. Mes cura dabo tibi annos decem. Cum tibi afferam ... sis maior, vires temperare. Perdidistis Rosebund Populus autem regere potest non eos ipsa ... satis sunt. Spero posse in decem annos Regina habebo manus." (3) Imogen said tenderly. Phoelli, the whole time shook her head, tears stinging her eyes. "Hold them in. A Queen should not cry." She said. Phoelli jumped in shock at her Masters now English words, then nodded.

"I will be back in ten years, Phoelli. Be careful, ignis perniciosior." (4) She said, and quickly left. Phoelli was left alone in the unknown house.

Feeling very empty...


Ciel gave me a strange look that flashed back and forth between slightly confused, and highly disbelieving. "Why would her master leave her in the care of Reapers? To rule these people?"

I sighed and shrugged, "In Rosebund, the king, before chosen, must undergo a ten year process of training. Fighting, arithmetic... that sort of thing. Well, Phoelli was already well versed in many languages, and knew basic and advanced arithmetic from a young age on. It was necessary if she were to ever prove that she was a suitable Queen. The only ones allowed to enter the shared ruler ship were men. Their wives ruling beside them. However... that method of ruling was undeniably old fashioned, and the kings soon turned for the worst. That's why, Imogen put up this proposition to the Reapers. The Reapers hated the kings, but were indebted to them..." I explained. Ciel rose an eyebrow, "So what happened after the ten years? Did she become Queen?" Ciel asked. I gave him a half smile...



After ten years, the thick brush surrounding the house, was now a dense forest. Giant trees now guarded the humble cottage that was Phoelli's home. She had now grown into a woman. Long hair that touched the floor when she stood straight, and when she crouched down it surrounded her in a thick blanket of curly mess. Her eyes didn't blaze as much, and you could see her eyes were still as light and as playful as ever. Thick light brown lashes framed them, and her beauty was to out all woman to shame.

She walked outside of her home, and looked around. She no linger carried weapons with her. They were unnecessary, and would drag her Dow . They were unneeded weight to her.

She walked out into the woods, the sounds of animals and the normal rustling of trees sounded around her. Walking calmly, she let her senses die down, and she continued on without suspicion. It was normal for the girl to walk on her own in her woods. She considered everything inside the dense woods to be hers.

She walked a while longer, without concern... until her nose wrinkled. She smelled something. Something awful. It smelled like... her eyes widened, and she rushed forward. And her eyes met the sight of something gruesome indeed.

A black, shiny, jagged rock stuck up from the ground. It glinted in the sunlight that seeped through the tree tops, and caught her eyes. Though it sparkled, it was no question very suspicious. Her eyes trailed down, and she let out a gasp. A body. A male body. Was pierced straight through, right up the stomach. Blood spilled out, and didn't even coat the jagged rock, but seeped through into the ground beneath him. His arms and legs spread out in a starfish kind of way, and hung helplessly at his sides. His body arched away from the ground, and his head was hanging lamentably a few inches above the ground. Phoelli didn't waste anytime. Spreading her hands up in the air, she honed her senses on the jagged rock. When she was deflected, as if she was smack across the face with some type of dark matter, she immediately recognized who it belonged to. Furiously, she forced her way, and overpowered the dark matter, and her eyes began to blaze maliciously. And soon, the rock was sucked back into the ground. Her arms still up, she panted. She was going to kill who did this.

Rushing over to the body that was released, she bent down and touched the mans face. Her eyes widened, he looked so... at peace. As if he was sleeping... she brushed a gentle hand over his temple, and sighed.

She had to do something... a body here... and without trying to save them? Futile as it may be, she bent over the body and pressed her lips to the mans eye lids, then to his lips. Whispering the words she was taught to say to the dining during healing.

"O, et non placebunt adsum ... formosus animus mori. Audite me ... me servet. Sed!" (5)

Feeling the large hole close up over her floating hand, her Shea stopped their blazing, and she heard a gasp, and felt the mans mouth open. She leaned back, and watched him with interest. His eyes were open, and his mouth was agape.

"Wha-Qu'est-ce qui se passe? Pourquoi êtes-vous m'embrasses fille?" (6) The man stuttered. Phoelli's eyes widened at his language, and quickly switched to accommodate his communication needs. "Calmez-vous. Vous avez réussi dans mes bois ... alors, je t'ai réveillé. Savez-vous où vous êtes?" (7)

The man blinked, then looked around him for a second, then looked at her again. "No." He said calmly, and Phoelli's ears perked up. "You speak my native tongue? I guess there's no point in trying to speak a different language then. Come up now, I'll take you to my home." Phoelli said, and with surprising strength, moved the man off the floor from his arm. He grunted, and looked down at Phoelli, surprise evident on his face. She was so much shorter than him, yet so strong...


The man examined the girls house. It looked innocent enough. The girl is what be was worried about however. Why was she all alone in the woods? This was no place for a lady... she should have a husband, or someone to take care of her. "No. I don't have a husband. Yes, I can take perfectly good care of myself." She answered all of his questions quickly. The mans eyes widened, "How did you-"

"Not important." She interrupted, handing him a cup of water. The man looked at it, twisting the cup between his thumb, and index, middle, and ring finger. "Its regular water, I have no time to be hiding bodies, nor do in care for such in my spare time if I were to poison you." Phoelli said, once again answering his silent questions. He frowned, and put the cup down on a nearby table. Phoelli eyed him carefully. She wasn't afraid of him, not at all. He was a lot taller than her. And very well built. His shoulders were broad, and his chest was wide. He looked like he was training all his life. Phoelli internally smirked, of course, she was much, much more powerful than him. Even the reapers couldn't control her. Her power... she could overpower literally anyone. And if she wanted to, she would... but she didn't. She had to wait... wait until her master comes back. She knew the Ancient was handling Rosebund's affairs from behind in her own world. Phoelli once lived in that world, watched as it overlapped with Rosebund's.

"Listen, I'm not here to be a burden on you-"

"You are a toku ni ryoko, no?" She prompted, not really willing to hear his inquiry. The mans eyebrow twitched in annoyance. He nodded slowly however, answering her question. "From which part of Rosebund?" She asked, suddenly very interested. She caught the glint of the jewelry he was wearing from a small sliver in his grape colored cape that hung over his body. "Don't you think you should learn my name first before you ask such questions?! I don't even know who you are!" He asked. Phoelli's eyes widened for a moment, but then she smiled.

"Fine then, Mr. Traveller. My name is Phoelli Finctus. I am the Comburet, to the Messorem. Phoelmogen to most others however..." she stated, her voice full of purpose. The mans eyes widened at the title, but not understanding it at all. He looked down at the girls form. She wore nothing but a black wool cape, and a white cotton dress that went down her mid calf. She looked like such a normal girl...

He looked her in the eyes, and stated his name. "I am simply Ryoko. I don't have any important titles. I am simply a traveler, as my name implies." He said, and bowed low, and Phoelli noticed his dark curls for the first time. They were long and loose. Hanging down to his shoulders. She blinked when he straightened up, looking back down at her.

"Nice to meet you, Ryoko. I have a spare room, but its in the basement." She said, and pointed at a door in the far corner of the room. He blinked, and a faint blush dusted his pale skin at the thought of sharing a house with a women. Phoelli realized this as well and cursed the Rosebund politeness and restrictions they had on people.

"Do you want to sleep outside, instead, Ryoko?" Phoelli finished, giving up on trying to convince him to stay with her inside the house at night. During the day it was perfectly fine. But when it turned nighttime... it was suddenly very, very taboo. Ryoko nodded promptly, and Phoelli deadpanned. "I swear, Rosebunds social rules get stricter and stricter. Since when is it wrong to offer your home as a place to sleep?"

"When there is a woman who owns it. Are you really not married? Or at least engaged? I mean... its rather strange to see a lady all alone, especially in these woods. Isn't it dangerous?" Ryoko asked. Phoelli looked at his face, examining his features. He didn't look too bad. He looked rather handsome actually. His eyes were the color of light lavender, almost white. She sighed and shook her head, "No. However, I do have someone calling for my hand. I don't want to marry him, let alone be stuck to his hip for the rest of my life..."

"Oh? How come I've never heard of this before?" A familiar voice said from the door way. Ryoko jumped put if the way, at the white haired man that was now before him. "Darling, you shouldn't be talking about such things with a stranger..." he said, a smile on his face which wasn't so friendly to begin with. Ryoko stared at him indifferently, though he could now see where she was coming from...

This man was an asshole.

Phoelli only gave him a glare, and turned her head away, "What do you mean I've never told you this? I think I make it pretty obvious that I don't plan on marrying you..." she said. Ryoko could only stand still, and watch the white haired man. He was a bit shorter than him, and much thinner. His skin was paler too. As if he hadn't seen the sun his whole life.

Phoelli sighed, and took off her cape, resting it on the single bed that was in the room. She crossed her arms and frowned at the white haired man, "Well Ira? Why are you here? Do you need something?" Ira only smirked at his name being said.

"Nope. Nothing at all."
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahhhh for those other language bits... you're going to have to use your imagination :T or Google translate, cuz that's what I did.

Anyway, I decided since I think Imogen doesn't really get too much love and that she is a very Ciel-like character, I would use option 4, or whatever that number was for the new fic. It will be manga/anime set. Most likely Anime since that's easier to follow...

Look forward to it! I will be working hard ^^