

"Now is no time to be playing chess..." Ciel said, and I only watched quietly as Madame Red brushed off his comment and smiled. "Maybe so, but just one more game before I leave? You can't refuse your aunt now can you?" She said, her voice sweet. I looked to the side, and saw Sebastian turn and start fiddling with some books. Really now? You try and chase me down for answers, and then pretend I don't exist? Asshat. I rolled my eyes, and looked away from him, now watching the silent game before me. They looked... content.

I looked down at my hands, and examined my scars for a moment. The uniform covered most of my wrist, but occasionally a few times it would ride up my arm and my wrist would be exposed. I pulled it down to cover, and watched as Ciel moved his piece.

"Really Ciel, there were surely other things you could do besides working as the Queens Guard Dog?" She said, and I pursed my lips as she spoke. There really weren't, now that I think about it. "Surely you couldn't just leave it all to Sebastian?" She said, and I felt a slight swell in my heart when she said his name. In her mouth, it just didn't sound quite right... it doesn't sound quite right in my mouth either. I let my mind wonder again, loosing touch with the conversation. I seem to do that often... just loose myself in my mind.

How often do I found myself being lost in thoughts of Sebastian?

Would I really kill him? I know I said I would... but could I? Do such a thing... after all I've gone through to not.

I'm such a hypocrite.

I've killed tons of people already.

Azzuro's team... actually... there have been many opportunities for me to even kill Sebastian. Just now even... I could have wrapped my arms around him and burned him... I could have even used Feral to do the job...

I don't think I would do so on purpose though.

I looked up now, seeing Madame Red standing up with her hand on Ciel's head. He looked up at her, and she smiled down at him. Her voice was gentle... I could tell that much. I felt my heart swell again. I've never had a touch quite like that before. Not once... I've been hugged, and I've been told I am loved. And I don't doubt that... I have a group of people, who are now facing Ira's wrath because of that. But... nothing like a mothers touch. I know, from having my moms memories that she has showed me the same love. A daughter and mother should have... but I never felt it. Through her eyes, I could see her hold, and stroke my hair. Hide me, when Ira began to attack us...

I closed my eyes, and sighed.

Now was not the time to be babbling about nothing. I have work to do...


I buttoned up my dress, making sure I looked common enough. Undoing the knot at the top of my head, I let my hair fall down over my shoulders. I had meant to cut it after I was all done with the Viscount situation... but I just never got around to it. It was always short, and kept that way. I never really let it grow out, except for now... I jumped when my phone vibrated on my bed.

I picked it up, and stared at the text message.

Did that beast kill u yet?

He always had a very... peculiar was of talking.

I'm alive. What do u want? I hav a job remember?

I put the phone to the side, and then walked into the bathroom. I picked up the scissors, but a knock interrupted me. Without putting them down, I walked over to the door. Opening it, I blinked then frowned at the figure behind it. "Yeah?" I asked, leaning on the doorway. He only gazed down at me, his eyes were still a bright red but weren't their angry pink. "We are getting ready to leave, Miss Annie. Are you done?" He asked, and I sighed. I opened the door fully now, and walked away from the door. I held up my scissors, and he eyed them curiously. "I was just about to cut my hair..." I said, and he gave me an almost pained look. "That's truly a shame..." he said simply, and I rolled my eyes.

I took a strand, and stared at it. It was my moms hair that I got, the color, texture, and everything. It was my dads skin that I inherited, tanned, and creamy. Kind of like caramel. I let it go, tossed the scissors to the side and sighed. "Sebastian, why were you so angry when I said I could see your true form?" I asked, and looked at him. His face betrayed nothing, and his mouth didn't move right away. It just stayed in this one thin line...

"Well?" I started, and he let his expression falter for a moment, "Its hardly anything you need to worry about, I assure you... simply... my temper seems to have gotten the best of me." He said, and I blinked.

Sebastian was throwing a temper tantrum?

That's what he is alluding to at least...

I rolled my eyes, and looked away from him. "I think I figured out why we're having such reactions... our bodies I mean. With my blood rejecting your body, and why you were burning me yesterday and all that..." I said, and then tossed my hair over my shoulder.

"Oh?" He said, and walked forward. "Yeah... Imogen called it a 'connection' before. I think when you had my blood in you, it started tying us together. Mentally, and pretty soon after... physically. Remember? When you said you couldn't move, saying you were hypnotized and all that? I was able to do the same thing to the Viscount too... but with all that burning before... I'm pretty sure that was just part of the process. Say Sebastian, you digest things differently from humans right?" I asked, and he blinked. Then nodded, "Yes. I don't produce waste, as my body absorbs all nutrition and energy from souls and blood." He said simply. I nodded, and then reached behind to grab a full hand of my hair, twisting it, I rolled it up into a bun, "Pass me that ribbon..." I said, pointing at my nightstand. He reached over, and went behind me. He started tying my hair into a bun, and stepped back. "Well, how long does that usually take?" I asked, turning around to look at him. "Only a few weeks. Its a slow process, but considering I haven't eaten in a while, it was a lot faster..." he said.

I looked down, and stared at his feet again. They were so big. I smirked slightly at the thought of him being a giant and being bigger than the mansion. I found myself leaning on him suddenly, my head touching his chest. "Sorry... about earlier, Sebastian..." I said, and nudged him with my forehead. His chest vibrated in the way it does when he speaks, and I lean into it more. I really like that... he has his hands on my shoulders now, and is holding them tightly. "Its alright. I apologize as well, for loosing my temper so blindly..." he said, his hands now on my back. Those are big too... he is just so big!

Unconsciously, I wrap my arms around his torso, only coming up to his collar bone, my arms only reached around to mid spine, and I gripped the back of his jacket. Looking up, I smiled at him. "You're really tall, you know that right?" I said, and he sighed. "I am aware..." he said. Then I narrowed my eyes, "Say, is it hard to walk in heels?" I asked, and he gave me a bewildered look, "Whatever do you mean?" He asked, and I deadpanned. Well... as best as I could with a blindfold on. "In your true form, you're wearing heels, Sebastian. That's what I mean." I said, and he rolled his eyes. "No, it is not hard." He said, and I smirked at how annoyed he sounded.

"Ahh, alright..." I said. We continued to stare at each other for a long time, still hugging, and not moving. It was nice... he was warm, and with how big he was it was like he was everywhere. It was like I couldn't move... or more like... I didn't want to. But eventually, we had to, because he broke the silence.

"We need to get going."

I nodded, and tightened my grip until he let out a grunt. "Miss Annie, I am aware that you are stronger than me you don't have to prove it..." he said, and patted my shoulders. I smiled and let go, and he straightened his suit.

I walked over to my closet and grabbed my cloak, "Yeah but sometimes I feel you need a reminder..."

"A reminder of what?"

"That your ass is mine."
♠ ♠ ♠
Annie's a pimp yo.

Lol anywayyyysss I wanted to warn you before it actually happens that, shitty I know, I will being going away for another hiatus. This time its a bit out of my actual control... you see, me and my single parent family are poor, and the house we live in? Its shit. But we live in it. In literally ten days we have to either get out or... I dunno. Do something. But we can't stay. When I update this story again after... however many long the hiatus is, then you will know that its over. Its been a a really choppy and confusing week for this story and me.

I'll probably try and post as many chapters like I did before the hiatus because I don't know how long I will be gone. I could be gone for a whole year. But this story won't end. I'll make sure to finish it before it ends and post as much as I can of the chapters left.