
A small moment at the funeral...

I leaned against the church wall, listening to the silent bells and the priest talking. I watched as Sebastian stood respectively away from the doorway.

"A rather nice touch... those roses," I say, and I watch as Undertaker begins releasing them in the wind while Ciel walked down the aisle, holding a billowing red dress over his shoulder. Sebastian nodded silently, and I frowned when Undertaker laughed. "Earl Ciel picked it out himself, that dress." He said, and I sighed. "He has good taste..." I say. No use being all awkward with Undertaker now. After all, that happened years ago.

"Say, Phoelmo-"

"My name is Annie. A-N-N-I-E. Annie. Got it? Don't call me by that title while we're here, okay?" I interrupted before Undertaker could say anything else, he only smiled and tilted his head. "Even so, I don't think I can. I'd rather stick to formalities, if you don't mind." He said, and I frowned. "Then put 'miss' at the beginning of my name. I don't go by Phoelmogen when I'm not in power." I said. Sebastian was then at my side, his hand at my lower back. "Miss Annie, what exactly does it mean, for you to be 'in power'?" He asked, and I looked down at my feet, rocking on my heels.

"It means that the long awaited Queen in Rosebund is here. That's what it means, butler." Undertaker interjected. "He's right. Because my mom had me, she couldn't do so while with a child. And she's dead now, so the responsibility falls on me. But even so, I can't do that..." I said.

I looked up, to see Sebastian's reaction, his eyes were locked on my person. Their intensity growing with each minute. "Why not, exactly?" He asked, and I started playing with a strand that was not tucked behind my ear, looping it around my finger. "The man, who is chasing me... he has everyone believing that I had killed one of the kings a long time ago, and that I'm dangerous to just be having around without a leash. Which isn't totally untrue." I said. I heard Undertaker cackle at that statement, then glared at him from underneath my blind fold.

Sebastian then proceeded to rub my lower back gently, "That's unfortunate..." he said, and I nodded. He was being very affectionate, I have to say. First groping me this morning, now this... after yesterday, he's been getting rather touchy. Not that I mind it...
♠ ♠ ♠
I can totally explain why I'm so late.

One- I was at the hospital for about a week.
Two- what can I say, you get behind on shit when that happens.

This chapter is short, I know. But... that's all I got for right now. :T sorry.